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Darrera actualització03.03.2018 00:53:34, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Cespedes Llaverias Llibert2110 14b1 9w1 16b+ 27w+ 2b1 4w0 10b1 3w0639,535,532
2Cardenas Fernando Adrian2175 20w1 5b½ 7w1 17b1 1w0 6b½ 16w1 9b1636,53327
3Vargas Drechsler Carlos2130 19b1 16w0 9b0 24w1 15b1 13w+ 4w1 1b16353223
4Daguro Dasalla Armando2127 17w½ 12b½ 21w1 16b1 6w½ 1b1 3b0 10w15,533,531,524,5
5Volart Buil Jordi1912 28b1 2w½ 27b0 8w½ 11b1 18w½ 12b½ 14w15383521,5
6Martin Valentin Francesc1982 21w½ 30b1 23w1 10b½ 4b½ 2w½ 9b½ 7w½534,532,524,5
7Torrents Ludewig Miquel2063 22b1 26w1 2b0 -0 16w½ 23b1 13w1 6b½5312922,5
8Cabello Llopis Joan Emili2028 -0 21b½ 30w1 5b½ 9w0 22b1 17w1 16b15292718
9Marquinez Costa Victor1904 25w1 1b0 3w1 13b- 8b1 17b1 6w½ 2w04,537,53522
10Solsona Olive Xavier2004 26b0 22w1 15b1 6w½ 28b1 12w1 1w0 4b04,5312922,5
11Aguilo Pinol Fernando2102 30w½ -0 29b1 -0 5w0 20b1 26w1 23b14,527,525,516
12Orriols Codina Joan1924 29b½ 4w½ 28b½ 26w1 27w+ 10b0 5w½ -04323020,5
13Lleyda Naval Justo1934 -0 24w1 26b½ 9w+ 17w½ 3b- 7b0 21b1430,528,518
14Iglesias Lopez Albert1885 1w0 -0 24b0 -1 21w1 25b1 15w1 5b0429,527,514
15Navarro Fornos Pere Josep1904 -0 33b1 10w0 25b1 3w0 29w+ 14b0 22w142926,516
16Galceran Porqueras Joan1922 33w1 3b1 1w- 4w0 7b½ 28w1 2b0 8w03,5393620
17Pereda Villalba Julian1886 4b½ 29w1 18b1 2w0 13b½ 9w0 8b0 19w½3,538,535,519,5
18Custodio Criado Jofre1992 -0 31b1 17w0 21b1 22w1 5b½ -0 -03,5282617,5
19Asensio Sanchez Daniel1888 3w0 25b1 -0 -0 29b½ 32w+ 23w½ 17b½3,52825,513,5
20Aparicio Escudero Hector F.1902 2b0 28w0 31b½ 29w0 32b1 11w0 25w1 26b13,527,525,510
21Cubeles Marquez Albert1700 6b½ 8w½ 4b0 18w0 14b0 -1 29w+ 13w0336,533,512,5
22Delgado Fernandez Luis1845 7w0 10b0 33w+ 32w1 18b0 8w0 28b1 15b033330,513
23Martin Sanchez Antoni1904 32b1 27w½ 6b0 28w0 26b1 7w0 19b½ 11w0332,530,516,5
24Sanchez De Medina Vilagrasa Enr1741 -0 13b0 14w1 3b0 25w0 -0 31w+ 30b+330,5289
25Cervera Alemany Serafi1649 9b0 19w0 -1 15w0 24b1 14w0 20b0 29w1330,527,511
26Molina Tabernero Jordi1719 10w1 7b0 13w½ 12b0 23w0 30b+ 11b0 20w02,533,530,514
27Corominas Garrido Jordi2004 31w1 23b½ 5w1 1b- 12b- -0 -0 -02,5322917,5
28Casabona Fina David1678 5w0 20b1 12w½ 23b1 10w0 16b0 22w0 -02,530,52815
29De Moura Campos Marco Esteves1700 12w½ 17b0 11w0 20b1 19w½ 15b- 21b- 25b02292711
30Sanfeliu Lopez Jaume1878 11b½ 6w0 8b0 31w- -1 26w- -0 24w-1,532308
31Hernandez Lopez Jose Miguel1801 27b0 18w0 20w½ 30b+ -0 -0 24b- -01,531,528,58
32Quintanilla Paz-Soldan Mario1647 23w0 -1 -0 22b0 20w0 19b- -0 -012926,57
33Tahir Andrew1700 16b0 15w0 22b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0030,5280

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Fide Tie-Break