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11th international open Triandrias 2018 - A group

Last update 20.04.2018 05:41:18, Creator: Nikos A. Nikolaou,Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
1GMFier AlexandrBRA 36w1 93b1 7w1 4b1 5w1 10b½ 9w1 3b½ 2w½7,505025912559
2GMPetrov MarianFID 47w½ 70b+ 11b1 27w1 21b1 5b0 10w1 6w1 1b½7047,524762450
3IMPetrov MartinFID 25b1 11w½ 73b½ 74w1 27b1 6w½ 21b1 1w½ 10b17046,524292397
4IMNitin S.IND 43b1 39w1 91b1 1w0 28b1 19w1 5w½ 7b½ 12w1704624302399
5GMMastrovasilis AthanasiosGRE 49b1 15w1 9b1 6w1 1b0 2w1 4b½ 8w½ 7b½6,505224832460
6FMIoannidis EvgeniosGRE 54w1 17b1 12w1 5b0 41w1 3b½ 14w1 2b0 19w16,504823452318
7FMTrimitzios PetrosGRE 68b1 66w1 1b0 51w½ 24b1 30w1 20b1 4w½ 5w½6,5045,523792368
8FMLazov ToniMKD 55b1 73w½ 67b1 30w1 19b½ 9w0 28b1 5b½ 22w16,504323302314
9Argiroudis StamatisGRE 56w1 52b1 5w0 12b1 13w1 8b1 1b0 15w½ 16b½6048,523612352
10WIMPratyusha BoddaIND 45b1 51w½ 76b1 14w1 64b1 1w½ 2b0 11w1 3w06047,523212267
11Tsarouhas VasiliosGRE 95w1 3b½ 2w0 47b1 38w1 13b½ 29w1 10b0 27w16044,522892276
12CMPrraneeth VuppalaIND 77b1 33w1 6b0 9w0 68b1 40w1 18b1 27w1 4b0604421902182
13GMStanojoski ZvonkoMKD 26b1 28w1 27b0 91w1 9b0 11w½ 31b½ 32w1 23b1604322712234
14IMPraveen Kumar CIND 84w1 82b½ 32w1 10b0 66w1 65b1 6b0 30w1 15b½604221782144
15Iskos AlexandrosGRE 46w1 5b0 71w1 38b½ 36w½ 41b1 32w+ 9b½ 14w½6041,521082080
16GMGeorgiev KrumFID 41w1 91b0 56w1 17b1 37w½ 29b½ 19w½ 39b1 9w½604122232188
17Rahmanidis PetrosGRE 80b1 6w0 75b1 16w0 51b1 26w1 27b0 29w1 28b16040,521632139
18Dorfanis IlarionGRE 59w1 51b½ 52b½ 32w½ 57b1 12w0 36b1 31w16038,520592050
19CMMichaelides KonstantinosCYP 85b1 20w1 64b½ 29w1 8w½ 4b0 16b½ 21w1 6b05,5047,523512338
20GMInkiov VentzislavBUL 62w1 19b0 38w½ 42b1 31w1 23b1 7w0 22b0 47w15,504122072129
21Grigoriadis MihailGRE 78b½ 75w1 92b1 24w1 2w0 37b1 3w0 19b0 42w15,504121592122
22Papadopoulos PanayotisGRE 83b1 92w½ 34b1 64w0 65b0 42w1 67b1 20w1 8b05,5039,521462116
23Nikolaou SpiridonGRE 59b½ 78w1 24b0 25w1 43b1 20w0 66w1 37b1 13w05,5039,521112094
24Damianou IoannisCYP100w+ 23w1 21b0 7w0 53b½ 56w½ 71b1 48w15,5038,519661954
25Ganiaridis PanagiotisGRE 3w0 95b½ 58w1 23b0 61w1 31b0 60w1 44b1 39w15,5038,519091934
26Stefanou DimitriosGRE 13w0 65b0 80w1 61b1 60w1 17b0 44w½ 69b1 37w+5,503617571775
27Papasimakopoulos AlexandrosGRE 40b1 74w1 13w1 2b0 3w0 36b1 17w1 12b0 11b05046,521802168
28Spyropoulos NikolaosGRE 65w1 13b0 60w1 35b1 4w0 54b1 8w0 53b1 17w05042,520552007
29WGMMaisuradze NinoFRA 53w1 94b½ 82w1 19b0 52w1 16w½ 11b0 17b0 41w1504120612049
30Serpetsidakis NikolaosGRE 71w1 38b½ 42w1 8b0 82w1 7b0 69w1 14b0 35w½5040,520382010
31Stefan VictorGRE 88b1 64w0 83b1 65w½ 20b0 25w1 13w½ 54b1 18b0504020702042
32Betsakos KonstantinosGRE 76b½ 89w1 14b0 59w1 18b½ 45w1 15b- 13b0 54w1503919621945
