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Campionat Absolut de Tarragona 2017 Grup B -170026-

Darrera actualització26.11.2017 13:35:34, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Pino Munoz Francisca 42w1 22b1 14w1 16b1 8w½ 24b1 2w0 9b0 17w05,51445490
2Girones Batiste Jesus 43b1 23w+ 16w0 26b1 29w1 15w1 1b1 5w1 7b1814144,50
3Carrete Recasens Jordi 44w1 24b½ 21w½ 28b1 17w½ 20b1 8w½ 10b1 19w06948,5530
4Onate Mesa Carles 46b½ 21w- 77w1 44b1 20w0 40b1 33w- -0 -03,55241440
5Ferrer Dalmau Josep A. 47w0 67b1 42w1 33b1 40w1 8b½ 29w1 2b0 20w05,51345,549,50
6Trenchs Agullet Magi 48b1 25w1 15b0 19w½ 32b+ 29b0 67w+ 37w0 30b04,52843,5470
7Ribes Cabrera Daniel 49w1 26b1 18w1 29b½ 24w½ 10b½ 17w1 8b1 2w06,5545,5490
8Mercade Dolcet Juan Maria 50b1 27w1 17b1 11w1 1b½ 5w½ 3b½ 7w0 24b16,5346,5500
9Villaden Isern Joaquim 52w1 29b0 44w½ 75b1 46w1 67b1 15w+ 1w1 37b½7241,544,50
10Huerta Llorens Arnau 54b1 32w½ 19b½ 25w½ 34b1 7w½ 51b1 3w0 28b½5,5104751,50
11Gracia Train Carles 55w1 33b1 20w1 8b0 -0 25w1 -0 29b1 15w½5,51245,5500
12Bellido Gonzalez Santiago 56b1 35w½ 32b½ 30w0 47b0 46w0 71b1 43w½ 58b14,53536390
13Puigarnau Castello Joan Ramon 58w1 36b1 29w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -027636390
14Ferrer Birbe Aleix 59b1 38w1 1b0 32w½ 25b½ 37w0 -0 41b0 -035941450
15Cabo Izquierdo Mario 60w1 40b1 6w1 24b0 22w1 2b0 9b- 34w1 11b½5,5154345,50
16Gil Vernet Jaume 62b1 39w1 2b1 1w0 30b½ 51w½ 37b0 54w0 47b043946,550,50
17Sendra Mazuela Oscar 63w1 47b1 8w0 36b1 3b½ 30w1 7b0 23w1 1b16,5446,549,50
18Aguilar Vallcorba Manel 64b1 41w1 7b0 34w½ 51b0 50w1 30b0 58w1 54b½5254042,50
19Ferre Tusquellas Jaume 65w1 75b1 10w½ 6b½ -0 47w½ 46b1 30w1 3b16,5742,5460
20Segura Riba Josep M. 66b1 81w1 11b0 51w½ 4b1 3w0 47b1 33w1 5b16,5643,546,50
21Menchon Lopez Ricardo 67w½ 4b+ 3b½ 40b0 42w1 33b½ 70w1 24b0 36w15,5183942,50
22Ferrer Joyera Oscar 68b1 1w0 47b1 76w1 15b0 54w0 44b1 51w½ 33b04,52942,5450
23Peana Bagaria Joan Andreu 69w1 2b- -0 58b1 48w1 75b1 24w½ 17b0 55w15,51938,541,50
24Masalias Xifre Jaime 70b1 3w½ 35b1 15w1 7b½ 1w0 23b½ 21w1 8w05,5114649,50
25Pinto Guell Emilio 71w1 6b0 48w1 10b½ 14w½ 11b0 55w0 60b1 42w152635,5380
26Galera Vicente Rafel 72b1 7w0 49b1 2w0 50b½ 34w½ 57w½ 55b½ 59b½4,53239,5410
27Solsona Manonelles Josep 73w1 8b0 51w0 56b1 67w0 57b0 68w1 48b½ 70w14,53437400
