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Scarborough Major

Last update 22.10.2017 19:16:39, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd TB1 
1WHITEHEAD Mark A170ENG 31w1 19b1 13w1 4b½ 3w14,5
MCQUILLAN Stephen G145SCO 30b1 38w1 8b½ 29b1 14w14,5
3TART Peter K169ENG 21b1 42w1 49b1 15w1 1b04
MCALEENAN Charles T165SCO 22b½ 50w1 46b1 1w½ 19b14
5HILTON Tim169ENG 32w1 12b0 43w½ 36b1 29w13,5
KENNEDY Craig169SCO 47w1 11b½ 12w½ 30b13,5
LAWS Darren C168ENG 63w1 13b0 31w½ 43b1 20w13,5
BURNS Martin J166ENG 34w1 20b1 2w½ 14b0 31w13,5
POTTER Karl H163ENG 50b½ 51w1 35b½ 49w1 15b½3,5
JACKSON Paul G162ENG 66w1 49b0 32w½ 60b1 23w13,5
WILSON Matthew R161ENG 64b1 46w½ 6w½ 44b1 13w½3,5
DEAN Robert A158ENG 61w1 5w1 15b0 6b½ 24w13,5
PATRICK David A158ENG 62b1 7w1 1b0 17w1 11b½3,5
SIMPSON Kevin152ENG 27b½ 40w1 39b1 8w1 2b03,5
SHAPLAND David151ENG 28w1 58b1 12w1 3b0 9w½3,5
16EVANS Paul A170ENG 42b0 34w0 64b1 48w1 47b13
HAWKSLEY Jim A170ENG 43w½ 44b½ 42w1 13b0 32w13
FALLOWFIELD Nicholas169ENG 45b½ 60w½ 34b½ 33w½ 49b13
GOODFELLOW Russell R159ENG 56b1 1w0 48b1 35w1 4w03
PROCTER Colin S158ENG -1 8w0 57b1 27w1 7b03
COLE Stephen155ENG 3w0 61b1 23w0 55b1 57w13
O'MAHONEY Michael152ENG 4w½ 25b1 29w0 28b½ 44w13
23VLEESHHOUWER Douglas170ENG 60b½ 45w½ 21b1 30w½ 10b02,5
HERON Donald166SCO 48w½ 45b½ 46w1 12b02,5
ASHCROFT Graham J165ENG 48b½ 22w0 66b1 45w1 -02,5
JONES Neil T165ENG 49w0 52b1 44w0 34b½ 60w12,5
WILLIAMS David165ENG 14w½ 55b1 36w½ 20b0 34w½2,5
TURNER Tim M162ENG 15b0 64w½ 54b1 22w½ 35b½2,5
STAPLES Neil161ENG 35b½ 54w1 22b1 2w0 5b02,5
MILNES John Dh159ENG 2w0 53b1 63w1 23b½ 6w02,5
COWARD Neil156ENG 1b0 56w1 7b½ 38w1 8b02,5
CAWSTON M John155ENG 5b0 62w1 10b½ 39w1 17b02,5
CORBYN Andy155ENG 59w½ 38b½ 18b½ 36w½2,5
GAMBLE Raymond J153ENG 8b0 16b1 18w½ 26w½ 27b½2,5
SUDAR Dragoljub151ENG 29w½ 41b1 9w½ 19b0 28w½2,5
Dossett Chris163ENG 65b1 39w½ 27b½ 5w0 33b½2,5
37PALMER Keith J168ENG 46b0 66w½ 51b½ 50w½ 45b½2
PLATER Ron161ENG 52w1 2b0 33w½ 31b0 53w½2
VALENTINE Brian J161ENG 53w1 36b½ 14w0 32b0 46w½2
GARRETT Peter A160ENG 55w½ 14b0 41w½ 53b½ 52w½2
BEST Francis P158ENG 57b½ 35w0 40b½ 51w½ 50b½2
STEPHENSON David W157ENG 16w1 3b0 17b0 56w½ 51b½2
WELLS Leslie157ENG 17b½ 57w½ 5b½ 7w0 54b½2
ELLIS Brian156ENG 17w½ 26b1 11w0 22b02
MAUDSLEY Keith156ENG 18w½ 23b½ 24w½ 25b0 37w½2
BRENCHER Paul154ENG 37w1 11b½ 4w0 24b0 39b½2
PRICE Andrew154ENG 6b0 55w½ 58b1 16w02
CLARKE Paul Rh152ENG 25w½ 24b½ 19w0 16b0 65w12
MITCHESON Robert Pc152ENG 26b1 10w1 3w0 9b0 18w02
BARBER Andrew M151ENG 9w½ 4b0 58w½ 37b½ 41w½2
ELLAMES George J151ENG 9b0 37w½ 41b½ 42w½2
STEWART T Noel151ENG 38b0 26w0 62b½ 64w1 40b½2
GAWNE Martin P149ENG 39b0 30w0 65b1 40w½ 38b½2
DUNKLEY Michael148ENG 29b0 28w0 66b1 43w½2
BROWN Kevin M145AUS 40b½ 27w0 47b½ 21w0 63w12
FRITH Shane S145ENG 19w0 31b0 61w1 42b½ 58w½2
SCHMERWITZ Reinhard145GER 41w½ 43b½ 20w0 63b1 21b02
58ANSARI Athar170ENG 15w0 50b½ 47w0 56b½1,5
JAQUES Andrew169ENG 33b½ 60w½ -0 -01,5
CLEGG Robert156ENG 23w½ 18b½ 59b½ 10w0 26b01,5
BAROOAH Michael138ENG 12b0 21w0 56b0 62w1 64b½1,5
ROSS Stuart129ENG 13w0 32b0 52w½ 61b0 66w11,5
63WILLIAMSON Graham Ag155SCO 7b0 65w1 30b0 57w0 55b01
CONNOR Michael I147ENG 11w0 28b½ 16w0 52b0 61w½1
WALKOWIAK Adam129SCO 36w0 63b0 53w0 -1 48b01
66ELLIS Philip G151ENG 10b0 37b½ 25w0 54w0 62b00,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)