33Korniotis FilipposGRE 63w1 12b0 53w½ 36b0 77b1 51w0 83b1 40w1 34b½503619111815
34Papapostolou ApostolosGRE 44w½ 96b1 22w0 53b½ 45w0 84b½ 63w1 56b1 33w½5035,518331810
35Mixakis EvangelosGRE 64b0 88w1 77b1 28w0 40b0 59w1 45b½ 58w1 30b½503518461871
36Cote FredericFRA 1b0 85w½ 90b1 33w1 15b½ 27w0 68b1 18w0 40b½4,5040,519701995
37Mavrikakis GeorgiosGRE 75b0 69w1 40b1 94w1 16b½ 21w0 51b1 23w0 26b-4,503920231994
38Gavriil Odysseas-PanagiotisGRE 99b1 30w½ 20b½ 15w½ 11b0 73w½ 55b0 75w1 43b½4,503919541937
39Milovanovic NinoslavSRB 58w1 4b0 65w- 69w½ 85b1 44b1 46w1 16w0 25b04,503919431851
40Kotsalis EvagelosGRE 27w0 50b1 37w0 79b1 35w1 12b0 57w1 33b0 36w½4,5038,518561878
41Hrysogelou Athanasia-PanagiotaGRE 16b0 97w1 72b1 73w1 6b0 15w0 58b½ 67w1 29b04,503819271938
42Tsikerdanos KonstantinosGRE 72w1 30b0 20w0 76b1 22b0 84w+ 70w1 21b04,5037,519091874
43Vourlis-Koletis MiltiadisGRE 4w0 58b½100w+ 93b1 23w0 66b0 61w1 52b½ 38w½4,503719271955
44Delidimoudis KonstantinosGRE 34b½ 57w½ 74b0 83w1 62b1 39w0 26b½ 25w0 71w14,5036,517751858
45Lazos IoannisGRE 10w0 87b½ 81w1 34b1 32b0 35w½ 47b0 72w14,503616831685
46Dritsas Stavros NikolaosGRE 15b0 49w½ 62b½ 72w1 94b1 67w½ 39b0 51w½ 57b½4,5035,518541874
47Loukopoulos Panagiotis-AthanasiGRE 2b½ 76w0 85b1 11w0 69b0 75w1 77b1 45w1 20b04,503517931825
48Baltakis IoannisGRE 52w0 56b0 68b0 98w½ 88b1 78w1 59b1 62w1 24b04,5031,517431767
49Hidzos GeorgiosGRE 5w0 46b½ 61w0 89b1 58w½ 60b½ 71w0 80b1 69w14,5031,516671675
50Gavriilidis GiorgosGRE 74b0 40w0 69b0 -1 63w½ 71b0 87w1 83w+ 68b+4,5028,514681489
51Potluri Saye SrreezzaIND 87w1 10b½ 18w½ 7b½ 17w0 33b1 37w0 46b½ 53w-404420272005
52Tsiotridis PanayotisGRE 48b1 9w0 86b1 18w½ 29b0 55w½ 70b½ 43w½ -0404018931871
53Kouta AntoniaGRE 29b0 81w1 33b½ 34w½ 74b½ 24w½ 82b+ 28w0 51b-4038,518791906
54Beltman GuusNED 6b0 80w1 91b1 28w0 73b+ 31w0 32b04038,518661887
55Sotiropoulos Anastasios-TheoharGRE 8w0 98b1 93w½ 66b0 87w1 52b½ 38w1 -0 -0403719391954
56Theoharidis GeorgiosGRE 9b0 48w1 16b0 75w0 86b1 91w1 24b½ 34w0 58b½403717911819
57Giakoustidis Spiros-AvgerinosGRE 44b½ 67w½ 75b1 18w0 40b0 68w½ 46w½4036,517141714
58Nikolaou AlexandrosGRE 39b0 43w½ 25b0 90w1 49b½ 94w+ 41w½ 35b0 56w½403616991715
59Kalogridis AntoniosGRE 23w½ 18b0 87w1 32b0 93w½ 35b0 48w0 90b1 78w14035,517401763
60Kokkalis GrigoriosGRE 66b0 68w1 28b0 78w1 26b0 49w½ 25b0 76w½ 85b+4034,517011752
61Gavriilidis OrestisGRE 67w0 49b1 26w0 25b0 81w1 43b0 77w1 62b½4034,516911687
62Becking Franz JosefGER 20b0 46w½ 95b1 44w0 77w½ 76b1 48b0 61w½403415831588
63Verschoor PatrickNED 33b0 77w0 50b½ 97w1 34b0 79w½ 76b1403015611576
64IMMalikentzos SotiriosGRE 35w1 31b1 19w½ 22b1 10w0 -0 -0 -0 -03,5043,522822236
65Baroutas AthanasiosGRE 28b0 26w1 39b+ 31b½ 22w1 14w0 -0 -0 -03,5041,520022115
66Bizopoulos AlexandrosGRE 60w1 7b0 55w1 14b0 43w1 23b0 -0 -03,504119921966