28Marcas Vila Luis -0 59w1 50b1 3w0 54b0 60w1 49b1 42b1 10w½5,5203840,50
29Saladie Prats Salvador 74b1 9w1 13b+ 7w½ 2b0 6w1 5b0 11w0 46b½52346,548,50
30Luna Varo Daniel 75w0 60b1 52w1 12b1 16w½ 17b0 18w1 19b0 6w15,52137,5400
31Rovira Chacon M. Merce 76b1 -0 58w½ 46b0 -0 43w½ 63b1 49w½ 50b14,5383234,50
32Lorenzo Carrasco Josep 77w1 10b½ 12w½ 14b½ 6w- 70w0 35b½ 59w0 43b144535380
33Alfonso Hidalgo Andres 78b1 11w0 57b1 5w0 61b1 21w½ 4b+ 20b0 22w15,51741,545,50
34Brusco Paris Judith -0 61w1 78b1 18b½ 10w0 26b½ 75w1 15b0 -044239,543,50
35Fernandez Gonzalez Fernando 79w1 12b½ 24w0 67b0 58w½ 56b½ 32w½ 75b½ 48w½44734370
36Ibarz Guasch Maria 80b1 13w0 79b1 17w0 76b+ -0 58b½ 50w1 21b04,53636390
37Bondia Borras Josep M 81w- 62w+ 75w0 57b1 78w1 14b1 16w1 6b1 9w½6,5835,5390
38Martinez Garcia Adria 82b1 14b0 -0 59w1 75w0 58b- -0 52b1 66w-36534370
39Velasco Morros Amadeo 83w1 16b0 -0 61w0 44b½ 41b0 81w1 63w½ 77b14483234,50
40Sanz Ortiz Joaquim 84b1 15w0 81b1 21w1 5b0 4w0 -0 -0 -036138,5410
41Greenway Christopher 85w+ 18b0 76w- 65w0 63b0 39w1 76b1 14w1 61b152734,5370
42Pons Morlanes Jordi 1b0 64w1 5b0 66w1 21b0 59w1 61b1 28w0 25b04414042,50
43De La Torre Gallart Jordi 2w0 63b½ 67w0 74w1 70b0 31b½ 77w1 12b½ 32w03,55837390
44Guasch Guasch Jan 3b0 66w1 9b½ 4w0 39w½ 65b1 22w0 -0 63b144040430
45Llompart Capsie Adria -0 -0 68b0 70w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -008326,527,50
46Jovani Vilanova Albert 4w½ -0 63b1 31w1 9b0 12b1 19w0 57b1 29w½52443460
47Pujol Biosca Joan 5b1 17w0 22w0 77b1 12w1 19b½ 20w0 70b1 16w15,51642450
48De La Torre Regadera Pol 6w0 69b+ 25b0 68w1 23b0 61w0 79b1 27w½ 35b½44336390
49Andreu Farres Pau 7b0 68w1 26w0 79b0 77w1 78b1 28w0 31b½ 67w03,55339,542,50
50Fernandez Alvarez Javier 8w0 73b1 28w0 82b1 26w½ 18b0 56w1 36b0 31w03,55439,542,50
51Zhao Xijunjie -0 70w1 27b1 20b½ 18w1 16b½ 10w0 22b½ -04,53040,5440
52Martinez Marco Gregorio 9b0 74w1 30b0 78w0 64b1 63w½ -0 38w0 68b02,57135,537,50
53Colet Solanas Jose A -0 76w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -008426270
54Domene Mulyukov Alexander 10w0 77b0 72w1 85b1 28w1 22b1 -0 16b1 18w½5,52236,5380
55Llorach Gracia Tomas 11b0 78w0 70b½ 63w½ 66b1 79w1 25b1 26w½ 23b04,53337400
56Melich Rallo Gerard 12w0 79b- 71b1 27w0 74b1 35w½ 50b0 61w0 64b-2,57233350
