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Torneig escolar d'edats Barcelona Sub-12

Last update 09.02.2018 21:20:34, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Moreno Oller Víctor1945 44w1 16b1 33w1 15b1 3b1 12w1 2b1 5w183831,542,5
2Creixans Comerma Pol1811 92w1 17b1 7w1 10b1 5b1 6w1 1w0 3b½6,5433547
3Padín Jiménez Oriol1716 76w1 88b+ 30b1 9b1 1w0 18b1 7w+ 2w½6,5393141
4Benavides Castellano Nitai1669 86w1 49b1 6w0 28b½ 55w1 17b1 29b1 13w16,5342836
5Sanchez Diaz Lucas1691 96b1 41w1 22b1 6b1 2w0 8w1 19b1 1b0639,531,542
6Rodriguez Gonzalez Gerard1738 46b1 37w1 4b1 5w0 39b1 2b0 17w1 20w163730,541
7Gasull Batiste Aran1676 66w1 28b1 2b0 20w1 21b1 29w1 3b- 15w1636,53039,5
8Creixans Comerma Martí1565 47w1 9b0 83w+ 35w1 15b1 5b0 21w1 19w1635,529,539
9Diaz Navarro Unai1812 61b1 8w1 19b1 3w0 12b0 42w1 37b1 16w1634,52937,5
10Costa Frers Octavi1695 85b1 56w1 21b1 2w0 61b1 13w0 34b1 24w163225,534
11Pelegrin Garcia Arnau1608 67b1 14w0 24b1 40w1 41b1 19w0 28b1 23w163125,533
12Romeu Viladot Emili1735 24w1 43b1 18w½ 33b1 9w1 1b0 13b½ 14w½5,539,531,542,5
13Lana Martín Arnau1638 38w½ 59b1 27w1 18b½ 26w1 10b1 12w½ 4b05,537,53141
14Ribera Caro Joan1338 40w1 11b1 29w½ 38b½ 18w0 43b1 32w1 12b½5,5332736
15Amirkhanyan Ruben1704 50b1 20w1 39b1 1w0 8w0 40b1 31w1 7b0537,529,541
16Torres Teruel Joan1567 35b1 1w0 76b1 47w1 29w0 38b1 25w1 9b05362838
17Castillo Herreros Enric1504 48b1 2w0 50b1 22w1 23b1 4w0 6b0 41w1535,52939,5
18Guerrero Moreno Ainoha1672 89b1 62w1 12b½ 13w½ 14b1 3w0 20b0 42w153529,537,5
19Blasco Pomarol Carlos1684 83w1 34b1 9w0 80b1 38w1 11b1 5w0 8b05352938
20Palmer Pifarré Joaquin1468 58w1 15b0 67w1 7b0 64w1 62b1 18w1 6b0533,52735,5
21Serrahima Susany Ramon1453 73w1 23b1 10w0 63b1 7w0 30w1 8b0 45b153326,536,5
22Sordo Pardo Arturo1359 42w1 51b1 5w0 17b0 25w0 66b+ 44b1 37w1532,526,535,5
23Castellanos Garcia Alvaro1692 87w+ 21w0 44b+ 25b1 17w0 61b1 41w1 11b05322635
24Murias Plana Biel1438 12b0 64w1 11w0 82b1 65w1 39b1 45w1 10b05312534
25Vidal Martinez Albert1463 62b0 54w1 53b1 23w0 22b1 27w1 16b0 39w1530,525,533
26Orobitg Faro Arnau1402 63w- 84w1 42b1 30w1 13b0 37w0 63b1 43w1528,52331,5
27Orpella Crusafon Miquel1712 -0 77w1 13b0 83w+ 80w1 25b0 58w1 40b1528,52331,5
28Catalan Monteagudo Elm1448 99b+ 7w0 69b1 4w½ 58b1 31b½ 11w0 30b½4,535,52939
29Cortes Benet Gerard-Abinel1725 79b1 31w½ 14b½ 37w1 16b1 7b0 4w0 34w½4,535,52938
30Segui Blanes Julia1616 36w1 60b1 3w0 26b0 66w1 21b0 38w+ 28w½4,530,52533
31Leon Gimenez Alvaro1485 68w1 29b½ 38b0 56w1 32b1 28w½ 15b0 35w½4,5302532
32Bessa López Oriol1394 37b0 79w1 55w½ 72b1 31w0 59b1 14b0 57w14,53024,532,5
