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Última actualización09.02.2018 21:08:46, Propietario/Última carga: Frederic Corriguelas Armillas

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Riu Lopez Sergi2122ESP 22w1 10b1 3w0 24b1 8w1 7b1 2b1 5w1734,528,537,5
2Sagsian Anna1861ESP 31w1 28b1 11w1 9b1 3w1 5b1 1w0 4b0638,531,541
3Cano Vila Eduard1943ESP 12b1 19w1 1b1 7w1 2b0 15w+ 5w0 8b16383142
4Alvarez Albiol Victor2126ESP 14b1 -0 21w1 6b1 5w0 10b1 11w1 2w1634,528,537,5
5Dominguez Laguna Eduard1991ESP 27w1 30b1 9w½ 11b1 4b1 2w0 3b1 1b05,537,530,540
6Santiago Arauco Aleix1759ESP 29b0 12w1 26b1 4w0 13b1 14w1 7w1 9b½5,53326,536
7Brunet Gil Pol2037ESP 34w1 24b1 8w1 3b0 9w1 1w0 6b0 17b15352837
8Sarrio Vendrell Nerea1918ESP 18w1 25b1 7b0 10w1 1b0 16w1 20b1 3w0533,526,536
9Moncunill Calvet Pol1882ESP 26b1 29w1 5b½ 2w0 7b0 22w1 19w1 6w½5332736
10Castilla Casanova Victor1789ESP 36w1 1w0 35b+ 8b0 20b1 4w0 18b1 11b½4,534,527,535,5
11Povill Claros Laura2027ESP 35b1 16w1 2b0 5w0 22b1 24w1 4b0 10w½4,53326,536
12De la Vega Czarnecki Marcel1600ESP 3w0 6b0 17w1 23b½ 28w1 19b0 33w1 20b14,52923,531
13Asatryan Maria Cristina1528ESP 24w0 34b1 30w1 31b0 6w0 21b½ 23w1 19b14,52620,528
14Llaurado Pladellorens Caterina1673ESP 4w0 31b0 23w1 27b1 25w1 6b0 15b0 26w143225,534,5
15Bes Alvarez Alex2059ESP 21b1 -0 27w1 25b1 -0 3b- 14w1 -0430,52533
16Jimenez Rimblas Raul1757ESP 23w1 11b0 25w0 35b+ 29b1 8b0 -0 27w14272229,5
17Mitrani David1526ESP 19b0 35w0 12b0 36w1 32b1 26w1 24b1 7w0425,520,526,5
18Vargas Rodriguez Gabriel1591ESP 8b0 20w0 32b0 33w1 30w1 25b1 10w0 24w1423,518,525,5
19Ayllon Malet Marc1720ESP 17w1 3b0 28w½ 30b1 -0 12w1 9b0 13w03,53125,533,5
20Medinilla Moya Dafne1784ESP -0 18b1 31w½ 28b1 10w0 23b1 8w0 12w03,5302532,5
21Hidalgo Silva Victor1656ESP 15w0 36b+ 4b0 26w1 24b0 13w½ 30b½ 22w½3,529,52332
22Blanes Gay Sir Nil1671ESP 1b0 26w0 36b1 32w1 11w0 9b0 25w1 21b½3,527,520,528,5
23Andreu Ferro Biel1535ESP 16b0 32w1 14b0 12w½ 35b1 20w0 13b0 33w13,52722,529
24Bates Robb Teo1741ESP 13b1 7w0 29b1 1w0 21w1 11b0 17w0 18b0332,525,535,5
25Sagnier Subira Guillermo1556ESP 37w+ 8w0 16b1 15w0 14b0 18w0 22b0 34b13302432
26Diego Luis Marcelo1576ESP 9w0 22b1 6w0 21b0 27w1 17b0 34w1 14b032822,530
27Villanueva Saiz Tai1604ESP 5b0 33w1 15b0 14w0 26b0 36w1 29w1 16b03282229
28Rodriguez Garcia Oscar1494ESP -1 2w0 19b½ 20w0 12b0 33b0 32w1 30w½3272129
29Texido Gonzalez Adria1548ESP 6w1 9b0 24w0 34b1 16w0 -0 27b0 36b1326,52127,5
30Baques Choy Berta1716ESP 33b1 5w0 13b0 19w0 18b0 35w+ 21w½ 28b½325,52027,5
31Espinoza Sanchis Daniel1569ESP 2b0 14w1 20b½ 13w1 -0 -0 -0 -02,5322635,5
32Navarro Hernandez Ruben1617ESP -0 23b0 18w1 22b0 17w0 34b½ 28b0 -12,52419,525,5
33Sagrista Castaner Jan1502ESP 30w0 27b0 34w½ 18b0 -1 28w1 12b0 23b02,52217,524
34Leon Alcazar Max1655ESP 7b0 13w0 33b½ 29w0 36b1 32w½ 26b0 25w02231824
35Atanasiu Alonso Roman1606ESP 11w0 17b1 10w- 16w- 23w0 30b- 36b- -012621,528
36Montesinos Caliz Pau1552ESP 10b0 21w- 22w0 17b0 34w0 27b0 35w+ 29w01242024,5
37Munne Carbonell Gerard1857ESP 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002116,522

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)