57Zhao Xinjunkang -0 83b1 33w0 37w0 71b1 27w1 26b½ 46w0 -03,55539,5420
58Huerta Llorens Oriol 13b0 85w1 31b½ 23w0 35b½ 38w+ 36w½ 18b0 12w03,5563941,50
59Plamadeala Daniell 14w0 28b0 73w1 38b0 81w1 42b0 78w1 32b1 26w½4,53735380
60Bernabe Gallegos Jose 15b0 30w0 74b0 72w1 85b+ 28b0 82w1 25w0 78b036435,5370
61Martinez Adell Xavier -0 34b0 80w1 39b1 33w0 48b1 42w0 56b1 41w044435,538,50
62Daroca Prats Josep Maria 16w0 37b- 85b- 80b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -008525260
63Huerta Llorens Aleix 17b0 43w½ 46w0 55b½ 41w1 52b½ 31w0 39b½ 44w036039,542,50
64Ferrer Cugat Daniel 18w0 42b0 82w0 83b1 52w0 77b0 80w1 78b0 56w+36828,530,50
65Tost Llurba Aleix 19b0 -0 83w1 41b1 -0 44w0 -0 -0 -027536,5390
66Camacho Rodriguez Antonio Jesus 20w0 44b0 84w1 42b0 55w0 -0 83b1 76w1 38b+4493133,50
67Casabo Llurba Miquel Anton 21b½ 5w0 43b1 35w1 27b1 9w0 6b- -0 49b14,53139,5430
68Macaya Baena Joel 22w0 49b0 45w1 48b0 -0 85w1 27b0 79w1 52w145029,5320
69Gasch Lopez Alex 23b0 48w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -008227,528,50
70Gomez Sanz Xavier 24w0 51b0 55w½ 45b1 43w1 32b1 21b0 47w0 27b03,55738,5420
71Sero Angles Nil 25b0 -0 56w0 84b1 57w0 80b1 12w0 81b1 -03673234,50
72Ribes Gabarro Pau 26w0 -0 54b0 60b0 -0 83w0 -1 84b0 82w018029,530,50
73Segarra Fabregat Eric 27b0 50w0 59b0 -0 82w1 81b0 84w1 77b0 80w½2,5742931,50
74Gil Cendegui Biel 29w0 52b0 60w1 43b0 56w0 82b0 85b0 -0 -018126280
75Porcar Sales Joel 30b1 19w0 37b1 9w0 38b1 23w0 34b0 35w½ -03,55146,550,50
76Del Bano Pardina Raul 31w0 53b+ 41b+ 22b0 36w- -0 41w0 66b0 83w-27736390
77Gomez De Porras Guillem 32b0 54w1 4b0 47w0 49b0 64w1 43b0 73w1 39w03623638,50
78Ferre Cebrian Guifre 33w0 55b1 34w0 52b1 37b0 49w0 59b0 64w1 60w144634,5370
79Cardet Oliva Ramon 35b0 56w+ 36w0 49w1 -0 55b0 48w0 68b0 84w13663335,50
80Diaz Nunez Julio 36w0 -0 61b0 62w+ -0 71w0 64b0 85w1 73b½2,57329,5320
81Zakharyan Anastas 37b+ 20b0 40w0 -0 59b0 73w1 39b0 71w0 85b136335,5380
82Iranzo Veloso Pablo 38w0 -0 64b1 50w0 73b0 74w1 60b0 -0 72b136926,5280
83Bru Faiges Bega 39b0 57w0 65b0 64w0 -0 72b1 66w0 -1 76b+37026,5280
84Ribes Gabarro Abril 40w0 -0 66b0 71w0 -0 -1 73b0 72w1 79b027927,5290
85Samin Nogues Gerard 41b- 58b0 62w+ 54w0 60w- 68b0 74w1 80b0 81w027831,533,50

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)