33Vila Plana Adrià1687 93w1 57b1 1b0 12w0 40b0 60w½ 47b1 56w14,5302232
34Ruiz Garcia Eric1482 71b+ 19w0 47b0 94w+ 52w1 68b1 10w0 29b½4,529,523,531,5
35Nieto Van Brakel David1400 16w0 81b1 57w1 8b0 45w0 80b1 65w1 31b½4,52822,531
36Icart Ruiz Sergi1414 30b0 91w1 88b1 39w0 37b0 57w½ 55b+ 59b14,5242026
37Lidon Ardanuy Roger1492 32w1 6b0 60w1 29b0 36w1 26b1 9w0 22b04352937,5
38Nogueras Castaño Ramon1416 13b½ 90w+ 31w1 14w½ 19b0 16w0 30b- 69b143428,537,5
39Domínguez Laguna Dídac1602 74w1 75b1 15w0 36b1 6w0 24w0 48b1 25b04332736,5
40Nova Sanchez Victor1454 14b0 82w1 62b+ 11b0 33w1 15w0 52b1 27w04332736
41Vasilev Andrei1416 65w1 5b0 43w1 45b1 11w0 51w1 23b0 17b0431,525,534,5
42Hernaiz Torrentsgenerós Xavier1464 22b0 52w1 26w0 70b1 73w1 9b0 68w1 18b0431,525,533,5
43Lago Meda Unai1488 52b1 12w0 41b0 75w+ 60w1 14w0 69b+ 26b0430,52533
44De La Riva Cabellud Arnau1444 1b0 71w1 23w- 52b0 70w1 82b1 22w0 68b1430,522,532,5
45Lloansi Gelabert Elia1577 75w0 66b1 49w+ 41w0 35b1 47w1 24b0 21w0429,524,532,5
46Molinero Barrio Victor1441 6w0 47b0 52w0 89b+ 53b1 64b1 62w1 -0429,523,531,5
47Mestre Montaner Lluc1396 8b0 46w1 34w1 16b0 57w1 45b0 33w0 65b142923,532
48Pujadas Diaz Bernat1395 17w0 55b0 81w- 93w1 49b1 87b+ 39w0 63b14282330
49Barragan Cardona Roc1430 95b1 4w0 45b- 64b0 48w0 71b1 70w1 62b+42821,529,5
50Ariza Beltran Arnau1430 15w0 68b1 17w0 62b0 75w½ 84b1 51w½ 64b1427,522,529,5
51Mur Urios Arnau1685 77b1 22w0 61w0 87b1 76w½ 41b0 50b½ 74w142621,528
52Wang Zi Yang1394 43w0 42b0 46b1 44w1 34b0 81w+ 40w0 66b1425,52128,5
53Pera Muntasell Jan1358 56b0 87w1 25w0 57b0 46w0 91b1 86w1 67b14231825
54Romanyuk Nazar1382 88w0 25b0 85b0 -1 87w0 89b1 81w+ 61w+4211623
55Estruch Botinas Ramon1466 -0 48w1 32b½ 90w1 4b0 -0 36w- 77w13,53124,532,5
56Garriga Sabater Eric1463 53w1 10b0 58w½ 31b0 59w0 73b1 75w1 33b03,5302433,5
57Rodriguez Rivas Pol1483 82w+ 33w0 35b0 53w1 47b0 36b½ 76w1 32b03,52924,531
58García Raschke Hernán1366 20b0 85w1 56b½ 59w1 28w0 76b1 27b0 -03,527,522,529,5
59Elsheikh Mezquita Miquel1680 90b½ 13w0 73w1 58b0 56b1 32w0 60b1 36w03,527,52229
60Moré Artigas Gerard1416 97w+ 30w0 37b0 88w1 43b0 33b½ 59w0 76b+3,52520,527,5
61Lopez Fernandez Pau1444 9w0 74b+ 51b1 65w+ 10w0 23w0 -0 54b-332,526,535,5
62Prouvost Adrien1344 25w1 18b0 40w- 50w1 90b1 20w0 46b0 49w-331,526,533
63Lain Corbi Guiu1598 26b+ 94b1 -0 21w0 -0 86b1 26w0 48w0331,52633,5
64Pascual Gonzalo Guillermo1338 80b- 24b0 89w+ 49w1 20b0 46w0 85b1 50w03292431
65Grant Tafalla Gabriel1634 41b0 89w1 92b+ 61b- 24b0 67w1 35b0 47w0328,523,530,5
66Fabra Martin Jan1418 7b0 45w0 78b1 84w1 30b0 22w- 82w+ 52w032821,530,5
