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Fase prèvia Campionat de Catalunya d'Edats 2018 (Vallès Oriental-Osona-Maresme) Sub-10

Darrera actualització24.02.2018 18:29:38, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Escola d'Escacs d'Osona

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4  Des5 
1Carrasco Gomez Adahara1429 16w1 21b1 5w1 11b1 2w1 3b½ 7w1 6b17,513740,534,57
2Company Fernandez Miquel1632 15b1 28w1 3b1 6w1 1b0 14w1 5b1 8w17136,540327
3Romero Gonzalez Denis1391 20w1 26b1 2w0 16b1 7w1 1w½ 14b1 5w16,5136,539,528,56
4Lambert Pont James1334 30w1 7b½ 10w0 18b1 11w1 5b0 22w1 17b15,51323523,55
5Polo Sanchez Adrian1373 9b1 24w1 1b0 12w1 6b1 4w1 2w0 3b0514145275
6Ojea Pacheco Matias1560 25w1 22b1 8w1 2b0 5w0 20b1 13w1 1w0513740265
7Toquero Gracia Laura1555 14b1 4w½ 11b½ 15w1 3b0 28w1 1b0 19w1513639,523,54
8Burriel Beltran Alex1408 35b1 23w1 6b0 14w0 24b+ 15w1 17b1 2b0513233,5245
9Carrasco Gomez Ariadna1306 5w0 -1 14b0 17w0 37b1 26w1 28b1 15w15127,529,5174
10Bruach Pujol Guillem1381 12b0 35w1 4b1 24w½ 28b½ 17w0 29b1 14w1533031,520,54
11Navarro Diaz Arnau1381 27w1 18b1 7w½ 1w0 4b0 21b0 16w1 22b14,513235214
12Palomo Moreno Marc1320 10w1 30b1 -0 5b0 13w½ 22b0 25w1 21b14,513235204
13Muñoz Cozar Marti1363 -0 -0 35b1 26w1 12b½ 25w1 6b0 24w14,5128,530174
14Abelenda Nuñez Biel1347 7w0 36b1 9w1 8b1 21w1 2b0 3w0 10b0413637,5224
15Molinos Miguelez Iago1350 2w0 19b1 27w1 7b0 16w1 8b0 21w1 9b04132,535,5194
16Fabrega Exposito Joel1338 1b0 37w1 26b1 3w0 15b0 31w1 11b0 29w1413234174
17Sentias Sánchez Arnau1341 -0 -0 36w1 9b1 18w1 10b1 8w0 4w0413132,5184
18Ortiz Gabarroca Berenguer1286 33w+ 11w0 23b1 4w0 17b0 29w0 27b1 28w+412831174
19Sol Castañe Nuria1277 28b0 15w0 -1 -0 27w1 32b1 20w1 7b0412729,5153
20Lamrani Laarous Anàs1321 3b0 34w1 28b0 29w1 23b1 6w0 19b0 31w1422929,5174
21Lardiés Arenillas Álex1324 37b1 1w0 29b1 28w½ 14b0 11w1 15b0 12w03,5131,533,519,53
22Serrano Batova Nicolai1330 29b1 6w0 24b0 31w1 25b½ 12w1 4b0 11w03,5130,533,5183
23Agàpito Garrido Guillem1328 36w1 8b0 18w0 32b½ 20w0 30b1 24b0 26w13,512627,514,53
24Fernández Raya Pablo1245 -1 5b0 22w1 10b½ 8w- -0 23w1 13b03,523235,518,52
25Montilla Morote Víctor1349 6b0 29w0 37b+ 27b1 22w½ 13b0 12b0 32w13,5428,531143
26Navarro López Marc1301 34b1 3w0 16w0 13b0 36w1 9b0 33w1 23b03128,529143
27Moya Paredes Sergi1313 11b0 33w1 15b0 25w0 19b0 36b1 18w0 37w13123,525113
28González González Ismael1362 19w1 2b0 20w1 21b½ 10w½ 7b0 9w0 18b-3233,53718,52
29Guillermo Guillen Mark1420 22w0 25b1 21w0 20b0 32w1 18b1 10w0 16b03226,529,5143
30Barnett Salar David1420 4b0 12w0 -0 -0 34b1 23w0 37b1 33w13225,52673
31Romero Orellana Raul1295 -0 -0 33b+ 22b0 35w1 16b0 34w1 20b0332424,5123
32Triguero García Saúl1297 -0 -0 34b1 23w½ 29b0 19w0 36b1 25b02,5323,52410,52
33Alsina Molins Marti1363 18b- 27b0 31w- -0 -1 35w1 26b0 30b02422,52471
34Corredera Moreno Greta1368 26w0 20b0 32w0 36b0 30w0 37w0 31b0 -11121,521,510
35Aguilar Sancho Sofia1322 8w0 10b0 13w0 -1 31b0 33b0 -0 36w-12262850
36Domingo Sola Natalia1416 23b0 14w0 17b0 34w1 26b0 27w0 32w0 35b-122424,551
37Qin Lin Ran xin1416 21w0 16b0 25w- -0 9w0 34b1 30w0 27b01525,52631

Desempat1: Manually input (after Tie-Break matches)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat4: Fide Tie-Break
Desempat5: The greater number of victories