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Última actualización10.12.2017 12:43:45, Propietario/Última carga: Teresa Ballcels Soriguera

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 9 rondas

Rk.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMMuñoz Miguel2617 32b1 16w1 7b1 2w1 4b1 5w1 3b1 8w0 6b1849,542,553
2FMEsplugas Esteve Vicenç2392 26w1 15b1 9w1 1b0 3w0 14b1 11b1 4w1 8b17484052
Campos Cayuelas Adrian2173 28w1 17b1 10w1 11b0 2b1 6w1 1w0 12b1 7w17484052
4Perez Pastora Evarist2226 27w1 14b1 13w1 5b1 1w0 10b1 7w½ 2b0 17w16,5473951
5FMValenzuela Gomez Fernando Alb2400 29b1 24w1 8b1 4w0 9b1 1b0 13w1 6w0 10b16473951
6IMCruz Estrada Filemon2493 19w1 13b0 22w1 15b1 11w1 3b0 16w1 5b1 1w0646,538,551
7Guasch Figuerola Agusti2200 33b1 22w1 1w0 23b1 13w½ 18b1 4b½ 9w1 3b06463849
8Ramon Serrano Fco. Javier2196 34w1 12b1 5w0 17b1 10w0 23b1 15w1 1b1 2w06463848,5
9Vilella Bertran Joan2183 42b+ 30w1 2b0 26b1 5w0 22b1 18w1 7b0 13w1641,534,545,5
10Nadal Fajardo Ricard2264 39b1 25w1 3b0 14w1 8b1 4w0 12b½ 16b1 5w05,544,537,547,5
11Ramon Herraez Alex2015 31w½ 18b1 21w1 3w1 6b0 13b½ 2w0 23b1 14w½5,543,536,547
12Luco Manubens Daniel1958 44b+ 8w0 20b1 13b0 27w1 31b1 10w½ 3w0 24b15,5413444,5
13Hernando Rodrigo Imma2096 20b1 6w1 4b0 12w1 7b½ 11w½ 5b0 15w1 9b0545,53950,5
14Pérez Rosés Sergi1959 43w+ 4w0 39b1 10b0 26w1 2w0 19b½ 21w1 11b½5423545
15Carbonell Guinart Antoni1968 35b1 2w0 29b1 6w0 19b1 21w1 8b0 13b0 27w1541,534,544
16Blasco Cusido Francesc2102 36w1 1b0 32w1 27b1 18w0 28b1 6b0 10w0 26b15403243
17Gimenez Cañadas Carlos1925 38b1 3w0 30b1 8w0 21b0 36w1 26b1 25w1 4b0539,532,542
18Gual Escala Joan2108 21b½ 11w0 40b1 31w1 16b1 7w0 9b0 20w½ 29b15393341
19Estruch Andreu Lluc1890 6b0 20w0 35b1 30w1 15w0 27b1 14w½ 31b1 23w½536,530,539
20Fernández Fernández Jordi1736 13w0 19b1 12w0 22b0 32w½ 40b1 39w1 18b½ 33w15342936
21Fernández López Mario1786 18w½ 31b1 11b0 24w½ 17w1 15b0 22w½ 14b0 32w14,537,53241
22Estruch Andreu Guim1902 41w1 7b0 6b0 20w1 37b1 9w0 21b½ 24w0 35w14,536,530,537
23Vigier Lopez Carlos1951 30b0 34w1 41b1 7w0 39b1 8w0 29b1 11w0 19b½4,5363036,5
24Sola Sendra Francesc1956 37w1 5b0 26w0 21b½ 31b0 33w1 28w1 22b1 12w04,534,528,537
25Jorba Castany Jordi1939 40w1 10b0 27w0 34b1 28w0 39b½ 32w1 17b0 31w14,53125,533
26Vidal Bermejo Joan Angel1880 2b0 35w1 24b1 9w0 14b0 30w1 17w0 28b1 16w0439,532,542
27Fradera Manils Josep1842 4b0 38w1 25b1 16w0 12b0 19w0 35b1 36w1 15b0436,53039
28Luco Perez Bernat1797 3b0 32w0 38b1 29w1 25b1 16w0 24b0 26w0 37w14352837,5
29Cobo Sampron Ramon1885 5w0 36b1 15w0 28b0 35w1 37b1 23w0 30b1 18w04342836,5
30Carrasco Gomez Ariadna1269 23w1 9b0 17w0 19b0 34w1 26b0 40w1 29w0 36b1433,52835,5
31Carrasco Sánchez Manuel1709 11b½ 21w0 33b1 18b0 24w1 12w0 34b1 19w0 25b03,53731,539,5
32Ortega Lopez Manuel1900 1w0 28b1 16b0 37w0 20b½ 38w1 25b0 34w1 21b03,5362838,5
33Albert Creixell Xavier1830 7w0 40b½ 31w0 36b0 41w1 24b0 -1 39w1 20b03,529,523,530
34Illescas Segura Marcel1829 8b0 23b0 36w1 25w0 30b0 -1 31w0 32b0 41b1331,525,532
35Gordón Cobos Marc1709 15w0 26b0 19w0 40w1 29b0 41b1 27w0 -1 22b03312631,5
36Perez Hernandez Samuel1765 16b0 29w0 34b0 33w1 38w1 17b0 37w1 27b0 30w03302532,5
37Carrasco Gomez Adahara1338 24b0 39w0 -1 32b1 22w0 29w0 36b0 38w1 28b0329,52532
38Corral Ball Sebastià0 17w0 27b0 28w0 -1 36b0 32b0 41w1 37b0 40w1326,521,527
39Matas Pelaez Alejandro1848 10w0 37b1 14w0 41b1 23w0 25w½ 20b0 33b0 -02,53327,533,5
40Albert Sánchez Jordi0 25b0 33w½ 18w0 35b0 -1 20w0 30b0 41w1 38b02,5292429,5
41Jorba Bertran Saül0 22b0 -1 23w0 39w0 33b0 35w0 38b0 40b0 34w012621,528
42Cristobal Artigas Sergi1797 9w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
Cristobal Artigas Aleix1700 14b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
Cristobal Flores Celesti1613 12w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)