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World Youth Blitz Championships 2017 Boys & Girls U14

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony30.10.2017 14:47:29, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

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Tabela końcowa po 9 rundach

M-sceNazwiskoRgFed1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPkt TB 1  TB 2  TB 3  TB 4  TB 5 
1FMDardha Daniel1998BEL 29w1 23b1 4w1 12b1 3b½ 9w1 2w½ 13b1 6b1804548,557
2Leszko Bence2025HUN 35b1 12w0 22b1 5w1 6b1 18w1 1b½ 4b½ 3w1704647,556
3AGMMilikow Elie2006ISR 20w1 6b1 13w1 9b1 1w½ 4b0 7w1 12b1 2b06,5048,55356
4AIMKovacsy Barnabas1805HUN 32b1 8w1 1b0 16w1 10b1 3w1 12b1 2w½ 5b06,50485156
5Alexakis Dimitris1817GRE 37w+ 7b1 14w½ 2b0 21w1 10w0 18b1 19b1 4w16,5043,547,546
6FMNgo Duc Tri1715VIE 33b1 3w0 26b1 24w1 2w0 20b1 15w1 9b1 1w0604446,546
7AGMMilikow Yoav2144ISR 22b1 5w0 10b0 25w1 24b1 17w1 3b0 16w1 13b16040,54456
8Spyropoulos Nikolaos2066GRE 31w1 4b0 20w1 11b0 18b0 27w1 22b1 24w1 12w160374046
9Globus Or1840ISR 28w1 36b1 19w1 3w0 11b1 1b0 14w1 6w0 10b½5,51,54545,545
10FMHorvath Dominik2262AUT 11w1 19b½ 7w1 14b½ 4w0 5b1 13w0 15b1 9w½5,51,544,54944
11Harazinska Magdalena1578POL 10b0 18w1 25b1 8w1 9w0 15b0 20w½ 14b1 19w15,5040,544,545
12CMNguyen Huynh Minh Thien1742VIE 38w+ 2b1 15w1 1w0 14b1 13b1 4w0 3w0 8b050495345
13Kasioumis Vasilios1861GRE 25b1 24w1 3b0 23w1 17b1 12w0 10b1 1w0 7w0504346,545
14Dudin Gleb2000RUS 26b1 17w1 5b½ 10w½ 12w0 16b1 9b0 11w0 24b15040,54454
15Ahluwalia Amardip1994ENG 27b1 16w1 12b0 17w0 22b1 11w1 6b0 10w0 25b150394355
16FMJarocka Liwia1608POL 40w+ 15b0 28w1 4b0 30w1 14w0 26b1 7b0 20w150394245
17Golsta Ramona1664LAT 34w1 14b0 29w1 15b1 13w0 7b0 19w0 28b1 23w150373945
18Kusa Jakub1950CZE 21w½ 11b0 31w1 19b1 8w1 2b0 5w0 20b0 27w14,50424544
19Golsta Madara1820LAT 30b1 10w½ 9b0 18w0 27b1 21w1 17b1 5w0 11b04,5040,543,554
20Kuhar Larisa1426SLO 3b0 30w1 8b0 33w1 23b1 6w0 11b½ 18w1 16b04,5039,54254
21Koutsourakis Ioannis1306GRE 18b½ 22w0 35b1 26w1 5b0 19b0 23w0 33w1 32b14,503233,554
22Papidakis Georgios1496GRE 7w0 21b1 2w0 28b1 15w0 29b1 8w0 27b0 30w14040,543,544
23CMPrieb Robert1627GER 39b+ 1w0 27b1 13b0 20w0 25w0 21b1 26w1 17b040394344
24Kouvidis Ioannis1584GRE 41b+ 13b0 36w1 6b0 7w0 33w1 25b1 8b0 14w04038,53944
25Kotsinis Alexandros1263GRE 13w0 31b1 11w0 7b0 36w1 23b1 24w0 29b1 15w04035,53644
26Liiv Kristiina1379EST 14w0 32b1 6w0 21b0 28w1 30b1 16w0 23b0 31w14033,536,544
27Georgitsi Sofia1317GRE 15w0 34b1 23w0 36b1 19w0 8b0 31w1 22w1 18b04032,53344
28Koutsouraki Ariadni1215GRE 9b0 35w1 16b0 22w0 26b0 32w1 33b1 17w0 34b14030,53254
29Koutsaftis Efstratios1352GRE 1b0 33w1 17b0 30w0 34b1 22w0 35b1 25w0 36b1403030,554
30Matthaiaki Nefeli1212GRE 19w0 20b0 34w1 29b1 16b0 26w0 32b0 36w1 22b03030,53153
31Liang Chelsea1494SCO 8b0 25w0 18b0 32w1 33b0 34w1 27b0 35w1 26b0303031,553
32Tsapaki Asimenia1191GRE 4w0 26w0 33b0 31b0 35w1 28b0 30w1 34b1 21w03029,53143
33Fragkiadakis Nikolaos Emm1118GRE 6w0 29b0 32w1 20b0 31w1 24b0 28w0 21b0 35w½2,5032,53442
34Kealar Ioannis1061GRE 17b0 27w0 30b0 35w1 29w0 31b0 36b1 32w0 28w02027,52842
35Bologan Anton1430MDA 2w0 28b0 21w0 34b0 32b0 36w1 29w0 31b0 33b½1,503030,551
36Liang Marshall0SCO -1 9w0 24b0 27w0 25b0 35b0 34w0 30b0 29w0103031,540
37Diamantis Angelos1197GRE 5b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000262700
Aggeletou Fereniki1124GRE 12b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000262700
Farsaris Michail1056GRE 23w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000262700
Argyriadis Nikolaos0GRE 16b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000262700
Farsaris Charalampos0GRE 24w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000262700

TB 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
TB 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB 4: Most black
TB 5: Greater number of victories/games variable