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South African Junior Wildcard Championships 2017 U12 Open

Last update 12.01.2018 18:20:37, Creator: Petronella Piek,Last Upload: Ronald King

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Meise Keagen1139RSA 32w1 20b0 34w1 40b1 19w1 6b0 22b151002724,5
2Govender Shevern1084RSA 33b1 17w1 21b1 25w1 3b½ 7w1 5w05,5203430
3Odendaal Mikhal1065RSA 34w1 22b1 14w1 5b½ 2w½ 21b0 25w0418032,530
4Becker Matthew1060RSA 35b1 19w1 23b½ 11w0 28b0 43w½ 38b0335027,524,5
5Nguyen Minh1036RSA 36w+ 24b1 20w1 3w½ 11b1 17w1 2b16,51028,526,5
6Aldum Rocco1025RSA 37b1 21w0 27b1 18w1 25b1 1w1 7b½5,53031,528,5
7Petronio Alessandro1015RSA 38w1 26b1 40w½ 63b1 16w1 2b0 6w½5503229,5
8Van Rooyen Hanro961RSA 39b1 23w0 30b½ 26b1 40w1 28w½ 27b½4,517024,522
9Van Zyl Andru957RSA 40w0 31w0 47b0 51b1 44w½ 50b0 46w01,558017,516,5
10Viljoen Jaden950RSA 41b1 25w0 32b1 19w0 29b0 62w½ 44b13,529025,523
11Burgers Adriaan929RSA 42w1 28b½ 60w1 4b1 5w0 16b0 30b14,514027,524,5
12Williams Brett920RSA 43b1 30w1 25b0 49w0 34b1 20b0 -0338025,523
13Coetzer Quinn917RSA 44w1 40b0 38w1 20b½ 56w1 63b0 37w14,515025,523
14Janse Van Rensburg Ludik893RSA 45b1 49w1 3b0 21w0 35b1 25w0 43b1420026,524
15Roets Zanru883RSA 46w1 60b0 42w1 22b1 21w0 26b0 49w1421026,523,5
16Govender Lesharn876RSA 47b1 63w½ 31b1 23w1 7b0 11w1 21b½57029,527
17Allison Liam875RSA 48w1 2b0 46w1 60b1 49w1 5b0 26w½4,513027,525,5
18Moloi Kgothatso872RSA 49b0 45w1 37b1 6b0 38w1 27w0 62b033602724,5
19Bester Ethan868RSA 50w1 4b0 48w1 10b1 1b0 29w1 28b151102422
20Blomerus Kian860RSA 51b1 1w1 5b0 13w½ 62b1 12w1 63w½5802928
21Bosch Altus859RSA 52w1 6b1 2w0 14b1 15b1 3w1 16w½5,54030,528
22Jonkers Deon841RSA 53b1 3w0 41b1 15w0 46b1 49b1 1w0423022,521,5
23Van Straaten Matthys839RSA 54w1 8b1 4w½ 16b0 63w0 37b0 50w13,52802724,5
24Zwane Khwezi838RSA 55b1 5w0 49b0 41w0 47b0 54w0 51b1255020,519,5
25Macdonald Brandon822RSA 56w1 10b1 12w1 2b0 6w0 14b1 3b15902926
26Van Jaarsveld Heinu821RSA 57b1 7w0 59b1 8w0 41b1 15w1 17b½4,516024,523
27Africa Gillmore811RSA 63w0 62b1 6w0 42b1 60w1 18b1 8w½4,512028,525,5
28Holmes Alex805RSA 59b1 11w½ 63b0 50w1 4w1 8b½ 19w041902724,5
29Van Der Bank Zak789RSA 60w0 46b0 51w1 45b1 10w1 19b0 56w1425021,520,5
30Singh Nimai778RSA 61b+ 12b0 8w½ 62b0 39w1 40b1 11w03,530024,522
31Reddy Keane769RSA 62w½ 9b1 16w0 56b0 43w0 47w½ 41b½2,546022,521
32Van Der Walt Leo754RSA 1b0 47w1 10w0 46b0 45w0 51b1 59b½2,55102120
33De Villiers Louis753RSA 2w0 48b0 52w½ 53b1 57w1 56b½ 42w1426018,517,5
34Francis Aaron747RSA 3b0 51w1 1b0 47w1 12w0 42b0 45w½2,545022,521,5
35Jones William736RSA 4w0 50b½ 56w½ 48b1 14w0 45b1 60w½3,532020,518,5
36Davids Rafael734RSA 5b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0061017,516,5
37Paraian Nicolai732RSA 6w0 52b1 18w0 57b½ 50b1 23w1 13b03,53102321,5
38Buitendag Tristan729RSA 7b0 53w1 13b0 59w1 18b0 46w1 4w142402221
39Chang Sebastian722RSA 8w0 54b½ 62w0 52b1 30b0 57w1 47b02,547022,521
40Simpson Michael709RSA 9b1 13w1 7b½ 1w0 8b0 30w0 54b02,54302725,5
41Ramjith Rehaan699RSA 10w0 55b1 22w0 24b1 26w0 60b0 31w½2,55002120
42Jordaan Wian697RSA 11b0 57w1 15b0 27w0 59b1 34w1 33b0341023,522
43Attwell Rowan692RSA 12w0 56b0 53w½ 54w1 31b1 4b½ 14w0342020,519,5
44Olivier Coenraad667RSA 13b0 59w0 57b0 55w1 9b½ 52w1 10w02,55301716
45Boshoma Chifundo660RSA 14w0 18b0 55w1 29w0 32b1 35w0 34b½2,552020,519,5
46Nel Zander657RSA 15b0 29w1 17b0 32w1 22w0 38b0 9b1340024,523
47Snyman David655RSA 16w0 32b0 9w1 34b0 24w1 31b½ 39w13,533018,517
48Visser Ruan655RSA 17b0 33w1 19b0 35w0 52b0 59w0 55w125402322
49Prinsloo Reinhardt650RSA 18w1 14b0 24w1 12b1 17b0 22w0 15b033902523
50Alho Mario649RSA 19b0 35w½ 54b1 28b0 37w0 9w1 23b02,544024,523
51Naude Enrique636RSA 20w0 34b0 29b0 9w0 55b1 32w0 24w0159118,517,5
52Fritz Georg632RSA 21b0 37w0 33b½ 39w0 48w1 44b0 57b12,549021,520
53Waring Gabriel614RSA 22w0 38b0 43b½ 33w0 54b0 55b0 -11,55702019,5
54Jacobs Tiaan611RSA 23b0 39w½ 50w0 43b0 53w1 24b1 40w13,53401716
55Wilson Juan-Jacques605RSA 24w0 41w0 45b0 44b0 51w0 53w1 48b0160013,512,5
56Zingoni Ngaakudzwe588RSA 25b0 43w1 35b½ 31w1 13b0 33w½ 29b0337026,524
57Croeser Enzo570RSA 26w0 42b0 44w1 37w½ 33b0 39b0 52w01,556022,520
58Nkosi Mzwakhe556RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0062017,516,5
59Mofokeng Kamohelo537RSA 28w0 44b1 26w0 38b0 42w0 48b1 32w½2,548022,520,5
60Bertelsmann Alexander0NAM 29b1 15w1 11b0 17w0 27b0 41w1 35b½3,527027,525
61Munyere Musa0BOT 30w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0063017,516,5
62Taole Bokamoso0RSA 31b½ 27w0 39b1 30w1 20w0 10b½ 18w142202421,5
63Reddy Thacian917RSA 27b1 16b½ 28w1 7w0 23b1 13w1 20b½56031,528

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)