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Turnirin təfərrüatlarını göstər


Son yeniləmə12.11.2017 22:36:33, Müəllif/Son yükləmə: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

Oyunçu üçün axtarın Axtar

11 turdan sonra turnir cədvəlində yekun sıralama

Rk.AdFED1.Tur2.Tur3.Tur4.Tur5.Tur6.Tur7.Tur8.Tur9.Tur10.Tur11.TurPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1BORGES Victor Hugo MoreiraBRA 41b1 15w1 30b1 10w1 4b1 7w1 2b1 12w½ 8b1 6w1 3b09,506781,5994
2FMDELGADO Lidio DiasBRA 49b1 26w1 12b0 32w1 33b1 10w1 1w0 9b1 4w1 5b1 13w19063,578990
3FMGONZALEZ Bolivar RibeiroBRA 46w1 32b1 40w0 60b1 21w1 13b0 20w1 5b½ 22w1 28b1 1w18,505771886
4FMMATSUURA FredericoBRA 48w1 14b1 23w1 5b1 1w0 28w1 8b1 7w1 2b0 12w1 6b08066,581880
5DIAS Anderson TatschBRA 37b1 34w1 9b1 4w0 40b½ 30w1 28b1 3w½ 7b1 2w0 12b18062,577780
6IMMARTINEZ Carlos AlejandroBRA 18b1 29w0 42b1 24w0 48b1 27w1 15b1 30w1 10b1 1b0 4w1806074,5880
7CRUZ William Ferreira DaBRA 55w1 24b1 21w1 40b1 12w1 1b0 13w1 4b0 5w0 14b1 17w½7,5062,577774
8FMCHEMIN VitorioBRA 53b1 43w½ 11b1 25w½ 9b1 29w1 4w0 13b1 1w0 20b½ 26w17,506175,5674
9FERRERO Carlos E.BRA 76w1 47b1 5w0 16b1 8w0 46b1 26w1 2w0 24b½ 23b1 25w17,5058,570,5776
10CALCADO Acyr RogerioBRA 65w1 54b1 60w1 1b0 20w1 2b0 40w1 29b1 6w0 26b½ 22w17,5057,571776
11PRANTES Maicon Da SilvaBRA 70w1 25b1 8w0 31b0 41w1 47b1 23w½ 22b0 40w1 21b1 20w17,5054,566774
12DA SILVA Daniel LeiteBRA 66w1 16b1 2w1 28w½ 7b0 14b1 22w1 1b½ 21w1 4b0 5w07065,579670
13OLIVEIRA Jonathan DeBRA 45b1 38w1 29b0 26w1 24b1 3w1 7b0 8w0 17b1 15w1 2b07062,577770
14RODRIGUEZ Paulo Virgilio RiosBRA 69b1 4w0 61b1 19w1 17b½ 12w0 45b1 33w1 28b½ 7w0 35b17056,568,5672
15KRUGER IsraelBRA 72w1 1b0 55w1 47b0 18w1 16b1 6w0 61b1 34w1 13b0 31w17055,569770
16RECH Vinicius SavarisBRA 59b1 12w0 69b1 9w0 71b1 15w0 53b1 36w1 29w1 25b0 28w17052,564770
17ARAUJO Rafael MoreiraBRA 68w1 60b0 62w1 54b1 14w½ 22b0 42w1 40b1 13w0 41b1 7b½705162,5670
18COLACO Willian Wagner SoaresBRA 6w0 57b1 51w1 20b0 15b0 52w0 58b1 66w1 56b1 33w1 29b17050,562,5770
19LISBOA Joana CunhaBRA 31w1 21b0 77w1 14b0 70w1 23b0 51w1 20b0 65w1 32b1 39w17050,560,5770
20FMCHEMIN Justo ReinaldoBRA 58b1 28w0 49b1 18w1 10b0 35w1 3b0 19w1 32b1 8w½ 11b06,5059,573664
21ALMEIDA JUNIOR Alvaro Alves DeBRA 73b1 19w1 7b0 39w1 3b0 34w½ 27b1 25w1 12b0 11w0 42b16,5059,572664
22ACOSTA Pablo AlejandroARG 52b1 42w½ 43b1 29w1 28b0 17w1 12b0 11w1 3b0 24w1 10b06,5058,572664
23CARDOSO PIMENTA Ciro JoseBRA 67w1 50b1 4b0 34w1 29b0 19w1 11b½ 28w0 27b1 9w0 43b16,505769666
24DA SILVA Juliano Roberto NeryBRA 74b1 7w0 37b1 6b1 13w0 53w1 30b0 35w1 9w½ 22b0 41w16,505769664
25FMARAUJO Adalberto MarcosBRA 61b1 11w0 41b1 8b½ 36w1 40w0 43b1 21b0 42w1 16w1 9b06,5056,568,5666
26SHIBATA Antonio EmilioBRA 78w1 2b0 46w1 13b0 62w1 31b1 9b0 52w1 30b1 10w½ 8b06,505668664
27MILESKI Lucas De SouzaBRA 81b1 30w0 36b½ 43w1 31w1 6b0 21w0 37b1 23w0 44b1 40w16,5053,564,5666
