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III Obert Memorial Isidre Puig Grup B

Last update 29.11.2017 23:10:28, Creator/Last Upload: Daniel Leiro Giralt

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Del Castillo Aguila AntonioESP 33w1 22b0 26b1 24w1 19b0 16w0 27b½ 31w1 35b½51446,538,526
2Villanueva Regne Joan JosepESP 34b1 21w1 19b0 22w1 40b0 23w0 29w0 -0 42b-350423423
3Agut Alvarez Josep LluisESP 35w1 -0 27b½ 31w1 13b½ 24w0 30b0 34w1 17b½4,52541,53523,5
4Volart Buil JordiESP 36b0 45w1 38b1 40w0 25b1 33w0 35b0 51w1 30b+5203933,523
5Perolet Perez MiquelESP 37w0 56b1 30w1 18b1 23w1 28b1 40w1 19b0 24b17245,537,534
6Molinas Garcia FranciscoESP 38b1 23w- 33w1 16b1 28w0 -0 -0 -0 -035140,53522
7Pereda Villalba JulianESP -0 46b1 34w1 28b0 26w0 39b½ 18w1 63b1 20w15,5123630,523
8Codina Blasco JoanESP 39w1 24b0 41w½ 44b- 43b½ 38b0 49w1 44b0 52w14363629,519
9Fernandez Benito Fco. JavierESP 40b1 26w1 -0 62b0 32w1 44b1 28w1 14w0 -051743,53729
10Fungueirino Pique DanielESP 41w1 28b½ 63w1 -0 16b½ 36w0 45b1 13w½ 11b04,526413526,5
11Mercader Rubio LuisESP 42b1 27w1 22b1 19w1 37b0 40w0 -0 36b½ 10w15,57463832
12Vinas Serra AntoniESP 44w0 48b1 39w½ 41b1 62w0 60b½ 38w0 52b½ 63w03,54732,52820,5
13Fernandez Pintado XavierESP 45b1 29w½ 31b1 15w0 3w½ 26b½ 63w1 10b½ -051841,535,528,5
14Grasa Solanas OscarESP -0 47w1 64b1 36w1 44b+ 37w½ 15b1 9b1 19w06,5344,536,533
15Manosas Vila EsterESP 46w1 30b1 23w½ 13b1 -0 63w1 14w0 20b½ -051544,53831,5
16Masferrer Andreu Josep MiquelESP 47b1 36w½ 29b1 6w0 10w½ 1b1 33w0 38b1 40w½5,51040,53529
17Menendez Cabrera EnricESP 48w1 37b0 44w0 46b+ 33b0 41b1 39w½ 62b1 3w½52335,529,523
18Ballester Valls Juan AntonioESP 49b1 64w1 37b0 5w0 35b½ 22w0 7b0 45w1 31b03,54341,534,521,5
19Serentill Moya EmmanuelESP 50w1 44b1 2w1 11b0 1w1 62b1 37w1 5w1 14b18143,536,539
20Palomero Galvez AntonioESP 51b½ 31w0 40b0 48w1 45b½ 43w1 64b1 15w½ 7b04,52937,531,521
21Sans Bascu JoaquinESP 52w1 2b0 62w0 50b+ 36b0 49w+ 60w0 54b0 64w1442312620
22Serentill Tost EduardESP 53b1 1w1 11w0 2b0 39w½ 18b1 26w½ 60b1 33w16637,531,528
23Aparicio Escudero Hector F.ESP 54w1 6b+ 15b½ 37w½ 5b0 2b1 36w1 33b1 26w½6,54433633
24Berlanda GiuseppeESP 55b1 8w1 -0 1b0 47w1 3b1 62w1 40b1 5w065403331
25Fernandez Benito Carlos PabloESP 56w½ 63b0 43w1 39b½ 4w0 47b+ -0 64b1 38w½4,532342921
26Viader Oliver MauroESP 57b1 9b0 1w0 38w1 7b1 13w½ 22b½ 30w1 23b½5,58443826
27Tort Barenys Juan JoseESP 59w1 11b0 3w½ 63b0 41w½ 51b1 1w½ 39b½ 44w+52237,531,522,5
28Bagur Cantallops AntoniESP 60b1 10w½ 36b½ 7w1 6b1 5w0 9b0 35w0 54b1516443728,5
29Saez Lopez CarlosESP 61w+ 13b½ 16w0 49w1 63b0 35w½ 2b1 -0 62w15213832,525
30Jimenez Molina VictorESP 62b1 15w0 5b0 47w- 52w1 54b1 3w1 26b0 4w-43540,533,521
31Berengeno Vierge RodolfoESP 63w½ 20b1 13w0 3b0 60w- 46w+ 44w1 1b0 18w14,5313731,520,5
