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2018 Australian Championship

Last update 12.01.2018 05:12:14, Creator: alanachibnall,Last Upload: Australian Chess Enterprises

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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. TB1 
1GMIllingworth Max2494AUS 19b1 11w1 8b1 10w1 3b1 2w½ 4b½ 5w1 6b1 13w1 9b1102408
2GMSmirnov Anton2527AUS 24b1 12w1 4b1 3w½ 8b1 1b½ 5w½ 6w½ 14b1 7b1 11w192409
3IMDale Ari2356AUS 17b1 5w1 6b1 2b½ 1w0 20w1 12b1 4w0 10b1 14w1 13b18,52413
4GMLy Moulthun2480AUS 23b1 16w1 2w0 14b1 13w1 5b½ 1w½ 3b1 7w1 6b½ 8w½82410
5IMCheng Bobby2504AUS 21w1 3b0 33w1 15b1 9w1 4w½ 2b½ 1b0 11w½ 20w1 6w½72350
6IMIzzat Kanan2487AZE 33w1 15b½ 3w0 7b½ 21w1 9b1 13w1 2b½ 1w0 4w½ 5b½6,52380
7FMClarke Brandon G I2360ENG 27w½ 22b0 16b1 6w½ 30b1 10w1 8b½ 15w1 4b0 2w0 14b16,52308
8IMMorris James2477AUS 26w1 9b1 1w0 21b1 2w0 15b1 7w½ 14b0 13w0 22w1 4b½62343
9FMNakauchi Gene2208AUS 34b1 8w0 29b1 11w1 5b0 6w0 10b0 30w1 15b1 17w1 1w062288
10IMXie George Wendi2369AUS 25w½ 27b1 18w1 1b0 15w½ 7b0 9w1 12b1 3w0 11b0 20w162285
11WGMGuichard Pauline2269FRA 32w1 1b0 25w½ 9b0 34w1 21b1 14w0 22w1 5b½ 10w1 2b062271
12IMBrown Andrew2293AUS 28w1 2b0 21w0 25b1 27w1 18b1 3w0 10w0 20b0 29b1 23w162222
13IMLane Gary W2401AUS 16b0 30w1 23b1 20w½ 4b0 29w1 6b0 24w1 8b1 1b0 3w05,52299
14IMSolomon Stephen J2365AUS 29b0 17w1 32b1 4w0 20b½ 22w1 11b1 8w1 2w0 3b0 7w05,52270
15FMPuccini Jack2278AUS 31b1 6w½ 22b1 5w0 10b½ 8w0 30b1 7b0 9w0 24w1 17b½5,52254
16FMO`Chee Kevin2120AUS 13w1 4b0 7w0 27b0 28w1 19b½ 21w½ 29b½ 32w1 18b½ 22w½5,52190
17Yang Ray2003AUS 3w0 14b0 34w½ 28b½ 31w1 27b½ 19w1 32b1 18w½ 9b0 15w½5,52161
18WGMZhang Jilin2267AUS 30b½ 29w1 10b0 22w½ 32b½ 12w0 23b1 20w½ 17b½ 16w½ 19b½5,52127
19FMReilly Tim2169AUS 1w0 -0 31b1 29w½ 22b½ 16w½ 17b0 28b½ 30w1 21b1 18w½5,52118
20Kargosha Bahman2210IRI 22w½ 25b½ 26w1 13b½ 14w½ 3b0 32w½ 18b½ 12w1 5b0 10b052277
21FMLoh Zachary2193AUS 5b0 31w1 12b1 8w0 6b0 11w0 16b½ 26w1 24b½ 19w0 29b152268
22Asaka Samuel1959AUS 20b½ 7w1 15w0 18b½ 19w½ 14b0 27w1 11b0 28w1 8b0 16b½52253
23Ferozkohi Ihsan2130GER 4w0 28b1 13w0 34b0 26w½ 25b1 18w0 27b1 29w½ 32b1 12b052171
24FMKethro Michael2195AUS 2w0 26b0 28w½ 31b1 25w1 32b½ 29w½ 13b0 21w½ 15b0 30b152163
25CMWillathgamuwa Kevin2113AUS 10b½ 20w½ 11b½ 12w0 24b0 23w0 28b½ 31b0 -1 26w½ 33b+4,52171
26Wright Neil S2126AUS 8b0 24w1 20b0 30w0 23b½ 28w0 33w1 21b0 31w½ 25b½ 32w14,52140
27Winkelman Albert2017AUS 7b½ 10w0 30b½ 16w1 12b0 17w½ 22b0 23w0 33b½ 31w½ -14,52131
28Hardegen Andrew1999AUS 12b0 23w0 24b½ 17w½ 16b0 26b1 25w½ 19w½ 22b0 33w1 31b½4,52126
29Huynh Arthur2042AUS 14w1 18b0 9w0 19b½ 33w1 13b0 24b½ 16w½ 23b½ 12w0 21w042236
30Parle Hughston1961AUS 18w½ 13b0 27w½ 26b1 7w0 34b1 15w0 9b0 19b0 -1 24w042193
31CMWillathgamuwa Rowan1980AUS 15w0 21b0 19w0 24w0 17b0 33b½ -1 25w1 26b½ 27b½ 28w½42123
32Leaver Kyle1973AUS 11b0 -1 14w0 33b1 18w½ 24w½ 20b½ 17w0 16b0 23w0 26b03,52182
33McNamara Gary2134AUS 6b0 34w1 5b0 32w0 29b0 31w½ 26b0 -1 27w½ 28b0 25w-32115
34Silver Dmitri1905AUS 9w0 33b0 17b½ 23w1 11b0 30w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,52149

Tie Break1: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)