28PALOZI Paulo RicardoBRA 62w1 20b1 33w1 12b½ 22w1 4b0 5w0 23b1 14w½ 3w0 16b06062,575,5560
29MOURA Ulisses Atila Arrais EBRA 57w1 6b1 13w1 22b0 23w1 8b0 32w1 10w0 16b0 48b1 18w0606073660
30SALUSTIANO Murilo GimenezBRA 44w1 27b1 1w0 50b1 47w1 5b0 24w1 6b0 26w0 39b0 48w1605771,5660
31Jaruga Rodolfo Brandao de ProencaBRA 19b0 73w1 35b1 11w1 27b0 26w0 48b1 34b0 61w1 38w1 15b06054,566660
32DAS CHAGAS David FerreiraBRA 71b1 3w0 45b1 2b0 61w1 33w1 29b0 46b1 20w0 19w0 50b1605467660
33BUSQUETE Sergio VicznevskiBRA 56b1 39w1 28b0 38w1 2w0 32b0 55w1 14b0 46w1 18b0 47w1605367660
34MILLEO Lucas DolattoBRA 63w1 5b0 65w1 23b0 55w1 21b½ 36b½ 31w1 15b0 35w0 56b16052,564,5562
35SANTIN Thiago Cirino SobrinhoBRA 82w1 40b0 31w0 44b1 51w1 20b0 65w1 24b0 52w1 34b1 14w0605059660
36SALVADEGO Matheus Henrique De OBRA 40w0 82b1 27w½ 42w1 25b0 50b1 34w½ 16b0 48w0 46b1 62w16049,558,5558
37GONCALVES MateusBRA 5w0 63b1 24w0 70b0 72w1 77b1 38b1 27w0 39b0 58w1 54b16047,558,5660
38DE MOURA Iridio JohansenBRA 80w1 13b0 67w1 33b0 46w0 66b1 37w0 44b1 53w1 31b0 51w16046,556,5660
39SANTOS FILHO ValterBRA 83w1 33b0 44w1 21b0 65w0 76b1 46w0 67b1 37w1 30w1 19b0604655660
40PEDRUZZI Pedro HenriqueBRA 36b1 35w1 3b1 7w0 5w½ 25b1 10b0 17w0 11b0 49w1 27b05,5062,576554
41DOS ANJOS Diovana FerreiraBRA 1w0 72b1 25w0 66b1 11b0 56w1 44b½ 49w1 43b1 17w0 24b05,5052,566556
42Lara Diego CostaBRA 79w1 22b½ 6w0 36b0 68w1 49b1 17b0 45w1 25b0 63w1 21w05,5051,562,5556
43BORGES Lucas SilvestreBRA 77w1 8b½ 22w0 27b0 67w1 65b1 25w0 60b1 41w0 62b1 23w05,5048,559556
44CARVALHO IsisBRA 30b0 81w1 39b0 35w0 58b1 54b1 41w½ 38w0 60b1 27w0 61b15,5048,558554
45PAVLAK Giovanna EduardaBRA 13w0 80b1 32w0 77b1 50w½ 60b1 14w0 42b0 49b0 73w1 63b15,5044,554,5554
46DA SILVA Anderson LemesBRA 3b0 71w1 26b0 58w1 38b1 9w0 39b1 32w0 33b0 36w0 69b1505365,5550
47SANTOS NETO AmazonasBRA 51b1 9w0 59b1 15w1 30b0 11w0 52b0 56w0 69b1 66w1 33b05050,562550
48SZUBA Joao Gabriel MunizBRA 4b0 69w0 68w1 56b1 6w0 57b1 31w0 76b1 36b1 29w0 30b0505061550
49MALANOWSKI Lara CarolinaBRA 2w0 78b1 20w0 72b1 60w½ 42w0 54b1 41b0 45w1 40b0 52w½504759448
50SILVA JR Maurides Ferreira DaBRA 84b1 23w0 56b1 30w0 45b½ 36w0 60w0 68b½ 57w1 53b1 32w0504755,5452
51PEDROZO Gustavo HenriqueBRA 47w0 76b1 18b0 52w1 35b0 64w1 19b0 53w0 73b1 68w1 38b05046,556,5550
52BORGES Leonardo Hisao HeraiBRA 22w0 79b1 54w0 51b0 78w1 18b1 47w1 26b0 35b0 61w½ 49b½5046,556,5450
53OLIVEIRA SOBRINHO Francisco R.BRA 8w0 77b0 63w1 78b1 54w1 24b0 16w0 51b1 38b0 50w0 74b1504656,5550
54BARRETO Marcelo FerreiraBRA 75b1 10w0 52b1 17w0 53b0 44w0 49w0 71b1 76w1 65b1 37w05045,556550
55GIMNI JaquelineBRA 7b0 74w1 15b0 69w1 34b0 70w1 33b0 63w0 72b1 56w0 66b15044,556550
56MACIEL Fabiana TonseBRA 33w0 83b1 50w0 48w0 74b1 41b0 77w1 47b1 18w0 55b1 34w05044,553,5550
57MASCARELLO Lucas LandoskiBRA 29b0 18w0 75b1 61w0 59b1 48w0 63b0 64w1 50b0 71w1 68b15042,553,5550
