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2nd NRT State Level Open & Children Chess Tournament 2017 - Under 13

Last update 15.10.2017 11:20:56, Creator/Last Upload: VinothkumarT

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Manikanda Prabhu B V1475IND 38b1 22w1 14b1 24w1 4b1 6w1 2b½ 10w17,51039,542,5
2Sriram S1307IND 39w1 23b1 11w1 17b½ 16b1 4w1 1w½ 9b17203841,5
3Jaiyaharrsanth S J1297IND 40b1 24w0 12b0 50w1 42b1 49w+ 19w1 30w167032,535,5
4Arnold P1287IND 41w1 25b1 13w1 19b1 1w0 2b0 51w1 5b163039,543,5
5Balu P1285IND 42b1 28w1 16b0 49w1 6b0 61w1 63b1 4w051603639
6Santo Wilbert1247IND 43w1 31b1 15w½ 55b1 5w1 1b0 14w1 13b½64037,540,5
7Thajol T J1209IND 44b1 30w1 24b0 61w1 14b0 63w0 75b1 40w152003234
8Siva Ganesh R1178IND 45w1 32b1 17w0 31b1 19w0 65b1 67w½ 55b04,530030,533
9Jeffy Nirvin J1166IND 46b+ 33b1 19w0 35b1 21w½ 55b1 17w1 2w05,51103538,5
10Divin S V1152IND 47w1 35b1 21w0 41b1 67w1 16b1 12w1 1b06503640
11Siva Rama Krishan B1131IND 48b1 34w1 2b0 63w1 24b½ 25w1 30b0 17w½515036,538
12Aishwariya Anand Ponnusamy1127IND 49w1 55b½ 3w1 15b1 17w½ 19b1 10b0 16w½5,5803842,5
13Udhayan Jacob1111IND 50b1 36w1 4b0 66w1 28b1 30w½ 24b1 6w½66034,537,5
14Henishma A R1077IND 51w1 57b1 1w0 65b1 7w1 17b½ 6b0 24w04,522037,539,5
15Andrew Saffrin J1048IND 52b1 64w1 6b½ 12w0 30b0 43w1 34b1 38w15,513033,536
16Sri Hari S1028IND 53w1 63b1 5w1 21b1 2w0 10w0 66b1 12b½5,51003740,5
17Rupak H1025IND 54b1 66w1 8b1 2w½ 12b½ 14w½ 9b0 11b½517035,539,5
18Mathuriya Bharathi R S1009IND 55w0 51b0 73w1 47b1 41w0 57b1 65w1 67b1521030,532,5
19Aadithyaa Kumar N R0IND 56b1 74w1 9b1 4w0 8b1 12w0 3b0 54w1518033,535,5
20Abinanth P M0IND 57w0 53b0 48w0 58b0 29w0 -1 52b0 44w0171015,516,5
21Abinesh S S0IND 58b1 75w1 10b1 16w0 9b½ 24w0 38b0 66w14,523033,535
22Ajay R Krishnaa0IND 59w1 1b0 55w0 48b1 51w0 47b0 56w1 65b0351030,532
23Akash R George0IND 60b1 2w0 49b0 52w1 40b0 42w0 70b½ 56b13,54702628
24Akash Ram Babu N I0IND 61w1 3b1 7w1 1b0 11w½ 21b1 13w0 14b15,5903842,5
25Akshay Prakash T B0IND 62b+ 4w0 50b1 75w½ 36b1 11b0 55w0 53w14,531029,532,5
26Antin Shanio A0IND 63w0 59b1 51w0 45b1 65w0 68b0 57w1 72b1443024,526,5
27Ashok Kumar0IND 64b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007202122
28Aswin J D0IND 65w1 5b0 53w1 51b1 13w0 67b0 47w1 41b½4,524032,536
29Blessin S0IND 66b0 50w0 54b0 44w0 20b1 74w- -0 -0170120,521
30Clavio A0IND 67w1 7b0 57w1 72b1 15w1 13b½ 11w1 3b05,51203436
31Daniel Elnathan A0IND 68b1 6w0 52b1 8w0 43b½ 75w0 53b0 70w½35602628,5
32Goutham Krishna K V0IND 69w+ 8w0 61b0 54w1 49b0 50w1 42b1 63w043702932
33Janani N0IND 70b1 9w0 63b0 56w1 61b0 54w0 60b1 42w1442026,528,5
34Jason Sekar0IND 71w1 11b0 65w0 53b½ 72w1 64b1 15w0 75b14,53202830,5
35Jayaraam A G S0IND 72b1 10w0 64b1 9w0 66b0 56w1 54b0 50w1439028,530,5
36Jayasree S P0IND 73w1 13b0 67w0 57b1 25w0 72b0 59w1 47b0355027,529,5
