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Tie-break: Anand - Fedoseev 1,5 : 0,5

King Salman World Rapid Championship 2017 Open

Last update 29.12.2017 07:44:49, Creator: tkarali,Last Upload: IRMA UND WERNER STUBENVOLL

Player overview for bel

97GMMalakhatko Vadim2551BEL½00101½10011½017,57325942024,20Open

Results of the last round for bel

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
154119GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2740 0 - 1 GMMalakhatko Vadim255197

Player details for bel

GM Malakhatko Vadim 2551 BEL Rp:2594 Pts. 7,5
130GMBacrot Etienne2706FRA7,5w ½204,20
222GMPonomariov Ruslan2731UKR7,5s 020-5,20
316GMOnischuk Vladimir2748UKR9,5w 020-5,00
4120Al Zamel Khaled2016KSA4,5s 1201,60
557GMKokarev Dmitry2668RUS9s 020-6,80
6107IMAl-Saffar Araz Basim Mohammed2368IRQ6,5w 1205,20
759GMVolokitin Andrei2666UKR8s ½203,20
860GMSalgado Lopez Ivan2665ESP7,5w 12013,20
949GMBocharov Dmitry2678RUS6,5s 020-6,60
1077GMNaiditsch Arkadij2634AZE6,5w 020-7,80
11115IMMinko Vladimir2267RUS6,5s 1203,20
1231GMMeier Georg2703GER8w 12014,00
1372GMPotkin Vladimir2647RUS8s ½202,60
1451GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2676IND8w 020-6,60
1519GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2740UKR6,5s 12015,00