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Campionat Absolut Territorial de Lleida 2017 - II

Darrera actualització28.11.2017 22:08:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Xavier Valios Blanco

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Arno Bendicho Xenia1998 30b1 -0 33w1 19b1 20w0 25b1 5w1 12b½ -05,511504639,5
2Angles Roca Joel1988 31w1 18b1 15w1 14b1 12w1 11b1 19w1 3b½ 8w07,51544942
3Bonet Verdu Marcel1965 32b1 20w0 34b1 29w1 8b½ 6w1 23b1 2w½ 15w1725247,540
4Cardona Marin Wilson1948 33w1 19b0 35b0 40w1 6b½ 17w1 26w1 7b1 14w05,514424033,5
5Subarroca Blanch Francesc1936 34b1 24w½ 22b1 8w0 17b1 20w1 1b0 23w1 48b½6648,544,537,5
6Sole Monistrol Francisco1904 36w1 21b1 19w½ 23b0 4w½ 3b0 27w½ 42b1 34b15,51345,541,534,5
7Ruiz Garcia Lluis1902 37b0 44w0 52b1 46w1 31b1 34w½ 36b1 4w0 28b15,5154139,534
8Palau Barrufet Vinyet1895 39w1 23b½ 17w1 5b1 3w½ 12b0 60w1 14b1 2b17350,546,539
9Estruch Andreu Lluc1892 40b0 46w1 38b1 31w1 23w½ 19b0 48w0 60b1 27w½522403831,5
10Sole Castane Jaume1891 41w1 25b0 36w½ 47b1 19w0 48b0 -0 -0 -02,5514238,532
11Escoda Rodriguez David1888 42b1 28w1 14b0 32w1 21b1 2w0 20b0 34w0 41b151646,54335,5
12Vicente Oliva Miquel A.1887 43w1 29b1 25w1 20b1 2b0 8w1 14b0 1w½ -05,51052,550,543
13Ibanez Zamora Canuto1847 44b1 40w1 20b0 35w1 -0 29b0 32w1 25b0 -043243,541,535,5
14Farre Joval Enrique1846 45w1 47b1 11w1 2w0 42b1 23b½ 12w1 8w0 4b16,544743,536
15Sanchez Castells Sergio1846 46b1 60w1 2b0 -0 32w1 41b1 29w1 20w1 3b06747,54436,5
16Poyo Sales Jordi J.1842 47w0 53b1 37w1 -0 34b0 36w0 56b0 -0 -0252403731,5
17Pages Jane Josep1829 48b½ 26w1 8b0 24w+ 5w0 4b0 37w1 47b1 19w04,52647,54437
18Sastre Martin Daniel1824 49w1 2w0 -0 45b1 35b1 42w½ 34b½ 29b1 25w052041,54032,5
19Bell-Lloch Albareda Miquel A1821 50b1 4w1 6b½ 1w0 10b1 9w1 2b0 48w0 17b15,51248,544,537
20Mir Carnice Jordi1819 51w1 3b1 13w1 12w0 1b1 5b0 11w1 15b0 31w165514740
21Serra Tersa Salvador1814 52b1 6w0 40b1 41w1 11w0 60b0 33w1 31b0 37w04363735,530
22Montagut Gonzalez Joan1811 53w½ 57b1 5w0 36b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,5593633,527,5
23Rodriguez Hernandez Antonio1811 54b1 8w½ 24b1 6w1 9b½ 14w½ 3w0 5b0 -04,525514740
24Orellana Rios Jose Manuel1797 55w1 5b½ 23w0 17b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,5583633,527,5
25Holgado Encinas Cesar1795 56b1 10w1 12b0 42b0 33w1 1w0 41b1 13w1 18b16843,54033,5
26Alferez Valls Ramon1777 57w½ 17b0 53w1 48b- 40b1 54w1 4b0 28w0 56b03,54337,535,530
27Abadia Moreno Ivan1776 60b0 50w+ 41w0 44w1 54b0 46w1 6b½ 36w1 9b½52339,53630,5
28Pique Caufape Oriol1773 61w1 11b0 42w0 55b1 41b- 47b½ 45w1 26b1 7w04,52936,53428,5
29Pasto Bota Alex1762 63b1 12w0 44b1 3b0 47w1 13w1 15b0 18w0 60b+51744,54235
30Llobera Vilamajo Josep Maria1760 1w0 45b1 47w0 61b1 60w0 37b0 55w1 46b1 32w043538,53629,5