67Pujol Layi Marcel1411 11w0 98b+ 20b0 81w- 72w+ 65b0 73w+ 53w0327,521,530
68Lyapina Carolina1387 31b0 50w0 79b1 92w+ 81w+ 34w0 42b0 44w032722,529,5
69Garris Barutel Ariadna1266 -0 93b1 28w0 95b1 -0 83w+ 43w- 38w0326,52228
70Redon Garmendia Aitor1409 -0 -0 91b+ 42w0 44b0 79w1 49b0 85w132621,528
71Arnez Zarate Alejandro1376 34w- 44b0 93w+ 76w- -0 49w0 88b+ 84b132621,527,5
72Batalla Pascualena Adria1628 -0 -0 74b+ 32w0 67b- -0 93b1 75b1325,52127,5
73Ondoño Font Pol1326 21b0 96w1 59b0 85w1 42b0 56w0 67b- 86b13241926
74Velasquez Sanchez Jose Emanue1410 39b0 61w- 72w- -0 95w1 88w1 80b+ 51b0323,519,525
75Sanchez Recasens Alejandro1402 45b1 39w0 -0 43b- 50b½ 90w1 56b0 72w02,52823,529,5
76Garcia Alonso Edgar1431 3b0 99w+ 16w0 71b+ 51b½ 58w0 57b0 60w-2,52822,531
77Hirsch Santiago1424 51w0 27b0 -0 91b½ -0 96w+ 90w1 55b02,5241925,5
78Sarola Lopez Ramon1344 -0 92b0 66w0 96b1 -0 85w0 79b½ 91w12,52217,524
79Pujol Cuenca Daniel1436 29w0 32b0 68w0 86b0 91w1 70b0 78w½ 90b12,52217,523,5
80Zapparov Aleksandr1456 64w- 86b1 94w+ 19w0 27b0 35w0 74w- -02292431
81Perez Arcentales Juan Maria1476 -0 35w0 48b+ 67b+ 68b- 52b- 54b- -022722,529,5
82Rius Ayala Roger1381 57b- 40b0 96w+ 24w0 85b1 44w0 66b- -0226,521,528,5
83Jeffery Grau Lluc1423 19b0 95w1 8b- 27b- 84b+ 69b- -0 -0226,521,528
84Esteve Giral Martí1492 -0 26b0 86w1 66b0 83w- 50w0 89b1 71w0226,52128,5
85Arco Perez Paula1428 10w0 58b0 54w1 73b0 82w0 78b1 64w0 70b0226,520,529
86Mascaray Diaz Gabriel1416 4b0 80w0 84b0 79w1 88b1 63w0 53b0 73w022619,528,5
87Suñer Beltran Max1428 23b- 53b0 99w+ 51w0 54b1 48w- -0 -0225,52128
88Igual Perez Marc1484 54b1 3w- 36w0 60b0 86w0 74b0 71w- 93w+222,517,523,5
89Garrabou Sabate Marti1418 18w0 65b0 64b- 46w- 93b1 54w0 84w0 -12221723
90Viadel Marles Pol1422 59w½ 38b- 95b+ 55b0 62w0 75b0 77b0 79w01,526,521,529
91Vasilyan Narek1452 -0 36b0 70w- 77w½ 79b0 53w0 95w+ 78b01,52520,526
92Silva Nitanu Raul1444 2b0 78w1 65w- 68b- -0 -0 -0 -0127,52129,5
93Belyi Lev1424 33b0 69w0 71b- 48b0 89w0 95b1 72w0 88b-12520,526,5
94Rubio Garcia Ethan1312 -1 63w0 80b- 34b- -0 -0 -0 -0124,52026,5
95Pons Pique Max1698 49w0 83b0 90w- 69w0 74b0 93w0 91b- -00231924
96Luengo Coca Dominic1427 5w0 73b0 82b- 78w0 -0 77b- -0 -0022,516,523,5
97Bassono Ortega Joel1657 60b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002116,522
Cañellas Amado Alejo Benjamin1512 -0 67w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002116,522
Portillo Ordoñez Marc1314 28w- 76b- 87b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -002116,522

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)