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Fase prèvia de Veterans de Barcelona 2017

Last update 05.12.2017 20:30:28, Creator/Last Upload: Alexandra Muratet Carmona

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Starting rank crosstable

No.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKBrusi Noguera Ricardo Ll. 41w1 24b1 19w1 9b½ -0 14w1 8b1 5w½653437,528
2FMSimon Padros Emili 42b1 23w1 10b½ 26w1 5b½ 8w1 13b½ 27w16,513841,532
3MKBautista Sanchez Joan -0 -0 78b1 62w1 39b1 27w0 38b1 26b½4,5282829,522,5
4MKPalacin Martin Ricardo 43w+ 25w½ 57b1 10w1 8b0 15b½ 21w0 31b151432,53627
5Salvo Garcia Roger 44b1 28w1 26b½ 33w1 2w½ 24b1 36w½ 1b½6235,53929
6Fernandez Perez Josep 45w1 26b0 31w1 35b1 24w0 22b0 44w1 15b½4,525323526,5
7NMAnguera Maestro Jaime 46b1 30w1 33b½ -0 -0 34w½ 62b1 32w15163134,525,5
8Rodriguez Regull German 47w1 29b1 35w½ 13b1 4w1 2b0 1w0 22b½5123942,532,5
9Rojas Fernandez Andres 48b1 32w1 40b1 1w½ 14b½ 36b0 22w0 -043135,539,529
10Franch Capdevila Ramon 49w+ 31b1 2w½ 4b0 26w1 57b1 11w1 36b½6633,53727
11MKTejero Royo Fermin 50b0 58w1 32b½ 38w1 30b1 25w½ 10b0 34w½4,52631,534,526
12MKFabre Massana Miquel 51w1 33b0 37w1 24b0 34b1 28w1 25b½ 20w15,5930,533,525
13Marchador Villalba Jordi 52b1 34w½ 25b1 8w0 33b1 40w1 2w½ 21b16334,538,528
14Sanz Bastos Fernando 53w1 35b0 39w1 27b1 9w½ 1b0 29w0 -03,539343727,5
15Grau Garsaball Jaume 54b1 36w½ 34b½ 28w1 40b½ 4w½ 27b0 6w½4,5213336,527
16MKMonedero Gonzalez Josep 55w1 40b0 41w1 29b1 36w0 31b1 24w½ 35b04,52232,535,526,5
17Montell Zabay Alberto 56b1 38w½ 36b½ 30w½ 57b- 33w1 32b½ -0434313325
18Albero Figueras Emilio 57w0 61b1 45w½ -0 51b1 46w1 30b1 29b15,51127,530,523
19Sumelzo Lozano Jose 58b+ 50w1 1b0 34w½ -0 35b0 51w1 -03,54033,53727
20Marza Vendrell Conrado -0 62w1 46b½ 44w½ 42b1 29b½ 57w1 12b04,5272932,523,5
21Lazaro Porta Angel 59w1 57b0 47w+ 36w0 43b1 38w1 4b1 13w051333,536,527,5
22Lluverol Torrents Salvador 60b½ 78w1 38b½ 40w0 44b1 6w1 9b1 8w½5,5102930,524
23Vallbona Domingo Joan 61w1 2b0 50w1 57w½ -0 37b1 40b1 -04,52332,535,526
24Lopez Manzano Antonio 62b1 1w0 54b1 12w1 6b1 5w0 16b½ 25w04,5173639,529,5
25Mas Recorda Pere 63w1 4b½ 13w0 45b1 35w1 11b½ 12w½ 24b15,5733,535,527,5
26Walter Travella German 64b1 6w1 5w½ 2b0 10b0 74w½ 73b1 3w½4,51835,537,529
27Santos Ramos Carlos -0 63b1 60w1 14w0 53b1 3b1 15w1 2b0515323425,5
28Colom Andres Xavier 65w1 5b0 75w1 15b0 50w1 12b0 35w0 58b½3,541333527
29Flores Linan Jose Luis 67b1 8w0 73b1 16w0 58b1 20w½ 14b1 18w04,52432,53526,5
30Bayarri Ponsa Eduard 69w1 7b0 79w1 17b½ 11w0 55b1 18w0 -03,543323526
31Flores Vallcorba Josep 71b1 10w0 6b0 46w1 73b1 16w0 74b1 4w043530,53325
32Andreu Termes Frederic 72w1 9b0 11w½ 65b½ 55w½ 45b1 17w½ 7b043629,531,523,5
33Llaverias Sanmarti Joan 74b1 12w1 7w½ 5b0 13w0 17b0 63w1 -03,53836,538,530,5
34Massanet Miret Pere 75w1 13b½ 15w½ 19b½ 12w0 7b½ 58w1 11b½4,51934,536,528,5
35Serra Vilaro Agustin 76b1 14w1 8b½ 6w0 25b0 19w1 28b1 16w15,583132,525,5
36Costa Trave Jaume 77w1 15b½ 17w½ 21b1 16b1 9w1 5b½ 10w½6434,536,528,5
37Rastrollo Valverde Luis 78b½ 60w½ 12b0 71w1 74b½ 23w0 53b0 55w½3562728,521,5
38Sanchez Esteban Emilio 79w1 17b½ 22w½ 11b0 65w1 21b0 3w0 59b035433,536,528
