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XXXV Torneig Open dEscacs de Martorell Grup C

Last update 18.11.2017 20:42:24, Creator: Josep M. Jordan Garcia,Last Upload: Alexandra Muratet Carmona

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Archs Garriga Ignasi1797 74w1 32b1 8w1 23b½ 19w1 2b1 3w½ 4b1 7w18740,548
2Martin Dinares Laura1822 21b1 12w1 5b1 18w1 24b1 1w0 7b1 6w1 3b½7,5742,550,5
3Aullon Coral Nil1777 29w½ 28b½ 55w1 54b1 23w1 13w1 1b½ 19b1 2w½7537,545,5
4Ruiz Herrero Victor1700 30w0 76b1 15w½ 49b1 56w1 23b1 20w1 1w0 18b16,5633,541,5
5Boixader Herrero Didac1774 35b1 17w1 2w0 44b½ 50b1 11w½ 9w1 10b1 6b½6,5538,546
6Gomez Navais Marçal1544 37w1 49b½ 56w½ 15b1 38w1 20b1 17w1 2b0 5w½6,5535,543
7Ruiz Soria Adria1784 44w1 41b1 23w0 30b1 16w1 9b1 2w0 18b1 1b0663947
8Valios Blanco Xavier1737 73b1 19w1 1b0 13w0 11b0 57w1 38b1 34w1 24w16634,542,5
9Pinyol Llora Julia1535 52b1 18w0 33b1 25w1 45b1 7w0 5b0 49w1 22b16634,541
10Torrents Busquet Foix1764 75w1 -0 68b1 16w0 41b1 34w1 13b1 5w0 21b1663340,5
11Suarez Garcia Mario1805 34w1 39b0 41w0 27b1 8w1 5b½ 23w1 17b½ 15w16537,544
12De Santiago Gordo Abel1758 78w1 2b0 74w1 29b1 20w0 44b1 14w½ 24b½ 19w1653542,5
13Garcia Seto Jose Martin1822 23w0 57b1 49w1 8b1 18w1 3b0 10w0 29b1 16w½5,553744
14Bertran Sala Josep1790 17b0 48w1 21b1 32w1 -0 31w1 12b½ -0 42w15,553443
15Solé Erta Miguel1774 -0 70w1 4b½ 6w0 68b1 50w1 25b1 28w1 11b05,553441
16Romeu Viladot Emili1701 28w1 38b0 51w1 10b1 7b0 22w0 40b1 39w1 13b½5,553440,5
17Farell Duran Josep1699 14w1 5b0 22w1 40b1 28b1 24w½ 6b0 11w½ 29w½5,543945,5
18Vidal Palet Santiago1774 46w1 9b1 20w1 2b0 13b0 26w1 21b1 7w0 4w0553946,5
19Illescas Segura Marcel1804 60w1 8b0 63b1 31w1 1b0 42w1 22b1 3w0 12b0553745
20Vazquez Cortes Carlos1805 79b1 31w1 18b0 26w1 12b1 6w0 4b0 21w0 48b1553642,5
21Garcia Extremera Manuel1701 2w0 65b1 14w0 64b1 36w1 56b1 18w0 20b1 10w05533,541
22Vecino I Medina Alba1770 66b1 50w0 17b0 48w1 54w1 16b1 19w0 44b1 9w0553339
23Membrives Pino Didac1712 13b1 45w1 7b1 1w½ 3b0 4w0 11b0 25w½ 39b15440,548,5
24Sanchez Viana Jordi1811 58w1 25b1 39w1 38b1 2w0 17b½ -0 12w½ 8b0543645,5
25Esteve Paez Sergi1757 72w1 24w0 77b1 9b0 55w1 29b½ 15w0 23b½ 44w15431,537,5
26Esteve Medina Daniel1713 62w1 51b1 30w½ 20b0 44w½ 18b0 39w0 38b1 46w15430,536
27Segarra Gonzalez Jordi1700 -0 77b- 61b1 11w0 35b½ 68w1 47b½ 40w1 45b15426,535
28Aullon Lopez Gabriel1808 16b0 3w½ 66b+ 37b1 17w0 59b1 52w1 15b0 30w½533643
29Amaré Arnaez Pau1690 3b½ 68w½ 36b1 12w0 47b1 25w½ 45b1 13w0 17b½533542
