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9th CSC London Chess Classic Weekday U1750

Seinast dagført08.12.2017 22:17:33, Creator/Last Upload: chessinschools

Search for player Leita

Endalig talva eftir 5 umfør

Rk. NavnElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdStig
O'gorman Brendan1706 31b1 53w1 24b1 35w1 10b15
Bishop Geoffrey L1708 58w1 26b1 62w1 13b½ 12w14,5
Watson Steven L1582 33b1 48w1 36b1 13w14,5
Shalom David1337 18b1 22w1 21b1 16w14,5
Walton David Aw1605 62w0 80b1 30w1 58b1 73b14
Obihara Jason1593 73w½ 47b1 62b1 32w14
Levene Oren1565 64b1 68w1 10b0 59w1 35b14
Crouch Timothy J1541 76b1 16w½ 11b½ 14b1 17w14
Medworth Andrew0 44b1 24w0 51w1 43b1 25w14
Finnegan Oliver1727 56w1 25b1 7w1 12b½ 1w03,5
Illingworth John B1659 80w1 27b½ 8w½ 42b13,5
Horlock Peter J1604 81b1 47w1 32b1 10w½ 2b03,5
Abedian Mohsen1510 84w1 69b1 17w1 2w½ 3b03,5
Dyte Alistair P1727 30b½ 55w½ 56b1 8w0 57b13
Grey Nicholas D1720 57b1 42w½ 28b½ 27w0 56b13
Bergner Matthias1705 72w1 8b½ 27w½ 45b1 4b03
Selvarattinam Gengadharan1695 59b1 54w1 13b0 28w1 8b03
Tassell Hugh G1595 4w0 82b½ 75w1 37b½ 58w13
Sheard Jack1592 63b1 65w1 35b0 32w0 59b13
Gribben Chris1579 47b0 61w1 73b½ 60w1 26b½3
Cowan Xavier1570 74b½ 87w1 29b1 4w0 31b½3
Nielsen Geir Erik1570 86b1 36w½ 4b0 73w1 29b½3
Vaughan John1564 35w0 75b½ 82w1 49b1 34w½3
Lekic Dejan1559 66w1 9b1 1w0 34b½ 37w½3
Goulbourne Nick1555 90b1 10w0 74b1 50w1 9b03
Laverty Charlie1548 91b1 2w0 68b½ 52w1 20w½3
Sellen John R1528 50b1 11w½ 16b½ 15b1 -03
Bynnersley Ag (Tony)1527 37w½ 51b1 15w½ 17b0 62w13
Dhemrait Surjit1490 77b1 21w0 39b1 22w½3
Auchi Nadhmi1466 14w½ 5b0 64w1 68b13
Kang Sohyun1427 1w0 49b½ 86w1 40b1 21w½3
Kapur Gul1425 43w1 39b1 12w0 19b1 6b03
Zhou Jing1373 70b½ 3w0 38w1 53b13
Lohia Sohum1251 41b0 44w1 53b1 24w½ 23b½3
Fava Lorenzo1219 23b1 41w1 19w1 1b0 7w03
Hines Leon G0 79w1 22b½ 42b1 3w0 41b½3
Ismail Mohammed Aayan0 28b½ 78w½ 55b1 18w½ 24b½3
Bak Steve1742 46w0 74w½ 33b0 75b1 71w12,5
Seymour Paul1625 61b1 32w0 60b½ 29w0 74b12,5
Sartain Patrick P1580 82w1 46b0 31w0 76b12,5
Morgan George Henry1566 34w1 35b0 66w½ 48b½ 36w½2,5
Helps David1555 49w1 15b½ 36w0 66b1 11w02,5
Davies Cledwyn1551 32b0 81w1 65b1 9w0 47b½2,5
Bernard Chris Pj1516 9w0 34b0 81w1 65b1 48w½2,5
Miles Barry S1511 68b0 63w1 76b1 16w0 50b½2,5
Swiegers Francois1508 38b1 40w1 -0 -02,5
Chun Junhyun1288 20w1 12b0 6w0 55b1 43w½2,5
Vaidya Raghav1283 78b½ 85w1 3b0 41w½ 44b½2,5
Tournier Patrice1138 42b0 31w½ 85b1 23w0 77w12,5
Dallaway Mark0 27w0 -1 54b1 25b0 45w½2,5
Steel Martin J1607 28w0 9b0 85w1 60b½2
Muhunthan Charukgan1570 75w1 62b0 72w½ 26b0 61w½2
Kirkland Arnold G1543 67w1 1b0 34w0 79b1 33w02
Ainscow Faye1540 93w1 17b0 50w0 61b½ 66w½2
Mitchell Robert S1539 14b½ 37w0 47w0 82b12
Hasan Abu1457 10b0 64w1 14w0 67b1 15w02
Moss David Pg1442 15w0 66b0 93w1 77b1 14w02
You Garam1442 2b0 90w1 91b1 5w0 18b02
White Nigel1420 17w0 93b1 69w1 7b0 19w02
Macleod Andrew1397 69w0 84b1 39w½ 20b0 51w½2
Dupuis Denis K1349 39w0 20b0 84w1 54w½ 52b½2
Jung Yoonseo1343 5b1 52w1 2b0 6w0 28b02
Stoyanov Boris1316 19w0 45b0 79w0 84b1 83w12
Englisch Susanne1226 7w0 56b0 80w1 30b0 79w12
Bazan Mateusz1217 89w+ 19b0 43w0 44w0 80b12
Shek Daniel1214 24b0 57w1 41b½ 42w0 54b½2
Auchi Laith1007 53b0 71w½ 56w0 85b12
Mustafa Paul0 45w1 7b0 26w½ 69b½ 30w02
Lewis Timothy1663 60b1 13w0 59b0 68w½ -01,5
Sonnis Steve1647 33w½ 71b1 -0 -0 -01,5
Boury Se Ramesh1517 73b½ 70w0 67b½ 74w½ 38b01,5
Kim Taehyeon1426 16b0 91w1 52b½ -0 -01,5
Monteils Geraldine1374 71w½ 6b½ 20w½ 22b0 5w01,5
Nettleton Robin1281 21w½ 38b½ 25w0 71b½ 39w01,5
Mospan Edward1274 52b0 23w½ 18b0 38w0 86b11,5
Yim Jay1003 8w0 79b1 45w0 82b½ 40w01,5
Bullock Lee1604 29w0 83b½ 57w0 49b01
Torrance John1573 48w½ 37b½ -0 -0 -01
Robinson Nette1407 36b0 76w0 63b1 53w0 64b01
Fava Achille1394 11b0 5w0 64b0 91w1 65w01
Kisch Ehud1338 12w0 43b0 44b0 93w+ -01
Smith Michael J1300 40b0 18w½ 23b0 76w½ 55w01
Lindquist James1217 -0 77w½ -0 63b01
Thooran Kavin0 13b0 60w0 61b0 63w0 91b11
Whittome Anthony1562 48b0 49w0 51b0 67w00,5
Auchi Taymour1262 22w0 31b0 -0 75w00,5
Lewis Jeremy S0 21b0 -0 -0 -00,5
Shamash Michelle1650 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Shenbagakumar Gautham1561 65b- -0 -0 -0 -00
Merrifield Peter1149 25w0 58b0 -0 -0 -00
Park Yerim1115 26w0 72b0 58w0 80b0 84w00
Wood Richard1067 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Chowdhury Mohammed Ali0 54b0 59w0 57b0 81b- -00
McCorkindale Eoin0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00