37Jeffrin Jas R0IND 74b0 52w0 56b0 59w0 -1 45b0 48w1 71b0269017,519
38Joabus M Kumar0IND 1w0 61b0 58w1 64b½ 45w1 53b1 21w1 15b04,52703233,5
39Johaan Tony J A0IND 2b0 54w1 66b0 71w1 63b0 60w1 61b0 68w1436030,533
40Johnus M Kumar0IND 3w0 65b0 59w1 68b1 23w1 51b0 72w1 7b0438028,531
41Joshua G0IND 4b0 56w1 71b1 10w0 18b1 66w0 68b1 28w½4,529031,533,5
42Kabilan M0IND 5w0 67b0 60w1 70b1 3w0 23b1 32w0 33b0353028,531
43Kabilesh A S0IND 6b0 58w1 72w0 73b1 31w½ 15b0 74w1 64b03,546027,529
44Kamalesh S0IND 7w0 71b0 68w0 29b1 64w0 59b0 73w0 20b126602424,5
45Kharunya Krishna K B0IND 8b0 60w1 74b½ 26w0 38b0 37w1 64w0 73b02,56202627,5
46Krishnaveni0IND 9w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007302122
47Lisha Benist V0IND 10b0 68w1 75b0 18w0 59b1 22w1 28b0 36w1441027,530,5
48Mahajo J S0IND 11w0 73b0 20b1 22w0 60b0 70w0 37b0 -126801919,5
49Manikandan Sundhar0IND 12b0 70w1 23w1 5b0 32w1 3b- -0 -035003133,5
50Manju Priyaa M B0IND 13w0 29b1 25w0 3b0 58w1 32b0 71w1 35b0354028,530
51Mary Sathvanthi M0IND 14b0 18w1 26b1 28w0 22b1 40w1 4b0 61w½4,526032,535,5
52Mohammed Fahim Syed S0IND 15w0 37b1 31w0 23b0 68w0 73b½ 20w1 74b02,56302323,5
53Muthu Nagaraj0IND 16b0 20w1 28b0 34w½ 74b1 38w0 31w1 25b03,54502929,5
54Naveen Luke Ferdinand0IND 17w0 39b0 29w1 32b0 70w1 33b1 35w1 19b044002830,5
55Neela Krishna Vel K J0IND 18b1 12w½ 22b1 6w0 75b1 9w0 25b1 8w15,51403336
56Nivish0IND 19w0 41b0 37w1 33b0 73w1 35b0 22b0 23w0264027,529
57Pooventhan M S0IND 20b1 14w0 30b0 36w0 71b1 18w0 26b0 60w0265027,528
58Rahith G S0IND 21w0 43b0 38b0 20w1 50b0 71w0 -1 59b026702323,5
59Ram Pratheesh0IND 22b0 26w0 40b0 37b1 47w0 44w1 36b0 58w1359021,523
60Renjith Raj R S0IND 23w0 45b0 42b0 -1 48w1 39b0 33w0 57b136102122,5
61Retna Priya L S0IND 24b0 38w1 32w1 7b0 33w1 5b0 39w1 51b½4,525032,536
62Rohith Kumar N0IND 25w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007402122
63Sam S0IND 26b1 16w0 33w1 11b0 39w1 7b1 5w0 32b1519032,536
64Sanjin Sakthivel S0IND 27w+ 15b0 35w0 38w½ 44b1 34w0 45b1 43w14,53302830
65Sathvihaa S K0IND 28b0 40w1 34b1 14w0 26b1 8w0 18b0 22w143503134
66Sejishna M0IND 29w1 17b0 39w1 13b0 35w1 41b1 16w0 21b0434033,536
67Shirojith Samuel S J0IND 30b0 42w1 36b1 74w1 10b0 28w1 8b½ 18w04,528031,534,5
68Siva Raja Sritharan K G0IND 31w0 47b0 44b1 40w0 52b1 26w1 41w0 39b035702628
69Sivarish Kosal Ram M B0IND 32b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007502122
70Sree Nandha S J0IND 33w0 49b0 -1 42w0 54b0 48b1 23w½ 31b½358024,526
71Sripath P0IND 34b0 44w1 41w0 39b0 57w0 58b1 50b0 37w1360021,523
72Sudar Ajith0IND 35w0 -1 43b1 30w0 34b0 36w1 40b0 26w0352028,531,5
73Tharukesh T I0IND 36b0 48w1 18b0 43w0 56b0 52w½ 44b1 45w13,549020,522
74Varsha M0IND 37w1 19b0 45w½ 67b0 53w0 29b+ 43b0 52w13,54802425,5
75Vishalin L0IND -1 21b0 47w1 25b½ 55w0 31b1 7w0 34w03,54403134

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)