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Campionat Absolut Territorial de Lleida 2017 - I

Darrera actualització26.11.2017 14:11:56, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Xavier Valios Blanco

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1FMTrepat Herranz Joan2425 27w1 13b1 17w1 2b½ 9w1 3b1 8b1 7w½ 14w1847,54436,5
2FMBarbero Sendic Alejandro2426 22b1 8w1 7b½ 1w½ 17b1 15w1 9b1 11w1 4w½7,54743,535,5
3MKMonell Camarasa David2337 38b0 31w1 32b1 15w1 18b1 1w0 11b½ 8w½ 7b1643,54133
4Quintas Galeano Lluis2205 12w½ -0 19b½ 27b1 24w1 22w1 7b½ 9w1 2b½642,53931,5
5Sole Gonzalez Edgar2104 36w1 37b½ 10b½ 21w1 7b½ 8w0 16b0 17w1 15b15,541,538,532,5
6Arno Bendicho Arnau2168 -0 30b1 25w½ 12b- 23b1 28w1 10b0 19w1 16b15,54036,530,5
7Sole Pijuan Ferran2226 35w1 11b1 2w½ 9b0 5w½ 12b1 4w½ 1b½ 3w05504840
8Masague Artero Guerau2123 19w1 2b0 29w1 10b½ 21w+ 5b1 1w0 3b½ -055047,539,5
9Llavall Sans Daniel2287 25w1 18b½ 21b1 7w1 1b0 17w1 2w0 4b0 12w½54945,537,5
10Brunet Martinez Josep2209 28b½ 32b1 5w½ 8w½ -0 13b½ 6w1 15b- 21w154541,535
11Sanuy Moncasi Albert2085 34b1 7w0 16b½ 28w1 12b½ 18w1 3w½ 2b0 13w½5444133,5
12Cosialls Baz Daniel2031 4b½ 15w0 20b1 6w+ 11w½ 7w0 21b1 18w½ 9b½5444033,5
13Gutierrez Martos Ferran2146 33b1 1w0 23b0 16w1 28b½ 10w½ 17b½ 20w1 11b½541,539,531,5
14Ribera Pane Jaume2207 -0 35b1 27w1 18b0 -0 23w1 22b1 16w1 1b05403830
15Parramon Guillaumet Jaime2081 20w½ 12b1 37w1 3b0 25w1 2b0 -0 10w+ 5w04,545,54234,5
16Rodon Balcells Jaume1961 18w0 24b1 11w½ 13b0 19w1 25b1 5w1 14b0 6w04,54541,535
17Solani Nunez Joshua2199 31b1 38w1 1b0 23w1 2w0 9b0 13w½ 5b0 26w14,544,54234
18Palau Cabases Albert2118 16b1 9w½ 28b½ 14w1 3w0 11b0 24w1 12b½ -04,544,54135
19Estruch Andreu Guim1987 8b0 22w1 4w½ 25b0 16b0 27w1 32b+ 6b0 23w14,54036,530
20Esparbe Grau Jaime1927 15b½ 28w0 12w0 34b1 27w½ 24b½ 25w1 13b0 29w14,534,53227
21Verdes Nadal Ramon2176 30w1 29b1 9w0 5b0 8b- 35b1 12w0 22w1 10b04393731
22Arnillas Moles Josep2067 2w0 19b0 36w1 35b1 29w1 4b0 14w0 21b0 27b½3,539,537,530
23Alba Tarradelles Jose2037 37w0 36b1 13w1 17b0 6w0 14b0 26w½ 29b1 19b03,53936,530
24Cosialls Ris Ramon2051 -0 16w0 33b1 32w1 4b0 20w½ 18b0 -0 34b13,538,536,530
25Blanch Plana Angel2039 9b0 26w1 6b½ 19w1 15b0 16w0 20b0 31w0 33b13,536,534,528
26Cots Valls Jordi1899 32w0 25b0 35w0 30b0 -1 34w1 23b½ 28w1 17b03,5312924
27Rodriguez Moles Julian2064 1b0 33w1 14b0 4w0 20b½ 19b0 36w1 -0 22w½341,539,531,5
28Granados Tello Roman2034 10w½ 20b1 18w½ 11b0 13w½ 6b0 29w½ 26b0 -0341,53932,5
29Lopez Minguella Armand1872 -1 21w0 8b0 31w1 22b0 32w½ 28b½ 23w0 20b033532,527,5
30Ghenghiu Alex2014 21b0 6w0 -0 26w1 -0 33b1 35w1 -0 -0334,532,526
31Degracia Burgues Jose A.2027 17w0 3b0 34w½ 29b0 35w0 36b0 33w½ 25b1 -1328,526,520,5
32Cortiella Valles Roger2080 26b1 10w0 3w0 24b0 33w1 29b½ 19w- -0 -02,5363428
33Pera Lucas Eugeni1996 13w0 27b0 24w0 36b+ 32b0 30w0 31b½ 35b1 25w02,532,530,525,5
34Ribera Veganzones Josep Maria1935 11w0 -0 31b½ 20w0 -0 26b0 -1 36b1 24w02,53230,525,5
35Biosca Lacasa Jordi2034 7b0 14w0 26b1 22w0 31b1 21w0 30b0 33w0 36b0234,532,526,5
36Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaume1954 5b0 23w0 22b0 33w- -0 31w1 27b0 34w0 35w12302822,5
37CMRibera Baztan Jose2260 23b1 5w½ 15b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,53633,528
38Lara Dieguez Federico2049 3w1 17b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01353327

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)