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Telangana State U 11 Girls Chess Selection Championship - 2017

Last update 15.10.2017 10:42:26, Creator/Last Upload: G NAVYA KRISHNA

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Kheerthi Ganta1369IND 27b1 26w1 37b1 4w1 2b½ 6w0 53b½5403321,25
2Velpula Sarayu1323IND 28w1 32b1 46w1 7b1 1w½ 3b1 47w16,5103431,50
3AFMAdvaita Sharma K1133IND 29b1 31w1 38b1 13w1 53b1 2w0 6b05503118,50
4Narahari Geethika Hasini1126IND 30w1 35b1 50w1 1b0 20w1 47b0 31w½4,5140,52916,25
5Manushri Deva1111IND 31b0 29w1 25b1 53w½ 38b1 46w1 32b½5802717,25
6Sai Mahati A1076IND 32w0 30b1 26w1 35b1 28w1 1b1 3w16202923,50
7Nethra Chandupatla1062IND 33b1 34w1 40b1 2w0 32b0 53w0 25b1418026,59,50
8Akshara Sharma Kasula0IND 35w0 33b1 28w0 26b1 21w1 40b1 37w042202510,50
9Amrutha B0IND 36b1 38w0 27b1 37w1 46b0 31w0 40b1419025,513,00
10Amulya B0IND 37w0 36b0 43w1 29b1 39b0 38w0 34w1337022,58,00
11Aneeshka Sati0IND 39b1 40w0 31b0 27w1 37b0 36b1 21w142302412,00
12Anmol Viranth Udeshi0IND 40w- 42b- 39b- 49b- -0 -0 -0055017,50,00
13Asma Maryam Begum0IND 41b1 45w1 47b+ 3b0 47w0 28b0 42w1416028,513,00
14Drushadva B0IND 42w1 37b0 32w0 34b1 36w1 35b0 45w0334025,57,00
15Errabelli Pranavi0IND 43b+ 47w0 34b+ 45b1 50w0 42b1 35w0417027,512,50
16Geethanjali0IND 44w1 46b0 35w- 39w0 29b1 27w0 18b0247021,53,50
17Hamsini L0IND 46w0 44b1 36w- 42b0 34w1 41b1 48w0340021,56,50
18Harshitha S0IND 45b0 39w1 42b+ 46b0 40w0 43b½ 16w13,528023,511,25
19Indhu R0IND 47b0 41w1 45b- 48b0 43w0 44b0 -1245023,53,50
20Indu sri0IND 48w1 50b0 54w+ 36w1 4b0 37w0 27b½3,52702710,75
21Jaya Hari Chandana P0IND 49b1 51w1 53b0 38w½ 8b0 39w½ 11b0333025,58,75
22Juhitha K0IND 50w0 48b0 44w- 44w1 55b1 51w0 36b½2,5430204,00
23Kyathi Kripitha P0IND 51b0 43w+ 48w1 47b0 42w0 45b0 41w13360249,00
24Laasya D0IND 53w0 52b+ 51b0 54w+ 45w1 48b1 50w0420025,512,50
25Megha Samhitha0IND 54b+ 53b0 5w0 52b1 48w0 49b1 7w03350257,00
26Mohamad Sumayyah0IND 55w1 1b0 6b0 8w0 41w0 52b+ 44b13390224,50
27Namratha N0IND 1w0 55b1 9w0 11b0 52w1 16b1 20w½3,529021,57,00
28Nitya V0IND 2b0 49w1 8b1 40w1 6b0 13w1 46b156028,516,00
29Niyathi Varma P0IND 3w0 5b0 55w+ 10w0 16w0 33b0 55b12480213,00
30Poojitha A0IND 4b0 6w0 41b- 41b0 33w½ -1 49b01,551021,52,25
31Pranitha Priya Polisetty0IND 5w1 3b0 11w1 50b0 49w1 9b1 4b½4,5130,529,517,25
32Rachita Sabbathi0IND 6b1 2w0 14b1 51w1 7w1 50b1 5w½5,53032,523,50
33Reethika0IND 7w0 8w0 49b- 43b0 30b½ 29w1 52b+2,5440203,75
34Sadiya0IND -1 7b0 15w- 14w0 17b0 55w1 10b0246021,54,00
35Sai Sricharitha Varenya0IND 8b1 4w0 16b+ 6w0 51b1 14w1 15b1511026,516,00
36Samanvitha B0IND 9w0 10w1 17b+ 20b0 14b0 11w0 22w½2,5420237,50
37Samhitha Thantarapalli0IND 10b1 14w1 1w0 9b0 11w1 20b1 8b151202617,00
38Sanvee R0IND 52w1 9b1 3w0 21b½ 5w0 10b1 39b½421025,512,25
39Sanvi P0IND 11w0 18b0 12w+ 16b1 10w1 21b½ 38w½424021,511,00
40Sashya Singareddy0IND 12b+ 11b1 7w0 28b0 18b1 8w0 9w033102710,00
41Shanmukha Priya0IND 13w0 19b0 30w- 30w1 26b1 17w0 23b0249018,54,00
42Siri Chandra Sriphani A0IND 14b0 12w+ 18w- 17w1 23b1 15w0 13b03380228,50
43Spriha Potlapally0IND 15w- 23b- 10b0 33w1 19b1 18w½ 51b13,5300219,00
44Sree Nandini0IND 16b0 17w0 22b- 22b0 -1 19w1 26w0250017,53,00
45Sreeja P0IND 18w1 13b0 19w+ 15w0 24b0 23w1 14b142502111,50
46Sri Harshitha L0IND 17b1 16w1 2b0 18w1 9w1 5b0 28w0415029,513,00
47Sri Vishuntha0IND 19w1 15b1 13w- 23w1 13b1 4w1 2b05902715,50
48Srihansa0IND 20b0 22w1 23b0 19w1 25b1 24w0 17b1426019,511,00
49Tadwai Akshaya Reddy0IND 21w0 28b0 33w+ 12w+ 31b0 25w0 30w13410216,00
50Thrinivarshitha0IND 22b1 20w1 4b0 31w1 15b1 32w0 24b1510026,516,50
51Vaishnavi S0IND 23w1 21b0 24w1 32b0 35w0 22b1 43w03320268,50
52Varshitha M0IND 38b0 24w- -1 25w0 27b0 26w- 33w-1530202,00
53Vijetha Marri0IND 24b1 25w1 21w1 5b½ 3w0 7b1 1w½57027,517,50
54Vunshia Zaveri0IND 25w- -1 20b- 24b- -0 -0 -0152021,52,50
55Yashaswi0IND 26b0 27w0 29b- -1 22w0 34b0 29w01540171,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable