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Torneo Academia 2018

Last update 17.01.2018 21:27:11, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1Tregarthen Emiliano3000974URU2279Paysandu
2Ulaneo Matias3001040URU2131Paysandu
3Coelho Fernando3007154URU1966Paysandu
4Galvan Cristian3010287URU1843Paysandu
5Villarreal Julio3001202URU1825Paysandu
6Coquet ValentinaURU0Paysandu
7Domenech DominiqueURU0Paysandu
8Garcia Mesa MateoURU0Paysandu
9Gomez Planel LautaroURU0Paysandu