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Riga Technical University Open 2018 - F Midweek blitz

Last update 08.08.2018 11:11:10, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

Player overview for aze

13FMManafov Vugar2158AZE110111011732028,40Blitz F

Results of the last round for aze

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Nair Sanjeev19476 0 - 16 FMManafov Vugar2158

Player details for aze

FM Manafov Vugar 2158 AZE Rp:2204 Pts. 7
142Bogdanovics Kirills1515LAT4w 1201,60
228Gercans Visvaldis1869LAT4s 1203,20
34Makovskis Georgijs2325LAT6,5w 020-5,60
427Poulos Georgios1876GRE5s 1203,20
543Springis Jevgenijs1492LAT4w 1201,60
68Kretainis Kristaps2227LAT5,5s 12012,00
77FMPogosyan Stefan2243RUS8,5w 020-7,60
81FMMustaps Matiss2366LAT5,5w 12015,40
921Nair Sanjeev1947IND6s 1204,60