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B&W Chess Academy 1st KK District Level Children Chess Tournament 2017-Under-17 02/B&WCA/2017

Sidst opdateret 10.12.2017 14:10:23, Oprettet af/Sidste upload: VinothkumarT

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Afsluttende placerings krydstabel 7

Rk.NavnRatFED1 rd.2 rd.3 rd.4 rd.5 rd.6 rd.7 rd.Pts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Genish Prakash J1718IND 5w1 15b1 2w1 3b0 12w1 8b1 4b1602932,5
2Sivaram Sivarajan1284IND 23w1 6b1 1b0 16w1 7b1 4w1 3b½5,50,529,531
3Pon Shivram N L1317IND 19b1 14w1 9b1 1w1 4w0 5b1 2w½5,50,528,531,5
4Leaha B1236IND 24w1 8b1 11w1 18w1 3b1 2b0 1w0502829,5
5Barath Kumar K Sankar1102IND 1b0 27w1 22b1 9w1 14b1 3w0 10b15024,525,5
6Dhanesh G R1065IND 7b1 2w0 14b0 27w1 9b1 18w1 17b15023,524,5
7Sanjeev M1459IND 6w0 23b1 21w1 15b1 2w0 12b½ 8w14,5024,526
8Achaya Vijayan1478IND 10b1 4w0 25b1 14w1 18b1 1w0 7b0402627,5
9Ramnath Sarankan1225IND 26b+ 11b1 3w0 5b0 6w0 20w1 18b14025,528,5
10Vignesh Rajan1071IND 8w0 24b1 15w0 13b1 21w1 11b1 5w04022,524
11Rohan Anand1406IND 25b1 9w0 4b0 19w1 20b1 10w0 16w1402223,5
12Barath K N1251IND 27b1 22w1 18b0 20w1 1b0 7w½ 14b½402223
13Sivaneswari C0IND 14b0 19w0 -1 10w0 27b1 26w1 22b14016,517,5
14Binisya E L1193IND 13w1 3b0 6w1 8b0 5w0 21b1 12w½3,502729,5
15Aaron Pushparaj Michaelraj1180IND 20b1 1w0 10b1 7w0 16b½ 17w0 23b13,5024,526
16Amisha Sany M1125IND 21b1 18w0 19b1 2b0 15w½ 22w1 11b03,5021,523,5
17Dharshin T0IND 18b0 20w0 24b1 22w½ 25b1 15b1 6w03,501819,5
18Preejesh S B1386IND 17w1 16b1 12w1 4b0 8w0 6b0 9w0302528,5
19Dheephiha M S0IND 3w0 13b1 16w0 11b0 22b0 27w1 26b13020,521,5
20Sree Meera Subramanian0IND 15w0 17b1 23w1 12b0 11w0 9b0 24w1302021,5
21Vishva Raj. M0IND 16w0 -1 7b0 25w1 10b0 14w0 27b13019,520,5
22Thajai T J0IND 28b+ 12b0 5w0 17b½ 19w1 16b0 13w02,5022,525,5
23Harihsh Ramm S A0IND 2b0 7w0 20b0 24w1 26b0 -1 15w0202021,5
24Sheethal C S0IND 4b0 10w0 17w0 23b0 -1 25w1 20b02018,519,5
25Abijith P0IND 11w0 26b1 8w0 21b0 17w0 24b0 -12017,518,5
26Siva Balan S0IND 9w- 25w0 27b0 -1 23w1 13b0 19w0201516
27Kevin Britto A0IND 12w0 5b0 26w1 6b0 13w0 19b0 21w0102325
28Pavithra I J1176IND 22w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)