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IV Azores International Chess Open 2017

Sidst opdateret 10.12.2017 20:23:51, Oprettet af/Sidste upload: fpxacores

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Start rangering krydstabel

Nr.NavnRatFED1 rd.2 rd.3 rd.4 rd.5 rd.6 rd.7 rd.Pts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMSTRIKOVIC Aleksa2495SRB 19w1 10b1 8w1 2b½ 3w1 11b1 7w16,5103033,5
2GMCAMPORA Daniel2417ARG 21b1 11w1 7b1 1w½ 5b1 9w1 10b½62028,531,5
3VEIGA Francisco2240POR 22w1 12b0 19w1 13b1 1b0 16w1 9b155024,527,5
4COSTA Paulo2161POR 23b1 13w½ 9b1 5w½ 11b0 19w1 6b156023,527
5NMCOSTA João Guerra2146POR 24w1 14b1 12w1 4b½ 2w0 10b0 11w03,514028,531,5
6NMCARNEIRO Carlos2141POR 25b1 18w1 9b0 13w1 4w041102325,5
7NMRIBEIRO Bruno2120POR 26w1 17b1 2w0 12b1 8w½ 14b1 1b04,5702932
8WFMREDONDO ARGUELLES Graciela2031ESP 27b1 16w1 1b0 15w1 7b½ 18w1 -04,58025,528,5
9SOARES Luís2031POR 28w1 40b1 4w0 16b1 6w1 2b0 3w0410026,529
10MALTEZ Nuno1950POR 30b1 1w0 22b1 25w½ 23b1 5w1 2w½54026,529
11SANTOS José Guilherme1937POR 31w1 2b0 24w1 20b1 4w1 1w0 5b153027,530,5
12BELTRÁN ORTIZ Edda1927ESP 34b1 3w1 5b0 7w0 18w0 37b1 -0324022,524,5
13JURADO PEREZ Oliver1923ESP 35w1 4b½ 20w½ 3w0 40b1 6b0 17w½3,51802426
14ANTÃO Jorge1866POR 36b1 5w0 23b½ 29w1 25b1 7w0 22b14,59020,522
15CAMPOS Rui1792POR 26w1 8b0 20w½ 23b½ 29w141202225
16GUERRA José1782POR 37w1 8b0 40w1 9w0 26b1 3b0 23w½3,51902325
17SÁ Nuno1782POR 39b1 7w0 25b0 28w1 27w1 13b½41302021,5
18PALHAIS Custódio1762POR 29w1 6b0 39w1 12b1 8b0 -03,521021,523
19REGO João Rui1618POR 1b0 27w1 3b0 30w1 21w1 4b0 26w½3,515026,529,5
20OLIVEIRA António Augusto1602POR 33w1 13b½ 11w0 15b½ 25w1 -03,52002224,5
21ANDRADE Cristovão1569POR 2w0 28b0 34w1 32b+ 19b0 29w- 37w133002021
22MARTINS José1548POR 3b0 30w1 10w0 28b½ 31w1 24b1 14w03,51702427
23FUNK Matthias1502POR 4w0 35b1 14w½ 31b1 10w0 15w½ 16b½3,51602527
24BELCHIOR Nuno1500POR 5b0 34w1 11b0 27w½ 36b1 22w0 28b½328020,522
25DIAS Marcos1498POR 6w0 37b1 17w1 10b½ 14w0 20b0 30w02,531024,526,5
26MONIZ Bruno1474POR 7b0 36w1 15b0 38w1 16w0 34b1 19b½3,52202021,5
27SOUSA António1464POR 8w0 19b0 35w1 24b½ 39w1 17b0 31b½32902021,5
28GUERRA Rui1296POR 9b0 21w1 29b0 22w½ 17b0 33b1 24w½327020,523
29TORRES Francisco Medeiros1245POR 18b0 28w1 14b0 30w½ 21b+ 15b032502225
30BETTANI Domenico1240POR 10w0 22b0 37w1 19b0 29b½ 36w1 25b13,523019,521
31GASPAR Bernardo Aguiar1195POR 11b0 33w1 23w0 22b0 39b1 27w½32602122,5
32AFONSO Pedro1140POR -0 21w- 37b- -0 -0140020,522,5
33NUNES João Augusto1116POR 20b0 31b0 40w0 35b1 28w0 39w12,533017,519
34OLIVEIRA Daniela Sousa1111POR 12w0 24b0 21b0 35w1 38b1 26w0 40b½2,53401719
35OLIVEIRA Rodrigo Sousa1106POR 13b0 23w0 27b0 34b0 33w0 38w1 -1236018,520,5
36SOARES Matilde1091POR 14w0 26b0 -1 24w0 30b0 38b01,538021,523,5
37TORRES Ricardo1032POR 16b0 25w0 30b0 -1 32w+ 12w0 21b023501920
38AFONSO Simão0POR -0 26b0 34w0 35b0 36w1237018,520
39CARREIRO Simão0POR 17w0 -1 18b0 27b0 31w0 33b01,539020,523
40REBELO Paulo0POR -1 9w0 16b0 33b1 13w0 -0 34w½2,532020,523

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)