32Alvarez Vega SalvadorESP -0 49w½ 60b½ 57w1 9b0 45w0 43b½ 56b1 39w½43933,527,517,5
33Suarez Garcia MarioESP 1b0 53w1 6b0 59w1 17w1 4b1 16b1 23w0 22b0519403426
34Arroyo Garcia FranciscoESP 2w0 50b+ 7b0 60w½ 49b½ 64w0 47b+ 3b0 45w½3,548322617
35Ortiz Padro PolESP 3b0 55w+ -0 64w1 18w½ 29b½ 4w1 28b1 1w½5,51136,531,524
36Delgado Fernandez LuisESP 4w1 16b½ 28w½ 14b0 21w1 10b1 23b0 11w½ -04,5244437,526,5
37Rodriguez Beltran FernandoESP 5b1 17w1 18w1 23b½ 11w1 14b½ 19b0 -0 -051350,542,534
38Riera Mestres JosepESP 6w0 52b1 4w0 26b0 57b1 8w1 12b1 16w0 25b½4,5303731,520,5
39Ylla Soro RafaelESP 8b0 57w1 12b½ 25w½ 22b½ 7w½ 17b½ 27w½ 32b½4,528383222
40Lopez Arjona EmilioESP 9w0 54b1 20w1 4b1 2w1 11b1 5b0 24w0 16b½5,59443730,5
41Bonil Marti XavierESP 10b0 58w1 8b½ 12w0 27b½ 17w0 51b0 57w1 59b+44131,526,517
42Febrero Perez LluisESP 11w0 59b1 -0 -0 64b0 55w1 52w0 49b1 2w-35631,525,514
43Langstrom SammyESP -0 60w½ 25b0 52b1 8w½ 20b0 32w½ -0 -13,54534,529,515
44Castro Estrella Joan GabrielESP 12b1 19w0 17b1 8w+ 14w- 9w0 31b0 8w1 27b-433433524
45Garcia Gargallo JoaquinESP 13w0 4b0 51w½ 56b1 20w½ 32b1 10w0 18b0 34b½3,5443630,516,5
46Quemades Schmid RicardoESP 15b0 7w0 53b1 17w- 54w0 31b- -0 -0 -016232,526,57
47Calvet Blesa JordiESP 16w0 14b0 54w1 30b+ 24b0 25w- 34w- 59w0 58b135237,53114
48Cervera Alemany SerafiESP 17b0 12w0 57b- 20b0 58w1 53b½ 54w0 55b1 56w02,55829,5259
49Folch Ferrando CarlosESP 18w0 32b½ 56w1 29b0 34w½ 21b- 8b0 42w0 -0260332813,5
50Joya Abadal EduardESP 19b0 34w- 55w+ 21w- -0 -0 56w0 58b1 57w135532,524,510
51Pifarre Gene Joan BaptistaESP 20w½ -0 45b½ -0 59b1 27w0 41w1 4b0 53w1440332817
52Casabona Fina DavidESP 21b0 38w0 58b1 43w0 30b0 57w1 42b1 12w½ 8b03,54930,525,515
53Porta Guiu LourdesESP 22w0 33b0 46w0 58b1 -0 48w½ -0 -1 51b02,557322610
54Castillo Rosa Jose LuisESP 23b0 40w0 47b0 55w1 46b1 30w0 48b1 21w1 28w043834,528,516
55Moreno Rivilla FranciscoESP 24w0 35b- 50b- 54b0 56w1 42b0 59b0 48w0 -01613326,55
56Perez Ramirez PlacidoESP 25b½ 5w0 49b0 45w0 55b0 59w1 50b1 32w0 48b13,546332612,5
57Rovira Puig RicardoESP 26w0 39b0 48w+ 32b0 38w0 52b0 58w1 41b0 50b025933,52810
58Hurtado Farre IlefonsESP -0 41b0 52w0 53w0 48b0 -1 57b0 50w0 47w016327,522,54
59Orts Gonzalez RafaelESP 27b0 42w0 -1 33b0 51w0 56b0 55w1 47b1 41w-354332812
60Robla Carreiras FerranESP 28w0 43b½ 32w½ 34b½ 31b+ 12w½ 21b1 22w0 -043734,528,520,5
61Serra Jardi JosepESP 29b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006426210
62Campins Barberia JonESP 30w0 -1 21b1 9w1 12b1 19w0 24b0 17w0 29b0434423426
63Sola Martinell SalviESP 31b½ 25w1 10b0 27w1 29w1 15b0 13b0 7w0 12b14,527413524,5
64Chacon Parra JordiESP -1 18b0 14w0 35b0 42w1 34b1 20w0 25w0 21b03533629,518

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break