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B&W Chess Academy 1st KK District Level Children Chess Tournament 2017 - Under-7 02/B&WCA/2017

Sidst opdateret 10.12.2017 14:09:57, Oprettet af/Sidste upload: VinothkumarT

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Start rangering krydstabel

Nr.NavnRatFED1 rd.2 rd.3 rd.4 rd.5 rd.6 rd.7 rd.8 rd.Pts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Aarush S0IND 21b0 37w0 34b1 22w1 25b0 18b0 19w1 32b142102830
2Abhimanyu A.L0IND 22w0 26b0 32w0 40b1 19w0 34b0 13w1 6b0239020,522,5
3Abirup .G0IND 23b0 27w0 36b1 18w0 39b1 22w0 24w0 34b1330027,529
4Advin C Raj0IND 24w1 21b1 28w1 29b0 30w0 25b1 17w1 11w058038,542,5
5Ahashik J H0IND 25b0 31w0 39b1 24w1 27b1 37w1 21b0 20w0419032,535,5
6Akshath Anil A0IND 26w1 22b1 29w0 20b0 32b0 27w0 39b0 2w1329029,531,5
7Amolika Rachel. S0IND 27b1 23w0 35b0 25w0 36b1 26w- -0 -0235029,531
8Anantha Kumar J0IND 28w0 32b1 21w0 26b1 31w1 38b1 29b0 27w1510033,536,5
9Aruntheka J K0IND 29b0 34w1 25b1 21w1 33b1 20w1 35b1 30w064036,538,5
10Bagavath0IND 30w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -004102122
11Dhanush R V0IND 31b1 25w1 37b1 35w1 29w0 23b1 30w0 4b16304145
12Faiez Khan A0IND 32w1 28b0 22w1 37b0 38w0 31b0 34w1 18b032803133
13Gopika .S.J0IND 33b0 36w1 27b0 31w0 41w0 40b½ 2b0 15w12,5340,52121,5
14Goushik Krishna K.V0IND 34w1 29b0 24w1 28b1 20w0 32b1 23w0 31b041603537
15Harshwanth Prince0IND 35b0 38w0 40b0 36w0 34w0 24b0 -1 13b0140021,522
16Jervish S A0IND 36w1 30b0 26w1 38b1 37w½ 35w0 20b1 17b15,560,534,536
17Jyothi Krishnan .P.S0IND 37b0 39w1 31b1 27w1 35b0 33w1 4b0 16w041803336
18Kaavini A0IND 38w1 33b0 41w½ 3b1 23b0 1w1 37b0 12w14,515028,531,5
19Kabin K R0IND 39b1 35w0 38b0 32w0 2b1 28w0 1b0 41w023602729
20Kanishka M0IND 40w1 41b1 30w0 6w1 14b1 9b0 16w0 5b151103335,5
21Krisha S0IND 1w1 4w0 8b1 9b0 28w1 41b1 5w1 29b05903639
22Maghadi .E0IND 2b1 6w0 12b0 1b0 40w1 3b1 31w0 33w1425023,525,5
23Mutheeshwaran S0IND 3w1 7b1 33w1 30b0 18w1 11w0 14b1 35w165033,536,5
24Pavithra N0IND 4b0 40w1 14b0 5b0 26w0 15w1 3b1 39w142402525,5
25Prathishna .M0IND 5w1 11b0 9w0 7b1 1w1 4w0 33b1 28b0417033,536,5
26Rajna S R0IND 6b0 2w1 16b0 8w0 24b1 7b+ 32w1 37w042002931
27Remesh Raj S N0IND 7w0 3b1 13w1 17b0 5w0 6b1 38w1 8b0422026,529
28Rishika .P.M0IND 8b1 12w1 4b0 14w0 21b0 19b1 41w1 25w151402931
29Roshan Saai J S0IND 9w1 14w1 6b1 4w1 11b1 30b0 8w1 21w172038,541,5
30Sachin S.E0IND 10b+ 16w1 20b1 23w1 4b1 29w1 11b1 9b181040,544
31Sakthi P0IND 11w0 5b1 17w0 13b1 8b0 12w1 22b1 14w151303032,5
32Sanjana .D.S0IND 12b0 8w0 2b1 19b1 6w1 14w0 26b0 1w0331024,526,5
33Sathiga N0IND 13w1 18w1 23b0 41b1 9w0 17b0 25w0 22b0327031,534
34Shiv Shankar S K0IND 14b0 9b0 1w0 39w0 15b1 2w1 12b0 3w023702525,5
35Shiva Natesh .A0IND 15w1 19b1 7w1 11b0 17w1 16b1 9w0 23b051203333,5
36Shivanya A S0IND 16b0 13b0 3w0 15b1 7w0 39w0 40b0 -123802121,5
37Shree Hari J K0IND 17w1 1b1 11w0 12w1 16b½ 5b0 18w1 26b15,570,531,534,5
38Sree Bala K P0IND 18b0 15b1 19w1 16w0 12b1 8w0 27b0 40w1423026,527
39Tameem Rosaun N0IND 19w0 17b0 5w0 34b1 3w0 36b1 6w1 24b033202223,5
40Uma V0IND 20b0 24b0 15w1 2w0 22b0 13w½ 36w1 38b02,5330,52323,5
41Varshitha .S.K0IND -1 20w0 18b½ 33w0 13b1 21w0 28b0 19b13,526028,530,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)