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IRT Campeonato Nacional Absoluto de Mayores Ajedrez Rapido

Darrera actualització12.11.2017 20:29:11, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Núm.NomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1IMRios Cristhian Camilo2525VAL 26w1 18b1 10w1 5b0 21w1 14b1 11w1 4w0 3b0650654
2FMValderrama Quiceno Esteban Alb2457BOL 27b1 17w1 11b0 9w1 7b1 5w½ 4b½ 19w1 13b1730,5651,5
3IMGallego Alcaraz Andres Felipe2416ANT 29w1 20b½ 6w1 16b1 12w1 4w½ 5b½ 14b1 1w17,520,5651,5
4GMArenas David2410BOL 30b1 19w1 13b1 11w1 5w½ 3b½ 2w½ 1b1 9b17,510,5652,5
5IMMartinez Romero Martin2410BOL 31w1 22b1 14w1 1w1 4b½ 2b½ 3w½ 11b1 12w½740,5551,5
6FMRios Parra Mauricio2349ANT 32b1 21w0 3b0 37w1 29b1 20w0 30b1 25w1 19b05180544,5
7IMMendoza Rafael2342FED 33w1 24b1 16w½ 21b½ 2w0 22b½ 18w0 30b1 26w04,5300345
8IMZuluaga Cesar2328COR 34b½ 15w0 45b1 23w1 26w1 19b0 22w0 16b0 52b14,5260445
9FMMateus Alejandro2324VAL 35w1 41b1 21w½ 2b0 20w½ 26b1 19w½ 18b1 4w05,5130451
10IMPanesso Rivera Henry2312ANT 36b1 23w1 1b0 19w½ 38b1 11w0 45b0 34w1 22w15,5110542,5
11IMOssa Orlando2310VAL 37w1 44b1 2w1 4b0 22w1 10b1 1b0 5w0 21w05160551
12Morales Jhon Alexander2299VAL 38b0 34w1 29b1 27w1 3b0 25w1 15b½ 13w1 5b½670546
13FMCastaneda Jorge Luis2237CES 39w1 54b1 4w0 22b0 18w1 41b1 17w1 12b0 2w05170546,5
14FMGonzalez Parejo Ramon Junior2233ATL 40b1 25w1 5b0 28w1 17b1 1w0 20b1 3w0 23b½5,5100550,5
15FMDominguez Ramiro2198BOL 41w0 8b1 35w1 26b0 31w1 21b1 12w½ 22b½ 17w05220444
16FMGarcia Alvaro2184FED 42b1 38w1 7b½ 3w0 19b0 30w0 48b1 8w1 45b½5240441,5
17FMMartinez Jorge Alexander2175FED 43w1 2b0 20w1 41b1 14w0 35b1 13b0 45w1 15b1660645,5
18Lora Joel Fernando2171BOL 45b1 1w0 32b1 38w½ 13b0 48w1 7b1 9w0 20b04,5270443
19IMBlandon Luis Guillermo2167ANT 46w1 4b0 36w1 10b½ 16w1 8w1 9b½ 2b0 6w1680544,5
20FMHerrera Juan Sebastian2153VAL 47b1 3w½ 17b0 34w1 9b½ 6b1 14w0 26b½ 18w15,5140447
21FMCardoso Cardoso Jose Gabriel2144VAL 48w1 6b1 9b½ 7w½ 1b0 15w0 32b1 27w1 11b1690543,5
22Gaviria Andres Felipe2051MAG 50b1 5w0 37b1 13w1 11b0 7w½ 8b1 15w½ 10b05230442,5
23CMTorres Cueto Jesus Marcial2044BOL 51w1 10b0 39w½ 8b0 32b1 38w½ 42b1 29b1 14w½5,5150435,5
24Martinez Luis Hernando2034BOY 52b1 7w0 38b0 40w½ 34b1 45w0 28w0 47b1 30w14,5290437
25CMCardenas Alejandro2016QUI 53w1 14b0 41w0 39b1 33w1 12b0 35w1 6b0 28w04330441
26CMAndrade Truyol Geiner Jose1994CES 1b0 40w1 47b1 15w1 8b0 9w0 38b1 20w½ 7b15,5120542