31Rubies Roure Antonio1746 2b0 52w1 60b1 9b0 7w0 56w1 54b1 21w1 20b051942,54133,5
32Lopez Morato Jeronimo1740 3w0 49b1 63w1 11b0 15b0 59w1 13b0 54w1 30b15214038,531,5
33Escale Balcells Jose1732 4b0 54w1 1b0 59w1 25b0 63w1 21b0 56w½ 42w14,52741,53932,5
34Becerra Gomez Juan Jose1729 5w0 51b1 3w0 63b1 16w1 7b½ 18w½ 11b1 6w051844,54235
35Broto Belarra Jorge Julio1726 -0 55b1 4w1 13b0 18w0 -0 57b- -0 -025338,53630,5
36Cano Rodriguez Daniel1725 6b0 56w1 10b½ 22w1 -0 16b1 7w0 27b0 47w14,52840,53731,5
37Vila Ardiaca Albert1724 7w1 -0 16b0 54w0 57b1 30w1 17b0 59w1 21b1524383529,5
38Berge Pijuan Marcelo1700 -0 58b1 9w0 60w0 56b0 49b1 47w0 61w+ 53b03473331,526,5
39Garcia Key John Frank1700 8b0 -0 55w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0061292821
40Massot Ballespi Jorge1700 9w1 13b0 21w0 4b0 26w0 55b0 49w1 62b0 46w02543533,528
41Rosell Planella Frederic1700 10b0 62w1 27b1 21b0 28w+ 15w0 25w0 57b1 11w043340,537,531
42Sasot Pueyo Jose Manuel1699 11w0 61b1 28b1 25w1 14w0 18b½ -0 6w0 33b03,5404743,537
43Conde Chijeb Alexis1665 12b0 63w0 54b0 52w1 59b0 62w0 61b0 49w1 55w025629,52822
44Perez Castells Quim1656 13w0 7b1 29w0 27b0 55w1 -0 59b0 58w1 63b143735,533,528
45Cardona Lozano Oriol1654 14b0 30w0 56b1 18w0 62b1 57w½ 28b0 53w½ 59b½3,541413831,5
46Berge Gallego Pau1650 15w0 9b0 58w1 7b0 61w1 27b0 63b1 30w0 40b143835,533,527
47Vendrell Lara Gerard1646 16b1 14w0 30b1 10w0 29b0 28w½ 38b1 17w0 36b03,54239,536,530
48Ribera Veganzones Serni1637 17w½ -0 57b1 26w+ -0 10w1 9b1 19b1 5w½69423933
49Benseny Lorenzo Carlos1628 18b0 32w0 59b0 56w0 52b1 38w0 40b0 43b0 -1257292822,5
50Gasso Karanev Antonio1626 19w0 27b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006227,526,521
51Marti Buira Joan1623 20b0 34w0 62b- 58b1 63w- -0 -0 -0 -0160323024
52Marin Galito Ariadna1612 21w0 31b0 7w0 43b0 49w0 53b0 58w- -0 -0063272620,5
53Carles Esteban Aitor1572 22b½ 16w0 26b0 57w0 -0 52w1 62b1 45b½ 38w143929,52824
54Rubies Vazquez Antoni1563 23w0 33b0 43w1 37b1 27w1 26b0 31w0 32b0 62w1434393731,5
55Masot Casals Joan1542 24b0 35w0 39b+ 28w0 44b0 40w1 30b0 63w0 43b1348323025
56Benseny Martinez Guerau1533 25w0 36b0 45w0 49b1 38w1 31b0 16w1 33b½ 26w14,5303634,528,5
57Angles Roca Jan1523 26b½ 22w0 48w0 53b1 37w0 45b½ 35w+ 41w0 -034538,535,529
58Obis Farre Jordi1509 -0 38w0 46b0 51w0 -1 -0 52b+ 44b0 61w025531,529,524,5
59Barri Castell Joan1471 -0 -0 49w1 33b0 43w1 32b0 44w1 37b0 45w½3,5443634,529
60Vendrell Lara Marc1455 27w1 15b0 31w0 38b1 30b1 21w1 8b0 9w0 29w-431444134
61Niubo Parramon Edgar1441 28b0 42w0 -1 30w0 46b0 -0 43w1 38b- 58b1350312924
62Obis Farre Elies1332 -0 41b0 51w- -1 45w0 43b1 53w0 40w1 54b0349312924
63Massot Fernandez Ian1312 29w0 43b1 32b0 34w0 51b+ 33b0 46w0 55b1 44w0346353328

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)