39Perez Vizcaino Joan Manel -0 64w1 14b0 60b1 3w0 53w½ 54b0 61b02,565283022,5
40Romero Funieles Rafael 80b1 16w1 9w0 22b1 15w½ 13b0 23w0 53b14,52033,53627,5
41Vivas Font Pere 1b0 66w1 16b0 73w0 63b½ 71w0 69b1 64w13,55225,527,519
42Gonzalez Moreno Antoni 2w0 65b½ 68w1 55b½ 20w0 58b0 75w1 62b½3,54528,530,522
43Vicente Soriano Josep 4b- 67w½ 76b½ 63b1 21w0 65b½ 55w1 54w14,53023,52519
44Garcia Guardiola Joan 5w0 68b½ 72w1 20b½ 22w0 80b1 6b0 74w½3,544303224
45Mabres Torello Josep 6b0 70w1 18b½ 25w0 54b1 32w0 59b0 -02,5633235,526
46Mas Sayos Lluis 7w0 69b1 20w½ 31b0 61w1 18b0 65w1 57b½43331,534,525,5
47Fernandez Castro Jose A. 8b0 71w1 21b- 74b- -0 75b0 67w- -0179242619
48Gonzalez Canovas Sebastia 9w0 72b½ 65w0 68b1 79w1 -0 71b½ -0360252720,5
49Castan Sanclemente Alejandro 10b- -0 62b0 64w1 71b½ 63w- 70w1 65b02,567252720,5
50Martin Arranz Lluis 11w1 19b0 23b0 76w1 28b0 62w0 80w1 71b14372627,520,5
51Radigales Mauri Jaume 12b0 73w0 64b½ 67w1 18w0 72b1 19b0 63w13,551262820
52Vegara Gallego Pere 13w0 75b0 61w½ 72b½ 66w1 -0 77b1 -036124,526,518,5
53Cobo Sampron Ramon 14b0 74w0 70b+ 75b1 27w0 39b½ 37w1 40w03,550262820,5
54Taxonera De La Cruz Angel 15w0 77b1 24w0 79b½ 45w0 64b1 39w1 43b03,553252720
55Bosch Ricart Joan 16b0 76w½ 67b1 42w½ 32b½ 30w0 43b0 37b½35726,52821,5
56Romeo Ros Joaquin 17w0 79b0 63w0 69b½ 80w0 70b0 78w1 72w½2752122,516
57Tort Barenys Juan Jose 18b1 21w1 4w0 23b½ 17w+ 10w0 20b0 46w½432353929
58Cases Roque Ramon 19w- 11b0 69w1 80b1 29w0 42w1 34b0 28w½3,5482830,523,5
59Alvarez Garmendia Jose Maria 21b0 -0 80w0 70b1 72w½ 79b1 45w1 38w14,52923,525,519
60Saez Lopez Carlos 22w½ 37b½ 27b0 39w0 76b1 -0 -0 77w135826,52821
61Gibert Juan Ramon 23b0 18w0 52b½ 78w1 46b0 73w0 72b1 39w13,54628,53022,5
62Mogharbel Choucair Farouk 24w0 20b0 49w1 3b0 75w1 50b1 7w0 42w½3,54232,534,526,5
63Ferre Navarro Joan 25b0 27w0 56b1 43w0 41w½ 49b+ 33b0 51b02,56429,531,524
64Clusa Lagunas Josep 26w0 39b0 51w½ 49b0 78w+ 54w0 76b1 41b02,5692425,519,5
65Garcia Domenech Francisco Jav 28b0 42w½ 48b1 32w½ 38b0 43w½ 46b0 49w13,547283123
66Gomez Fernandez Miquel -0 41b0 -0 77w1 52b0 76w½ 79b0 -01,5782324,518,5
67Ylla Soro Rafael 29w0 43b½ 55w0 51b0 70w½ 77b0 47b+ 75b136223,52518,5
68Capdevila Castello Alberto -0 44w½ 42b0 48w0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5802324,518,5
69Guinjoan Fradera Joan 30b0 46w0 58b0 56w½ -0 78b1 41w0 80b12,5702324,519
70Bazan Ramos Antoni -0 45b0 53w- 59w0 67b½ 56w1 49b0 76w12,56824,52619,5
71Climent Vidal Pere 31w0 47b0 -1 37b0 49w½ 41b1 48w½ 50w03592628,522
72Vidal Moll Francesc 32b0 48w½ 44b0 52w½ 59b½ 51w0 61w0 56b½27227,529,522,5
73Febrero Perez Lluis -0 51b1 29w0 41b1 31w0 61b1 26w0 -035528,53224
74Martinez Aguero Francisco 33w0 53b1 -0 47w+ 37w½ 26b½ 31w0 44b½3,54926,529,522
75Nunez Romeo Fausto 34b0 52w1 28b0 53w0 62b0 47w1 42b0 67w027425,52821
76Aunes Cabanero Jose 35w0 55b½ 43w½ 50b0 60w0 66b½ 64w0 70b01,576283022,5
77Artigas Crosas Ramir 36b0 54w0 -0 66b0 -1 67w1 52w0 60b027326,52820,5
78Calvet Blesa Jordi 37w½ 22b0 3w0 61b0 64b- 69w0 56b0 -11,57725,52620
79Alabart Paytubi Josep 38b0 56w1 30b0 54w½ 48b0 59w0 66w1 -02,566262821
80Montilla Rodriguez Jose Luis 40w0 -0 59b1 58w0 56b1 44w0 50b0 69w0271283023

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)