27Charris Zabaleta Rafael Julio1967CES 2w0 43b1 44w1 12b0 35w0 33b1 41w1 21b0 29w15190542,5
28Larrada Roa Hassid1956CES -0 46b1 54w1 14b0 41w0 32w0 24b1 37w1 25b15200536,5
29Nino Diego1917BOY 3b0 42w1 12w0 43b1 6w0 54b1 47b1 23w0 27b04320441,5
30Silva Suna Juan Esteban1895BOY 4w0 48b0 31w½ 50b1 39w1 16b1 6w0 7w0 24b03,5390337,5
31Serrato Rafael Antonio1871CUN 5b0 45w½ 30b½ 42w1 15b0 47w0 -0 -0 -02500140
32CMChavez Brayan Steven1865VAL 6w0 51b1 18w0 44b1 23w0 28b1 21w0 41b0 42w14340437,5
33Arnedo Jhon1857BOL 7b0 47w0 49b1 54w1 25b0 27w0 43b1 38w1 35b04360433
34Gomez Guardo Cristian1839BOL 8w½ 12b0 48w1 20b0 24w0 51b1 52w1 10b0 41w14,5280438,5
35Petro Manuel1825COR 9b0 49w1 15b0 47w1 27b1 17w0 25b0 42w1 33w15210536,5
36Ramirez Florez Edwin1757CAL 10w0 53w1 19b0 48b½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,5520140,5
37Castillo Barajas Jonhatan1752BOY 11b0 50w1 22w0 6b0 45b0 46w1 44w1 28b0 47w14350436
38Mosquera Ariday1741MAG 12w1 16b0 24w1 18b½ 10w0 23b½ 26w0 33b0 44w14370343,5
39Rativa Jimenez Cesar Daniel1673BOY 13b0 52w1 23b½ 25w0 30b0 42w0 51b1 40w½ 43b½3,5430233,5
40Moreno Marino Juan Nicolas1451BOY 14w0 26b0 50w1 24b½ 48w0 52b0 54w1 39b½ 46w14380334
41Ardila Donaldo0BOL 15b1 9w0 25b1 17w0 28b1 13w0 27b0 32w1 34b04310444
42Caballero Marrugo David Jose0BOL 16w0 29b0 51w1 31b0 46w1 39b1 23w0 35b0 32b03460333,5
43Carrol Heiner0MAG 17b0 27w0 52b1 29w0 47b0 49w1 33w0 53b1 39w½3,5410333
44Ferrer Argote Daniel Jose0CES 49b1 11w0 27b0 32w0 54b0 50w1 37b0 51w1 38b03470329,5
45Hernandez Banquett Bryan Steven0COR 18w0 31b½ 8w0 46b1 37w1 24b1 10w1 17b0 16w½5250439
46Izquierdo Vallejo Oscar Andres0CES 19b0 28w0 53b1 45w0 42b0 37b0 49w1 54w1 40b03450334
47Meneses Javier0BOL 20w0 33b1 26w0 35b0 43w1 31b1 29w0 24w0 37b03440338
48Mestre Muelas Seykarin0CES 21b0 30w1 34b0 36w½ 40b1 18b0 16w0 52w0 50b13,5400334,5
49Penaranda Diaz Edwin Daniel0CES 44w0 35b0 33w0 53b1 51w0 43b0 46b0 50w0 54b01540128
50Rojas Giraldo Kevin Gabriel0CES 22w0 37b0 40b0 30w0 -1 44b0 53w0 49b1 48w02510131,5
51Sarmiento Vargas Nicolas0BOY 23b0 32w0 42b0 52w½ 49b1 34w0 39w0 44b0 53b01,5530131
52Urueta Perez David Leon0FED 24w0 39b0 43w0 51b½ 53w1 40w1 34b0 48b1 8w03,5420332,5
53Vallejo Pacheco Dwiawingumu Andres0CES 25b0 36b0 46w0 49w0 52b0 -1 50b1 43w0 51w13490224,5
54Villazon Villazon Camilo Andres0CES -1 13w0 28b0 33b0 44w1 29w0 40b0 46b0 49w13480233,5

Desempat1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempat2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)