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4ο OPEN ΟΠΑΧ MindGames - ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ - 17.00μμ

Last update 30.10.2017 12:59:48, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMAzis Azizis Ektoras2190GRE 22w1 11b1 6w1 2b½ 9w1 3b½ 5w16203327,00
2Ergazakis Ioannis2159GRE 23b1 13w1 5b1 1w½ 3b1 7w1 8b16,51031,528,50
3Krallis Christos2151GRE 25w1 12b1 8w1 4b1 2w0 1w½ 6b15,5303424,50
4Papasimakopoulos Vasilios2116GRE 26b1 15w1 7b½ 3w0 -0 -0326029,511,00
5Sideris Theodoros1901GRE 27w1 14b1 2w0 18b1 12w1 8b0 1b041203214,50
6Sienczewski Zbigniew1881POL 28b1 17w1 1b0 7w½ 36b1 11w1 3w04,5903218,00
7Litras Iosif1852GRE 30w1 18b1 4w½ 6b½ 20w1 2b0 17w155029,518,75
8Panagiotopoulos Vas1836GRE 32b1 21w1 3b0 19w1 17b1 5w1 2w05602816,00
9Papanikolaou Vasileios D1555GRE 33w1 45b1 29w1 1b0 15w1 10b15,5402718,75
10Papasimakopoulos Stefanos1447GRE 34b1 41w½ 13b0 36w½ 22b+ 20b1 9w041502613,75
11Sideris Vasilios1388GRE 35w1 1w0 26b½ 29b1 21w1 6b0 45b-3,5210258,50
12Makedonas Michail1365GRE 36b1 3w0 28b1 45w1 5b0 27w1 41b-413029,515,00
13Panaidis Fragkiskos1357GRE 37w1 2b0 10w1 20b0 24w0 43b0 21w1328026,58,00
14Charaklias Stefanos1352GRE 39b1 5w0 27b- 32w- 37b-242023,55,50
15Papadopoulos Emanouil1347GRE 40w1 4b0 22w1 21b½ 32w1 9b0 30w03,523022,57,50
16Polikretis Mattheos1327GRE 41b0 31w1 36b0 34w1 33b1 45w0 23b-329025,59,00
17Karvouniaris Stylianos1322GRE 42w1 6b0 23w1 41b1 8w0 24b1 7b041402914,50
18Papakostopoulos Alexandros1189GRE 43b1 7w0 47b1 5w0 45b0 26w½ 33b+3,52202410,00
19Kourkoulos Alkinoos1131GRE 45w0 33b1 27w1 8b0 41w0 37b1 43w0327026,59,50
20Kakiopoulou Eleni1106GRE 47b0 34w1 46b1 13w1 7b0 10w0 27b0333021,58,00
21Karapappas Nikolaos1078GRE 48w1 8b0 38w+ 15w½ 11b0 36w0 13b02,536025,56,25
22Katsadoros-Fegeros Konst1077GRE 1b0 35w1 15b0 38w1 10w- 33w0 39b-241027,57,50
23Vassalos Panagiotis1047GRE 2w0 37b+ 17b0 33b0 31w1 47b1 16w+418023,510,00
24Kouinelis Thomas1026GRE -0 46b- 37b1 43w1 13b1 17w0 34b141702412,50
25Pletsia Konstantina1019GRE 3b0 36w0 39b1 46w1 41b- 26b-2,5370255,75
26Athanasiou Angelos P0GRE 4w0 40b1 11w½ 32b0 35w½ 18b½ 25w+3,524020,58,75
27Billis Georgios0GRE 5b0 39w1 19b0 47w1 14w+ 12b0 20w141902110,00
28Danos Petros0GRE 6w0 42b1 12w0 35b0 43b0 44w1 47w1331022,56,00
29Kakiopoulos Apostolos I0GRE 47w1 9b0 11w0 30b0 42b0 48w01,5460242,25
30Kapellas Nikolaos0GRE 7b0 43w½ 32b0 42w1 29w1 35b1 15b14,51102313,00
31Kapsalopoulos Ioannis0GRE 16b0 45w- 48w1 23b0 34w0 46w+2,539020,56,25
32Karadakis Georgios0GRE 8w0 48b½ 30w1 26w1 15b0 14b+ 36b03,52002611,75
33Korentinis Nikolaos0GRE 9b0 19w0 44b1 23w1 16w0 22b1 18w-3300248,00
34Liapis Konstantinos0GRE 10w0 20b0 48w1 16b0 44w1 31b1 24w03320227,00
35Paganis Konstantinos0GRE 11b0 22b0 40w1 28w1 26b½ 30w0 42b13,525020,57,50
36Panagiotopoulos Ioannis Na0GRE 12w0 25b1 16w1 10b½ 6w0 21b1 32w14,510024,513,75
37Papadopoulos Prodromos Na0GRE 13b0 23w- 24w0 40b+ 46b1 19w0 14w+3340207,00
38Papoulias Ioannis0GRE -0 44w1 21b- 22b0 47w- 39b- 40b12450192,50
39Ploughman Lindsey Helen0GRE 14w0 27b0 25w0 44b0 40b1 38w+ 22w+335016,54,50
40Porichis Vasilios0GRE 15b0 26w0 35b0 37w- 39w0 48b0 38w00480210,00
41Poupalos Alexandros0GRE 16w1 10b½ 17w0 19b1 25w+ 12w+58025,518,25
42Poupalos Ionas0GRE 17b0 28w0 30b0 48b1 29w1 35w02,538021,55,25
43Poupalos Nikolaos0GRE 18w0 30b½ 24b0 28w1 13w1 19b1416024,513,25
44Sigalas Manoelo0GRE -0 38b0 33w0 39w1 34b0 28b0 -1243020,54,00
45Styfougias Evangelos0GRE 19b1 9w0 31b+ 12b0 18w1 16b1 11w+57026,517,50
46Triantafilopoulou Vaso0GRE -0 24w+ 20w0 25b0 37w0 31b-1,5470203,00
47Vandoros Gerasimos0GRE 20w1 29b0 18w0 27b0 38b+ 23w0 28b02440194,50
48Vassalos Filippos Dimitrios0GRE 21b0 32w½ 34b0 31b0 42w0 40w1 29b12,5400153,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable