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Obert Tardor Tàrrega 2017

Última actualización25.11.2017 01:36:36, Propietario/Última carga: Xavier Valios Blanco

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1FMEsplugas Esteve Vicenc2398 21w1 12b1 6w1 2b1 10w1 8b½ 4w1 7b½7131,53842
2FMRamon Solans Albert2390 22b1 14w1 5b1 1w0 3b1 6w1 8b½ 11w16,52313842
3Lopez Sanchez Xavier2224 23w1 16b1 10w½ 4b1 2w0 7b½ 12w½ 22b15,5331,53842
4Sole Pijuan Ferran2216 24b1 15w1 7b½ 3w0 9b1 10w1 1b0 8w½57303740
5Pique Safont Joan Manel2192 25w1 18b1 2w0 -0 -0 27b½ 37w+ 23b14,5132632,535,5
6Cardona Alcaide Roberto2165 26b1 17w1 1b0 19w1 18b1 2b0 7w0 20b15829,536,540
7Argerich Farras Jose2159 27w1 20b1 4w½ -0 32b1 3w½ 6b1 1w½5,5429,536,540
8Martinez Gutierrez Bernard2146 28b1 19w0 9b1 17w1 24b1 1w½ 2w½ 4b½5,5527,534,536,5
9Barberans Sola Sebastia2076 29w1 33b½ 8w0 21b1 4w0 22b0 27w1 17b½4172631,534,5
10Clotet Torrelles Ramon2068 30b1 42w1 3b½ 15w1 1b0 4b0 21w½ 19w½4,51126,533,534,5
11Marimon Torrens Jordi2035 31w½ 13b0 22w½ 29b1 20w1 16b1 17w1 2b05926,53336
12Massot Ribe Jesus2022 32b1 1w0 24b0 28w1 26b1 18w1 3b½ 15w15,56243133
13Turuguet Lopez Josep Lluis2018 33w0 11w1 26b1 18b0 21w½ 14b1 22w0 32b14,51624,529,533
14Sola Sendra Francesc1994 34b1 2b0 33w+ 24w0 -0 13w0 39b1 36w14232228,530,5
15Rodon Balcells Jaume1991 35w1 4b0 23w1 10b0 25w1 17b½ 33w1 12b04,5152530,534
16Angles Roca Joel1988 36b1 3w0 28b1 -0 23w1 11w0 24b1 21b151024,53032
17Caballero Gomez-Casero Emilio1978 38w1 6b0 29w1 8b0 27b+ 15w½ 11b0 9w½4182530,532
18Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaume1954 39b1 5w0 30b1 13w1 6w0 12b0 23w0 33b142024,53032
19Herreros Angrill Jaume1951 40w1 8b1 -0 6b0 -0 29w1 25w1 10b½4,51226,53234,5
20Vidal Bermejo Joan Angel1928 41b1 7w0 32b½ 33w½ 11b0 39w1 26b1 6w0422232929,5
21Diaz Soro Josep Lluis1923 1b0 34w1 42b1 9w0 13b½ 24w1 10b½ 16w041924,531,532,5
22Raga Lleida Roman1917 2w0 -0 11b½ 34w1 28b1 9w1 13b1 3w04,5142632,534,5
23Coria Gonzalez Pedro1913 3b0 36w1 15b0 39w1 16b0 30w1 18b1 5w042124,53032
24Cots Valls Jordi1899 4w0 31b1 12w1 14b1 8w0 21b0 16w0 25b03302833,537,5
25Lopez Minguella Armand1872 5b0 39w0 36b1 30w1 15b0 34w1 19b0 24w14242126,528,5
26Vladimirov Savov Tsanco1866 6w0 35b1 13w0 42b1 12w0 31b1 20w0 -03312530,531,5
27Caixal Pique Jordi1855 7b0 -0 37w1 35b1 17w- 5w½ 9b0 28w13,527253133
28Prats Carrera Rossend1841 8w0 37b1 16w0 12b0 22w0 42b1 31w0 27b023728,53435
29De La Fuente Exposito Juan Ma1831 9b0 41w1 17b0 11w0 38b1 19b0 32w0 39w133419,52525,5
30Nadal Gene Ramon1822 10w0 38b1 18w0 25b0 41w1 23b0 36w0 37b02392125,526
31Villaden Isern Joaquim1820 11b½ 24w0 39b1 32w0 33b½ 26w0 28b1 34w1425192426
32Alferez Valls Ramon1777 12w0 40b1 20w½ 31b1 7w0 33b0 29b1 13w03,526253133,5
33Llacuna Roca Josep1759 13b1 9w½ 14b- 20b½ 31w½ 32w1 15b0 18w03,528253033,5
34Gil Fernandez Lluis Antoni1741 14w0 21b0 38w1 22b0 42w1 25b0 40w1 31b0332202526
35Pala Nosas Guillem1731 15b0 26w0 41b1 27w0 39b0 -0 42w1 38b133515,52020,5
36Abellana Viladrich Albert1714 16w0 23b0 25w0 38b- 40b1 38w1 30b1 14b033319,52526,5
37Garcia Jounou David1712 -0 28w0 27b0 40w½ -1 41b1 5b- 30w13,5291721,522
38Prats Argerich Rossend1685 17b0 30w0 34b0 36w+ 29w0 36b0 41w1 35w02401720,521
39Coria Gonzalez Joaquim1674 18w0 25b1 31w0 23b0 35w1 20b0 14w0 29b023823,527,530,5
40Coll Pero Marta1658 19b0 32w0 -0 37b½ 36w0 -1 34b0 41w12,5361924,525
41Pont Garcia Agusti1613 20w0 29b0 35w0 -1 30b0 37w0 38b0 40b0142172122,5
42Angles Roca Jan1523 -1 10b0 21w0 26w0 34b0 28w0 35b0 -014119,52426

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)