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Telangana State U 11 Girls Chess Selection Championship - 2017

Last update 15.10.2017 10:42:26, Creator/Last Upload: G NAVYA KRISHNA

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Velpula Sarayu1323IND 6w1 3b1 15w1 18b1 4w½ 5b1 9w16,503431,50
2Sai Mahati A1076IND 3w0 51b1 39w1 11b1 6w1 4b1 5w1602923,50
3Rachita Sabbathi0IND 2b1 1w0 34b1 32w1 18w1 10b1 8w½5,5032,523,50
4Kheerthi Ganta1369IND 29b1 39w1 12b1 14w1 1b½ 2w0 7b½503321,25
5AFMAdvaita Sharma K1133IND 48b1 13w1 21b1 16w1 7b1 1w0 2b0503118,50
6Nitya V0IND 1b0 41w1 22b1 31w1 2b0 16w1 15b15028,516,00
7Vijetha Marri0IND 20b1 35w1 33w1 8b½ 5w0 18b1 4w½5027,517,50
8Manushri Deva1111IND 13b0 48w1 35b1 7w½ 21b1 15w1 3b½502717,25
9Sri Vishuntha0IND 45w1 17b1 16w- 36w1 16b1 14w1 1b0502715,50
10Thrinivarshitha0IND 43b1 27w1 14b0 13w1 17b1 3w0 20b15026,516,50
11Sai Sricharitha Varenya0IND 22b1 14w0 47b+ 2w0 32b1 34w1 17b15026,516,00
12Samhitha Thantarapalli0IND 37b1 34w1 4w0 19b0 23w1 27b1 22b1502617,00
13Pranitha Priya Polisetty0IND 8w1 5b0 23w1 10b0 41w1 19b1 14b½4,50,529,517,25
14Narahari Geethika Hasini1126IND 51w1 11b1 10w1 4b0 27w1 9b0 13w½4,50,52916,25
15Sri Harshitha L0IND 40b1 47w1 1b0 28w1 19w1 8b0 6w04029,513,00
16Asma Maryam Begum0IND 49b1 25w1 9b+ 5b0 9w0 6b0 38w14028,513,00
17Errabelli Pranavi0IND 30b+ 9w0 46b+ 25b1 10w0 38b1 11w04027,512,50
18Nethra Chandupatla1062IND 44b1 46w1 31b1 1w0 3b0 7w0 35b14026,59,50
19Amrutha B0IND 42b1 21w0 29b1 12w1 15b0 13w0 31b14025,513,00
20Laasya D0IND 7w0 53b+ 32b0 52w+ 25w1 26b1 10w04025,512,50
21Sanvee R0IND 53w1 19b1 5w0 33b½ 8w0 37b1 24b½4025,512,25
22Akshara Sharma Kasula0IND 11w0 44b1 6w0 39b1 33w1 31b1 12w0402510,50
23Aneeshka Sati0IND 24b1 31w0 13b0 29w1 12b0 42b1 33w1402412,00
24Sanvi P0IND 23w0 28b0 55w+ 47b1 37w1 33b½ 21w½4021,511,00
25Sreeja P0IND 28w1 16b0 45w+ 17w0 20b0 36w1 34b1402111,50
26Srihansa0IND 27b0 43w1 36b0 45w1 35b1 20w0 40b14019,511,00
27Indu sri0IND 26w1 10b0 52w+ 42w1 14b0 12w0 29b½3,502710,75
28Harshitha S0IND 25b0 24w1 38b+ 15b0 31w0 30b½ 47w13,5023,511,25
29Namratha N0IND 4w0 54b1 19w0 23b0 53w1 47b1 27w½3,5021,57,00
30Spriha Potlapally0IND 17w- 36b- 37b0 44w1 45b1 28w½ 32b13,50219,00
31Sashya Singareddy0IND 55b+ 23b1 18w0 6b0 28b1 22w0 19w0302710,00
32Vaishnavi S0IND 36w1 33b0 20w1 3b0 11w0 43b1 30w030268,50
33Jaya Hari Chandana P0IND 41b1 32w1 7b0 21w½ 22b0 24w½ 23b03025,58,75
34Drushadva B0IND 38w1 12b0 3w0 46b1 42w1 11b0 25w03025,57,00
35Megha Samhitha0IND 52b+ 7b0 8w0 53b1 26w0 41b1 18w030257,00
36Kyathi Kripitha P0IND 32b0 30w+ 26w1 9b0 38w0 25b0 49w130249,00
37Amulya B0IND 12w0 42b0 30w1 48b1 24b0 21w0 46w13022,58,00
38Siri Chandra Sriphani A0IND 34b0 55w+ 28w- 40w1 36b1 17w0 16b030228,50
39Mohamad Sumayyah0IND 54w1 4b0 2b0 22w0 49w0 53b+ 50b130224,50
40Hamsini L0IND 15w0 50b1 42w- 38b0 46w1 49b1 26w03021,56,50
41Tadwai Akshaya Reddy0IND 33w0 6b0 44w+ 55w+ 13b0 35w0 51w130216,00
42Samanvitha B0IND 19w0 37w1 40b+ 27b0 34b0 23w0 43w½2,50237,50
43Juhitha K0IND 10w0 26b0 50w- 50w1 54b1 32w0 42b½2,50204,00
44Reethika0IND 18w0 22w0 41b- 30b0 51b½ 48w1 53b+2,50203,75
45Indhu R0IND 9b0 49w1 25b- 26b0 30w0 50b0 -12023,53,50
46Sadiya0IND -1 18b0 17w- 34w0 40b0 54w1 37b02021,54,00
47Geethanjali0IND 50w1 15b0 11w- 24w0 48b1 29w0 28b02021,53,50
48Niyathi Varma P0IND 5w0 8b0 54w+ 37w0 47w0 44b0 54b120213,00
49Shanmukha Priya0IND 16w0 45b0 51w- 51w1 39b1 40w0 36b02018,54,00
50Sree Nandini0IND 47b0 40w0 43b- 43b0 -1 45w1 39w02017,53,00
51Poojitha A0IND 14b0 2w0 49b- 49b0 44w½ -1 41b01,5021,52,25
52Vunshia Zaveri0IND 35w- -1 27b- 20b- -0 -0 -01021,52,50
53Varshitha M0IND 21b0 20w- -1 35w0 29b0 39w- 44w-10202,00
54Yashaswi0IND 39b0 29w0 48b- -1 43w0 46b0 48w010171,50
55Anmol Viranth Udeshi0IND 31w- 38b- 24b- 41b- -0 -0 -00017,50,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable