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Herzliya Championship Haim Kandelshine Memorial 2017 A

Last update 27.11.2017 22:22:23, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 70)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMKantsler BorisISR 15b1 10w½ 9b½ 6w1 3b½ 2b½ 14w1 11b1 7w½6,514650,54
2GMZilberman YaacovISR 16w½ 18b1 10b1 9w1 7b½ 1w½ 11w½ 6b½ 3b½6544483
3IMKudischewitsch DavidRUS 17b1 11w½ 22b1 7w½ 1w½ 14b½ 5w1 9b½ 2w½6246503
4FMAxelrod ArieISR 18w0 19b½ 23w1 16b1 10w0 13b1 6w0 22b1 20w15,51034,5375
5FMAharon OfirISR 20b1 13w1 7b0 11w0 17b1 15w1 3b0 10w1 9b16743476
6Aroesti RoeeISR 19w1 8b0 18w1 1b0 15b½ 16w1 4b1 2w½ 11w051141,5454
7Levin EladISR 21w1 26b1 5w1 3b½ 2w½ 11b½ 9w0 20b1 1b½6445,548,54
8FMZalkind KonstantinISR 22b½ 6w1 11b0 17w0 26b1 20w0 12b½ 18b½ 13w03,52237412
9Gamayev OlegISR 24w1 14b1 1w½ 2b0 21w1 10b1 7b1 3w½ 5w06643,544,55
10Lux Hugo De MeloBRA 23b1 1b½ 2w0 22w1 4b1 9w0 15b½ 5b0 26w½4,5124446,53
11Gorshtein IdoISR 25b1 3b½ 8w1 5b1 14w½ 7w½ 2b½ 1w0 6b16345,5494
12Hasidovski ArnoldISR 26w0 23b½ 19w½ 27b1 13w½ 21b½ 8w½ 16b- 28b-3,52332,5351
13Calabrese GabrielISR 27w1 5b0 21w0 19b1 12b½ 4w0 25b1 17w0 8b14,51635,538,54
14Lavi IdanISR 28b1 9w0 17b1 25w1 11b½ 3w½ 1b0 15w½ 16b15,5842,5444
15Hasidovsky MichaelISR 1w0 24b1 26w1 21b1 6w½ 5b0 10w½ 14b½ 17w15,5939404
16Zhimalov AdamISR 2b½ 22w0 20b1 4w0 25b1 6b0 21w1 12w+ 14w04,51339423
17Kinberg OferISR 3w0 27b1 14w0 8b1 5w0 26b0 28w1 13b1 15b04183940,54
18Cnaan MosheISR 4b1 2w0 6b0 26w0 28w1 22b0 24b1 8w½ 19b½42034353
19Lagon MichaelISR 6b0 4w½ 12b½ 13w0 23w1 27b½ 22w0 24b1 18w½42133,534,52
20Sokolovsky YahliISR 5w0 25b½ 16w0 23b1 22w1 8b1 26w1 7w0 4b04,5143840,54
21Lotsov Har-Zahav AvrahamISR 7b0 28w1 13b1 15w0 9b0 12w½ 16b0 25w0 24w½32536,537,52
22Khatib HuseinISR 8w½ 16b1 3w0 10b0 20b0 18w1 19b1 4w0 27b½4193639,53
23Greiver AlejandroURU 10w0 12w½ 4b0 20w0 19b0 24w1 27b0 28w1 25b02,52632,533,52
24Dobkin UriISR 9b0 15w0 25w0 28b0 27w½ 23b0 18w0 19w0 21b½1283334,50
25Levy ZoharISR 11w0 20w½ 24b1 14b0 16w0 28b1 13w0 21b1 23w14,51731,532,54
26Shukrun AlonISR 12b1 7w0 15b0 18b1 8w0 17w1 20b0 27w1 10b½4,51536,5404
27Gradenwitz OdedISR 13b0 17w0 28b1 12w0 24b½ 19w½ 23w1 26b0 22w½3,52429,530,52
28Cohen DvirISR 14w0 21b0 27w0 24w1 18b0 25w0 17b0 23b0 12w+22728291

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)