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II Open Club d'Escacs Barcelona

De pagina werd het laatst gewijzigd op02.12.2017 00:51:05, Creator/Last Upload: Alexandra Muratet Carmona

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Tussenstand na de 9 ronde

Rk.Naam1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Marches Rios Joan Manuel -0 16b1 10w1 6w1 11b1 8b+ 4w½ 2b0 7w16,54635,541,5
2FMGonzalez Raul Omar 13w1 7b1 21w½ 8b0 5b½ 6w½ 9b+ 1w1 3b½647,53743,5
3Cano Sevilla Ivan 29b+ 8w0 5b- 22b1 20w1 13b1 7w½ 4b1 2w½643,53440,5
4Ferre Campos Josep 23b1 17w1 8b- 13w1 9b½ 5w½ 1b½ 3w0 12b15,543,53440,5
5MKSanchez Lopez Juan Manuel 10w1 9b½ 3w+ 21b0 2w½ 4b½ 18w½ 15b½ 13w15,5433339
6Walter Travella German 19w1 15b0 20w1 1b0 18w1 2b½ 10w1 13b½ 9w½5,542,532,539
7Cabrera Marmol Manuel 24b1 2w0 17b½ 26w+ 15w½ 9w1 3b½ 12w1 1b05,541,53339,5
8GMPerez Mitjans Orelvis 11w1 3b1 4w+ 2w1 21b1 1w- -0 -0 -055240,548
9Vives Cabau Jordi 27w+ 5w½ 12b½ 15w+ 4w½ 7b0 2w- 21w1 6b½5443440
10Alquezar Calpena Marc 5b0 22w1 1b0 17w1 12b½ 11w1 6b0 16w½ 15w+54131,538
11De La Cruz Montero Santiago 8b0 23w1 19b1 12w1 1w0 10b0 15w½ 18b½ 20w½4,54232,539
12Nadal Fajardo Ricard 16w½ 18b1 9w½ 11b0 10w½ 20b1 21w1 7b0 4w04,541,531,537,5
13Flores Linan Jose Luis 2b0 24w1 25w1 4b0 17b1 3w0 16b1 6w½ 5b04,5393238
14Pallares Gurrea Aitor Alexand -0 20b0 16w0 23w1 19b½ -0 24b1 17w1 21b14,533,526,531,5
15Molano Lafuente Ismael 28b+ 6w1 -0 9b- 7b½ 16w½ 11b½ 5w½ 10b-4453541
16Munoz Esteve Antoni 12b½ 1w0 14b1 -0 24w1 15b½ 13w0 10b½ 19w½44132,539
17Tortosa Moros Joan 18w1 4b0 7w½ 10b0 13w0 19b½ 25w1 14b0 -1437,530,536,5
18Cervello I Tost Roger 17b0 12w0 23b1 19w1 6b0 22w1 5b½ 11w½ -0437,52934,5
19Moles Membrive Francisco Javi 6b0 -1 11w0 18b0 14w½ 17w½ 23b½ 22w1 16b½437,52934,5
20Ani Virgil 21b0 14w1 6b0 25w1 3b0 12w0 22b½ 23w1 11b½4373036
21Gil Gil Antoni 20w1 25b1 2b½ 5w1 8w0 -0 12b0 9b0 14w03,542,53541,5
22Usobiaga Ferre Enrique -0 10b0 -1 3w0 26b+ 18b0 20w½ 19b0 25w13,534,527,533,5
23Valls Anton Lluis Felip 4w0 11b0 18w0 14b0 25b1 -1 19w½ 20b0 24w13,533,526,532,5
24Zacarias Guerra Pedro 7w0 13b0 26w0 -1 16b0 25w- 14w0 25b1 23b0234,52833,5
25Gallego Obrador Aaron -1 21w0 13b0 20b0 23w0 24b+ 17b0 24w0 22b0230,52428,5
26Palacios Pena Gerardo -0 -0 24b1 7b- 22w- -0 -0 -0 -01312429
27FMOms Fuentes Lluis 9b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00272126
Sierra Casado Manuel 15w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00272126
Lujan Moreno Royer Manuel 3w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00272126

Wtg1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Wtg2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Wtg3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)