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4ο OPEN ΟΠΑΧ MindGames - ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ - 17.00μμ

Last update 30.10.2017 12:59:48, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ergazakis Ioannis2159GRE 18b1 28w1 12b1 2w½ 3b1 5w1 6b16,5031,528,50
2FMAzis Azizis Ektoras2190GRE 41w1 21b1 9w1 1b½ 4w1 3b½ 12w1603327,00
3Krallis Christos2151GRE 37w1 13b1 6w1 26b1 1w0 2w½ 9b15,503424,50
4Papanikolaou Vasileios D1555GRE 30w1 7b1 46w1 2b0 23w1 15b15,502718,75
5Litras Iosif1852GRE 11w1 22b1 26w½ 9b½ 33w1 1b0 14w15029,518,75
6Panagiotopoulos Vas1836GRE 20b1 36w1 3b0 27w1 14b1 12w1 1w0502816,00
7Styfougias Evangelos0GRE 27b1 4w0 39b+ 13b0 22w1 29b1 21w+5026,517,50
8Poupalos Alexandros0GRE 29w1 15b½ 14w0 27b1 37w+ 13w+5025,518,25
9Sienczewski Zbigniew1881POL 31b1 14w1 2b0 5w½ 10b1 21w1 3w04,503218,00
10Panagiotopoulos Ioannis Na0GRE 13w0 37b1 29w1 15b½ 9w0 36b1 20w14,5024,513,75
11Kapellas Nikolaos0GRE 5b0 16w½ 20b0 38w1 46w1 25b1 23b14,502313,00
12Sideris Theodoros1901GRE 19w1 42b1 1w0 22b1 13w1 6b0 2b0403214,50
13Makedonas Michail1365GRE 10b1 3w0 31b1 7w1 12b0 19w1 8b-4029,515,00
14Karvouniaris Stylianos1322GRE 38w1 9b0 18w1 8b1 6w0 17b1 5b0402914,50
15Papasimakopoulos Stefanos1447GRE 32b1 8w½ 28b0 10w½ 41b+ 33b1 4w0402613,75
16Poupalos Nikolaos0GRE 22w0 11b½ 17b0 31w1 28w1 27b14024,513,25
17Kouinelis Thomas1026GRE -0 47b- 34b1 16w1 28b1 14w0 32b1402412,50
18Vassalos Panagiotis1047GRE 1w0 34b+ 14b0 30b0 39w1 44b1 29w+4023,510,00
19Billis Georgios0GRE 12b0 35w1 27b0 44w1 42w+ 13b0 33w1402110,00
20Karadakis Georgios0GRE 6w0 40b½ 11w1 24w1 23b0 42b+ 10b03,502611,75
21Sideris Vasilios1388GRE 25w1 2w0 24b½ 46b1 36w1 9b0 7b-3,50258,50
22Papakostopoulos Alexandros1189GRE 16b1 5w0 44b1 12w0 7b0 24w½ 30b+3,502410,00
23Papadopoulos Emanouil1347GRE 48w1 26b0 41w1 36b½ 20w1 4b0 11w03,5022,57,50
24Athanasiou Angelos P0GRE 26w0 48b1 21w½ 20b0 25w½ 22b½ 37w+3,5020,58,75
25Paganis Konstantinos0GRE 21b0 41b0 48w1 31w1 24b½ 11w0 38b13,5020,57,50
26Papasimakopoulos Vasilios2116GRE 24b1 23w1 5b½ 3w0 -0 -03029,511,00
27Kourkoulos Alkinoos1131GRE 7w0 30b1 19w1 6b0 8w0 34b1 16w03026,59,50
28Panaidis Fragkiskos1357GRE 34w1 1b0 15w1 33b0 17w0 16b0 36w13026,58,00
29Polikretis Mattheos1327GRE 8b0 39w1 10b0 32w1 30b1 7w0 18b-3025,59,00
30Korentinis Nikolaos0GRE 4b0 27w0 43b1 18w1 29w0 41b1 22w-30248,00
31Danos Petros0GRE 9w0 38b1 13w0 25b0 16b0 43w1 44w13022,56,00
32Liapis Konstantinos0GRE 15w0 33b0 40w1 29b0 43w1 39b1 17w030227,00
33Kakiopoulou Eleni1106GRE 44b0 32w1 47b1 28w1 5b0 15w0 19b03021,58,00
34Papadopoulos Prodromos Na0GRE 28b0 18w- 17w0 48b+ 47b1 27w0 42w+30207,00
35Ploughman Lindsey Helen0GRE 42w0 19b0 37w0 43b0 48b1 45w+ 41w+3016,54,50
36Karapappas Nikolaos1078GRE 40w1 6b0 45w+ 23w½ 21b0 10w0 28b02,5025,56,25
37Pletsia Konstantina1019GRE 3b0 10w0 35b1 47w1 8b- 24b-2,50255,75
38Poupalos Ionas0GRE 14b0 31w0 11b0 40b1 46w1 25w02,5021,55,25
39Kapsalopoulos Ioannis0GRE 29b0 7w- 40w1 18b0 32w0 47w+2,5020,56,25
40Vassalos Filippos Dimitrios0GRE 36b0 20w½ 32b0 39b0 38w0 48w1 46b12,50153,50
41Katsadoros-Fegeros Konst1077GRE 2b0 25w1 23b0 45w1 15w- 30w0 35b-2027,57,50
42Charaklias Stefanos1352GRE 35b1 12w0 19b- 20w- 34b-2023,55,50
43Sigalas Manoelo0GRE -0 45b0 30w0 35w1 32b0 31b0 -12020,54,00
44Vandoros Gerasimos0GRE 33w1 46b0 22w0 19b0 45b+ 18w0 31b020194,50
45Papoulias Ioannis0GRE -0 43w1 36b- 41b0 44w- 35b- 48b120192,50
46Kakiopoulos Apostolos I0GRE 44w1 4b0 21w0 11b0 38b0 40w01,50242,25
47Triantafilopoulou Vaso0GRE -0 17w+ 33w0 37b0 34w0 39b-1,50203,00
48Porichis Vasilios0GRE 23b0 24w0 25b0 34w- 35w0 40b0 45w000210,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable