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Última actualización10.12.2017 21:12:58, Propietario/Última carga: FEDERACIÓN ARAGONESA DE AJEDREZ (65)

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No.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMForcen Esteban Daniel2515 28b1 18w1 9b1 6w½ 4b1 5b1 3w1 8w½7104044,5
2GMCifuentes Parada Roberto2451 36w1 19b1 11w1 5b0 6b½ 18w1 9b1 14w½66037,541
3IMGarza Marco Sergio2416 37b1 20w1 12b½ 8w0 22b1 21w1 1b0 16w15,59036,540
4IMDel Rey Diego2360 38w1 21b1 13w1 7b1 1w0 9w½ 5b½ 17b16503842
5FMDiaz Velandia Jose Manuel2349 39b1 22w1 14b1 2w1 8b1 1w0 4w½ 6b½6204144
6IMSos Andreu Eric2347 40w1 23b1 15w1 1b½ 2w½ 11b½ 7w1 5w½64039,543
7IMFenollar Jorda Manuel2343 41b1 24w1 16b1 4w0 18b½ 14w1 6b0 23w15,511035,539
8IMRamiro Ovejero Juan Luis2316 42w1 25b1 17w1 3b1 5w0 15b½ 11w1 1b½63039,543,5
9FMQuintin Navarro Alberto2315 43b1 26w1 1w0 12b1 17w1 4b½ 2w0 19b15,5803942
10FMFontana Sotomayor Luis Javier2289 44w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006302122
11FMGines Esteo Pedro Antonio2276 45b1 29w1 2b0 24w1 20b1 6w½ 8b0 18w15,510036,540
12FMLana Rodriguez David2257 46w1 27b1 3w½ 9w0 37b1 25b½ 15w+ 20w167033,536,5
13Laliena Solanes Luis2212 47b1 31w1 4b0 26w0 34b1 28w0 27b1 29w151803235
14FMGomez Anadon Daniel2201 48w1 30b1 5w0 23b1 19w1 7b0 25w1 2b½5,51203538
15CMRoque Sola Jose Luis2115 49b1 34w1 6b0 28w1 26b1 8w½ 12b- -04,52103740,5
16Gines Abad Pedro2064 50w1 32b1 7w0 27b½ 25w0 59w1 21b1 3b04,523031,533,5
17Ruiz Casado Francisco Javier1969 51b1 44w1 8b0 29w1 9b0 26w1 23b1 4w051303436
18WFMEizaguerri Floris Maria1961 52w1 1b0 36w1 30b1 7w½ 2b0 37w1 11b04,52203538,5
19WCMRoque Sola Andrea1950 53b+ 2w0 34b1 31w1 14b0 29w1 28b1 9w0515033,537
20Arjol Lopez Daniel1946 54w1 3b0 38w1 32b1 11w0 30b1 62w1 12b0517032,535
21Gaspar Calvo Luis Alberto1939 55b+ 4w0 37b½ 41w1 27b1 3b0 16w0 49w14,52403134,5
22WFMRoque Sola Gisela1935 56w1 5b0 40w½ 49b1 3w0 37b0 64w1 41b14,52602829
23Avellanas Tomas Jose1908 57b1 6w0 39b1 14w0 43b1 31w1 17w0 7b042803233
24Buisan Zaharia Pedro1900 58w1 7b0 42w1 11b0 36w1 62b0 34b1 30w152003031,5
25Ereza Vizcarra Fernando1894 59b1 8w0 41b½ 65w1 16b1 12w½ 14b0 31w1516032,535,5
26Mendoza Barcia Pedro1838 60w1 9b0 46w1 13b1 15w0 17b0 36w1 32b1519031,533,5
27Gonzalez Azuara Javier1805 61b1 12w0 43b1 16w½ 21w0 41b1 13w0 65b14,52502931
28Carrasquer Alonso Luis1804 1w0 66b1 50w1 15b0 38w1 13b1 19w0 62b151403436
29Yanez Acin Gonzalo1746 62w1 11b0 66w1 17b0 42w1 19b0 38w1 13b042703236
30Buisac Anadon Pablo1735 63b1 14w0 44b1 18w0 39b1 20w0 59b1 24b0432029,532
31Lamelas Andreu Jose Carlos1729 64w1 13b0 62w1 19b0 66w1 23b0 42w1 25b0429030,533
32Huerva Lacuna Isidro1692 65b1 16w0 45b1 20w0 59b0 49w1 39b1 26w043402831
