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6 Stage of Rapid Chess Marathon Kretinga 2017

Last update 15.10.2017 14:41:31, Creator/Last Upload: Lina Buterlevičienė

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Lukosius Rimvydas1894LTU 28b1 15w1 4b1 2w1 7b1 5w1 3b0630332083
2Jonusevicius Audrius1987LTU 20w1 24b1 11w1 1b0 3w1 12b1 7w1627,530,52030
3Labanauskas Dovydas1622LTU 32b1 7w½ 17b1 4w1 2b0 10w1 1w15,52931,51835
4AIMSlusnys Evaldas1828LTU 33w1 6b1 1w0 3b0 18w1 19b1 10w1527,529,51735
5Dubinskas Konstantinas2001LTU 9b1 19w0 30w1 18b1 8w1 1b0 11b152628,51784
6Mikutavicius Valentinas1580LTU 38b1 4w0 10b0 26w1 22b1 25b1 12w1522,523,51730
7Pidluznij Gleb1866LTU 13w1 3b½ 18w1 14b1 1w0 16b1 2b04,529,5331812
8Martusevicius Vilius1778LTU 10b0 37w1 9b1 15w1 5b0 13w½ 17b14,525261586
9Kozhakin Michail1524LTU 5w0 31b1 8w0 27b1 24w½ 30b1 21b14,521,5241637
10Vainauskas Haroldas1284LTU 8w1 11b0 6w1 24b1 14w1 3b0 4b0428311768
11Arnauskas Evaldas1692LTU 37b1 10w1 2b0 16w0 17b1 14b1 5w0426,527,51647
12Ogiala Andrius1787LTU 34w1 18b0 20w1 13b1 19w1 2w0 6b0425,527,51647
13Zinovjev Oleg1480LTU 7b0 32w1 21b1 12w0 15b1 8b½ 16w½424,5271689
14Jankus Giedrius1853LTU 26b1 16w1 19b1 7w0 10b0 11w0 28b1423261628
15Idzeliene Asta1613LTU 27w1 1b0 34w1 8b0 13w0 33b1 25w1422,524,51615
16Gruduls Imants1569LAT 36w1 14b0 27w1 11b1 25w½ 7w0 13b½422,5241617
17Andrasunaite Rusne1217LTU 22b1 21w½ 3w0 23b1 11w0 20b1 8w03,524,5281628
18Adomaitis Petras1562LTU 35b1 12w1 7b0 5w0 4b0 26w1 24b½3,524,5261654
19Piksrys Rutenis1654LTU 31w1 5b1 14w0 33b1 12b0 4w0 22b½3,524261677
20Saunoriute Milda1515LTU 2b0 29w1 12b0 21w½ 32b1 17w0 30w13,522,5251471
21Idas Zigmantas1705LTU 30w½ 17b½ 13w0 20b½ 33w1 24b1 9w03,521231447
22Barsciauskas Gintautas1670LTU 17w0 25b1 33w0 34b1 6w0 23b1 19w½3,520,522,51503
23Ruginiene Ramune1416LTU 25w½ 30b0 37w1 17w0 35b1 22w0 31b13,516,517,51337
24Dalinkevicius Vaidotas1670LTU 29b1 2w0 26b1 10w0 9b½ 21w0 18w½324,527,51479
25Zidanavicius Eimutis1813LTU 23b½ 22w0 28b1 30w1 16b½ 6w0 15b032325,51468
26Vitkus Petras1479LTU 14w0 36b1 24w0 6b0 27w1 18b0 34w1320,5221425
27Griksaite Egle1150LTU 15b0 28w1 16b0 9w0 26b0 38w1 35b1320211347
28Bagirov Eldar1499LAT 1w0 27b0 25w0 37b1 36w1 34b1 14w0319,520,51449
29Urbonaite Ieva1160LTU 24w0 20b0 38w1 31b0 34w0 35w1 33b1314,515,51276
30Dalinkevicius Ricardas1280LTU 21b½ 23w1 5b0 25b0 31w1 9w0 20b02,52325,51488
31Lengvinaite Aiste1159LTU 19b0 9w0 35b½ 29w1 30b0 32w1 23w02,519,5211204
32Bazaras Jokubas1158LTU 3w0 13b0 36w½ 38b1 20w0 31b0 37w12,518191227
33Dirgelas Kazys1443LTU 4b0 38w1 22b1 19w0 21b0 15w0 29w0222,523,51381
34Griksaite Ieva1398LTU 12b0 35w1 15b0 22w0 29b1 28w0 26b0220,5221293
35Griksaite Ruta949LTU 18w0 34b0 31w½ 36b1 23w0 29b0 27w01,517,5191050
36Saunorius Tomas1113LTU 16b0 26w0 32b½ 35w0 28b0 37b0 38w11,515161066
37Gelumbickaite Deimante1269LTU 11w0 8b0 23b0 28w0 38b0 36w1 32b0119201091
38Lengvinaite Lukne1146LTU 6w0 33b0 29b0 32w0 37w1 27b0 36b011718959

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)