67Liargovas DimitriosGRE 96w½ 61b1 8w0 57b½ 84w1 46b½ 22w0 41b0 -03,5037,517981782
68Samakas StavrosGRE 7w0 60b0 48w1 96b1 12w0 93b1 36w0 57b½ 50w-3,503717571769
69Stefanou KonstantinosGRE 93w0 37b0 50w1 39b½ 47w1 82b+ 30b0 26w0 49b03,5036,517621820
70Galaras AnestisGRE 2w- 89b1 92w½ 73b½ 74w½ 52w½ 42b0 -03,503618871885
71Kellner NikolausAUT 30b0 99w1 15b0 77w0 81b½ 50w1 49b1 24w0 44b03,5033,515631572
72Tsaridis KonstantinosGRE 42b0 -1 41w0 46b0 95w0 80b½ 89w1 85w1 45b03,503114191496
73WFMGrapsa GeorgiaGRE 98w1 8b½ 3w½ 41b0 70w½ 38b½ 54w- -0 -03040,519881962
74Gountras KlearhosGRE 50w1 27b0 44w1 3b0 53w½ 70b½ -0 -0 -03038,518791838
75Gioras IoannisGRE 37w1 21b0 17w0 56b1 57w0 47b0 96w1 38b0 -03037,517671817
76Chatziioannidis TheofylaktosGRE 32w½ 47b1 10w0 82b0 42w0 98b1 62w0 60b½ 63w0303616091706
77Tsouchnikas OrestisGRE 12w0 63b1 35w0 71b1 33w0 62b½ 47w0 61b0 80w½303616031677
78Lekatis IoannisGRE 21w½ 23b0 96w½ 60b0 79w½ 48b0 85b½ 86w1 59b0303315441561
79Giannopoulou AnastasiaGRE 92b0 83w0 88b1 40w0 78b½ 86w1 -0 63b½ -0303116361657
80Tzovanis Anastasios AnagnostisGRE 17w0 54b0 26b0 88w½ 90b½ 72w½ 81b1 49w0 77b½303114601480
81Tziotzios DimitriosGRE 94w0 53b0 98w1 45b0 71w½ 61b0 80w0 87b½ 97w13028,514411490
82Dermatopoulos KonstantinosGRE 90b1 14w½ 29b0 76w1 30b0 69w- 53w- -0 -02,503619541893
83Bragkatzis NikolaosGRE 22w0 79b1 31w0 44b0 96w½ 87b1 33w0 50b- -02,5034,515971637
84Gountintas HaralabosGRE 14b0 90w½ 86w1 67b0 34w½ 42b- -0 -02,5033,517381757
85Blitsas OrestisGRE 19w0 36b½ 47w0 99b1 39w0 96b½ 78w½ 72b0 60w-2,503215441563
86Bollbach UlrichGER 52w0 84b0 56w0 79b0 99w1 78b0 90w½2,503113751383
87Tzontas AthanasiosGRE 51b0 45w½ 59b0 97w1 55b0 83w0 50b0 81w½ 89b½2,503014051427
88Xhuveli DionGRE 31w0 35b0 79w0 80b½ 48w0 99b1 90w½ 97b½ -02,503013951413
89Kafantaris PavlosGRE 32b0 70w0 49w0 97b0 90w½ 72b0 99b1 87w½2,5029,513071344
90Stoimenidis DimitriosGRE 82w0 84b½ 36w0 58b0 80w½ 89b½ 88b½ 59w0 86b½2,502914661486
91Smekens RubenBEL 97b1 16w1 4w0 13b0 54w0 56b0 -0 -0 -0203719461921
92Ballas Kleon-EvangelosGRE 79w1 22b½ 21w0 70b½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -02036,519491913
93Romanos TheodorosGRE 69b1 1w0 55b½ 43w0 59b½ 68w0 -0 -0 -0203517821753
94Tsinaris FotisGRE 81b1 29w½ 37b0 46w0 58b- -0 -0 -02034,517871718
95Kourtesis DimosGRE 11b0 25w½ 62w0 72b1 -0 -0 -0 -02034,516421667
96Polymeras EvangelosGRE 67b½ 34w0 78b½ 68w0 83b½ 85w½ 75b0 -0 -02029,515821612
97Karamanis Ioannis-MariosGRE 91w0 41b0 99w½ 87b0 89w1 63b0 -0 88w½ 81b02026,513231342
98Hatziara DimitraGRE 73b0 55w0 81b0 48b½ 99w1 76w0 -0 -0 -01,512913101335
99Iliadou AnnaGRE 38w0 71b0 97b½ 85w0 98b0 88w0 86b0 89w0 -11,5024,510931148
100Blommaert LauraBEL 24b- 43b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,502900

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)