33Belenguer Randet Jesus1667 66w0 50b0 65b0 58w1 51b1 43w0 47b0 60w1352019,521
34Sorinas Citoler Ramon1662 67b+ 15b0 19w0 48b1 13w0 46b1 24w0 37w143103033
35Rodriguez Alegre Oscar1655 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006402122
36Susca Ioan1650 2b0 51w1 18b0 47w1 24b0 44w1 26b0 45w-34503133
37Perez Tomas Juan Manuel1613 3w0 52b1 21w½ 40b1 12w0 22w1 18b0 34b03,53903134,5
38Lopez Lafuente Gabriel1603 4b0 57w1 20b0 51w1 28b0 45w1 29b0 47w1433028,529,5
39Olivan Blasco Leonardo1596 5w0 54b1 23w0 50b1 30w0 48b1 32w0 44b034702729
40Vigon Bescos Nicolas1550 6b0 59w1 22b½ 37w0 62w0 52b0 54w1 64b13,54302729,5
41Olivan Lopez Dario1549 7w0 56b1 25w½ 21b0 64w1 27w0 43b1 22w03,54002930
42Chapado Cebollero Jose Antoni1544 8b0 61w1 24b0 63w1 29b0 47w1 31b0 59w1435027,529,5
43Schoenbrod Carmena Oscar1534 9w0 58b1 27w0 54b1 23w0 33b1 41w0 66b034802728,5
44Benitez Buisan Jose1532 10b+ 17b0 30w0 62b0 50w1 36b0 60w1 39w143802527
45Gonzalez Acin Juan Carlos1528 11w0 60b1 32w0 66b0 54w1 38b0 48w1 36b+43702628
46Iravedra Ainkov Francisco1522 12b0 63w1 26b0 59w0 61b1 34w0 65b0 50w135002527
47Millan Campos Ramon1513 13w0 62b0 58w1 36b0 60w1 42b0 33w1 38b0349025,527
48Miranda Melero Sergio1510 14b0 65w½ 49b½ 34w0 63b1 39w0 45b0 51w135102527
49Alastruey Benede Jesus1500 15w0 64b1 48w½ 22w0 65b1 32b0 52w1 21b03,54102830,5
50Alastruey Ignacioa1500 16b0 33w1 28b0 39w0 44b0 64b0 56w1 46b0256024,525,5
51Alvarez Martinez Eduardo1500 17w0 36b0 60w1 38b0 33w0 57b1 66w0 48b0257024,525,5
52Bagueste Esco Alfonso1500 18b0 37w0 59b0 64b½ 56w1 40w1 49b0 63w13,54402324
53Broto Izquierdo Sixto1500 19w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006502122
54Duque Montes Raul1500 20b0 39w0 61b1 43w0 45b0 63w½ 40b0 56w12,554022,523,5
55Escar Otin Arturo1500 21w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006602122
56Garces Julen1500 22b0 41w0 63b0 61w0 52b0 58w1 50b0 54b0161020,522
57Gracia Garcia David1500 23w0 38b0 64w0 60b0 58b1 51w0 63b0 61b016201920,5
58Gracia Luna David1500 24b0 43w0 47b0 33b0 57w0 56b0 61w1 -126001819
59Lamelas Lisa Bruno1500 25w0 40b0 52w1 46b1 32w1 16b0 30w0 42b0346028,531,5
60Luna Ines1500 26b0 45w0 51b0 57w1 47b0 61w1 44b0 33b025802223
61Luna Mingarro Maria Pilar1500 27w0 42b0 54w0 56b1 46w0 60b0 58b0 57w1259018,519,5
62Mendoza Eusebio1500 29b0 47w1 31b0 44w1 40b1 24w1 20b0 28w043003033
63Otal Toro Fernando1500 30w0 46b0 56w1 42b0 48w0 54b½ 57w1 52b02,55502122
64Torrente Gayarre Lorenzo1500 31b0 49w0 57b1 52w½ 41b0 50w1 22b0 40w02,553024,525,5
65Vizcarra Susin Sergio1500 32w0 48b½ 33w1 25b0 49w0 66b1 46w1 27w03,54202730
66Vizueta De La Calzada Juan1500 33b1 28w0 29b0 45w1 31b0 65w0 51b1 43w143602628
67Wu Andres1500 34w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006702122

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)