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Torneo de Maestros - Campeonato Paraguayo Absoluto 2017

Last update 22.12.2017 16:40:33, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

Starting rank list of players

1GMBachmann Axel3700488PAR2627
5GMDelgado Ramirez Neuris3503631PAR2622
2GMFranco Ocampos Zenon2209381PAR2493
6IMVazquez Guillermo3702308PAR2426
4FMLatorre Matias3701107PAR2359
7FMAlmiron Antonio3701166PAR2323
9CMJodorcovsky Werjivker Paulo3700305PAR2258
3WFMVargas Gabriela3700860PAR2111
8CMBenitez Galeano Alejandro3703568PAR2050
10Alarcon Jose3700836PAR1991