58DE OLIVEIRA Wythor RogerioBRA 20w0 62b0 79w1 46b0 44w0 83b1 18w0 77b1 67w1 37b0 65w15041,550,5550
59BOGLER Lucas Henrique FerreiraBRA 16w0 66b1 47w0 68b0 57w0 78b1 76w0 74w0 84b1 70b1 67w1503645550
60DUARTE Carolina TavaresBRA 64b1 17w1 10b0 3w0 49b½ 45w0 50b1 43w0 44w0 67b0 76w14,5049,561446
61KAMAKAWA CesarBRA 25w0 70b1 14w0 57b1 32b0 71w1 69b1 15w0 31b0 52b½ 44w04,504960446
62LOPES DA SILVA MatheusBRA 28b0 58w1 17b0 73w1 26b0 69w0 70b1 72w1 63b½ 43w0 36b04,5045,556,5446
63DE LIMA Luis Gustavo HakimBRA 34b0 37w0 53b0 81w1 66w0 82b1 57w1 55b1 62w½ 42b0 45w04,5043,551,5444
64DE RAMOS Mitzi VedanBRA 60w0 68b½ 66w0 76b0 83w1 51b0 78w1 57b0 71w0 84b1 75b14,5033,540,5446
65Duarte Jennifer TavaresBRA 10b0 75w1 34b0 74w1 39b1 43w0 35b0 69w1 19b0 54w0 58b04048,560440
66SCHAFRANSKI Marcelo EmanuelBRA 12b0 59w0 64b1 41w0 63b1 38w0 71b1 18b0 70w1 47b0 55w04046,557,5440
67SILVA Richard SantanaBRA 23b0 84w1 38b0 71w0 43b0 75w1 74b1 39w0 58b0 60w1 59b0404452,5440
68DA SILVA Jackson BuenoBRA 17b0 64w½ 48b0 59w1 42b0 73w0 75b1 50w½ 74b1 51b0 57w0404354338
69DOS SANTOS Gustavo BrambilaBRA 14w0 48b1 16w0 55b0 79w1 62b1 61w0 65b0 47w0 77b1 46w0404353440
70JULIATTO Francisco MachadoBRA 11b0 61w0 81b1 37w1 19b0 55b0 62w0 80w1 66b0 59w0 82b1404251,5440
71MACHADO Wesley HenriqueBRA 32w0 46b0 76w1 67b1 16w0 61b0 66w0 54w0 64b1 57b0 80w1404151440
72GRIGOLI LeonardoBRA 15b0 41w0 84b1 49w0 37b0 80w1 73b1 62b0 55w0 75w0 81b1404049440
73RIBEIRO Jessica Maria Da SilvaBRA 21w0 31b0 80w1 62b0 77w0 68b1 72w0 79b1 51w0 45b0 78w1403847,5440
74XAVIER Kayo Henrique CamposBRA 24w0 55b0 83w1 65b0 56w0 79b1 67w0 59b1 68w0 76b1 53w0403846,5440
75Pontes AndressaBRA 54w0 65b0 57w0 79b0 81w1 67b0 68w0 82b1 78w1 72b1 64w04034,541,5440
76FERRAZ Dimitri Vinicius Da SilvBRA 9b0 51w0 71b0 64w1 80b1 39w0 59b1 48w0 54b0 74w0 60b0304353,5330
77SALVADEGO Erika Giovana De O.BRA 43b0 53w1 19b0 45w0 73b1 37w0 56b0 58w0 81b1 69w0 84w0304352330
78GRIGOLI Maria EduardaBRA 26b0 49w0 82b1 53w0 52b0 59w0 64b0 84w1 75b0 83w1 73b03036,545330
79MENEGUEL Maria EduardaBRA 42b0 52w0 58b0 75w1 69b0 74w0 84b1 73w0 80b0 82w1 83b0303340,5330
80GREBOGI Ana LiaBRA 38b0 45w0 73b0 82w1 76w0 72b0 83w1 70b0 79w1 81w0 71b03032,540,5330
81FANCKIN MuriloBRA 27w0 44b0 70w0 63b0 75b0 84w0 82w1 83b1 77w0 80b1 72w0303240,5330
82Soares Franco RafaelBRA 35b0 36w0 78w0 80b0 84b1 63w0 81b0 75w0 83w1 79b0 70w02232,540,5220
83FERREIRA DA LUZ Carlos Daniel OBRA 39b0 56w0 74b0 84w1 64b0 58w0 80b0 81w0 82b0 78b0 79w12132,540,5220
84SCHAFRANSKI YasminBRA 50w0 67b0 72w0 83b0 82w0 81b1 79w0 78b0 59w0 64w0 77b12031,538,5220

Tay-brek1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tay-brek2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tay-brek3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tay-brek4: Matchpoints (variabel)
Tay-brek5: Arranz System (Win:1 / Draw: 0.6 black, 0.4 white, lost: 0)