30Comajuncosas Casasayas France1803 4b1 33w1 26b½ 7w0 -0 -0 43w1 52b+ 28b½533441
31Gil Fernandez Lluís Antoni1741 69w1 20b0 46w1 19b0 51w1 14b0 44w0 43b1 35w½4,5429,536
32Comajuncosas Casasayas Josep1725 77w1 1w0 62b1 14b0 -0 40w0 53b½ 68b1 51w14,5428,537
33Montserrat Urpi Josep1735 76w1 30b0 9w0 46b0 65w1 43b0 59w½ 55b1 53w14,5428,534,5
34Martinez Herrador Octavio1700 11b0 71w1 45b0 62w+ 39w1 10b0 51w1 8b0 36w½4,5331,538,5
35Ayats Masana Elies1662 5w0 40b0 65w1 52b0 27w½ 76b+ 37b½ 47w1 31b½4,5231,538
36Via Ventura Marius1749 -0 43b1 29w0 57b+ 21b0 63w½ 50b1 48w½ 34b½4,5229,534,5
37Garcia Lorente Antonio1729 6b0 66w½ 59b1 28w0 63w½ 46b½ 35w½ 51b½ 49b14,522733,5
38Duran Vilchez Manuel1776 70b1 16w1 50b1 24w0 6b0 -0 8w0 26w0 57b14434,542
39Febrero Perez Lluis1745 65w1 11w1 24b0 -0 34b0 53w1 26b1 16b0 23w0443441
40Santacruz Garcia Francesc1758 50b0 35w1 69b1 17w0 52w0 32b1 16w0 27b0 60w1443238
41Latorre Coma Antoni1722 67b1 7w0 11b1 45w0 10w0 51b0 70w1 -0 59b14431,538
42Mestre Costas Jordi1749 71b1 -0 44w0 53b1 46w1 19b0 -0 57w1 14b04430,538,5
43Galofre Mila Lidia1670 45b0 36w0 67b1 47w0 77b1 33w1 30b0 31w0 63b14428,534
44Ayats Andreu Roger1698 7b0 67w1 42b1 5w½ 26b½ 12w0 31b1 22w0 25b04336,543
45Cruz Jimenez Miguel1775 43w1 23b0 34w1 41b1 9w0 52b½ 29w0 46b½ 27w04333,539,5
46Montserrat Perez Pau1661 18b0 47w1 31b0 33w1 42b0 37w½ 63b1 45w½ 26b0433237
47Escamilla Pozo Pablo1748 -0 46b0 60w1 43b1 29w0 55b½ 27w½ 35b0 62w1432834,5
48Candial Rubal Marc1692 51w0 14b0 78w1 22b0 69w½ 60b1 56w1 36b½ 20w04327,534
49Falgas Domenech David1760 61b1 6w½ 13b0 4w0 59w0 69b1 55w1 9b0 37w03,533339,5
50Bernat Mor Juli1610 40w1 22b1 38w0 56b½ 5w0 15b0 36w0 -0 66b13,533238
51Andrino Cubino Simon1780 48b1 26w0 16b0 70w1 31b0 41w1 34b0 37w½ 32b03,5331,537
52Añor Casas Daniel1719 9w0 78b1 -0 35w1 40b1 45w½ 28b0 30w- -03,533137
53Clotet Mas Dan1689 -0 -0 71b1 42w0 73w1 39b0 32w½ 56b1 33b03,5329,535
54Alegre Monmany Eric1734 -0 75b1 64w1 3w0 22b0 -0 -0 67w½ 68b13,532835
55Roma Alsina Jaume1718 64b0 61w1 3b0 77w1 25b0 47w½ 49b0 33w0 67b13,532633
56Argemi Bartolome Domenec1742 68b½ 64w1 6b½ 50w½ 4b0 21w0 48b0 53w0 65b13,522935,5
57Gracia Asensio Carmen1684 -0 13w0 73b1 36w- 64w1 8b0 58w1 42b0 38w0333137,5
58Prat Diez Biel1701 24b0 -0 75w0 60b1 -0 77w1 57b0 62w- 73b13324,530
59Gardner Leo1584 -0 60b½ 37w0 61w1 49b1 28w0 33b½ -0 41w0322934
60Rovira Farre Josep1700 19b0 59w½ 47b0 58w0 66b1 48w0 62b1 63w½ 40b0322833
61Escoriza Gallardo Pedro1636 49w0 55b0 27w0 59b0 71w0 -1 76b1 64b1 -0322629,5
62Rodriguez Via Albert1410 26b0 -1 32w0 34b- -0 65b1 60w0 58b+ 47b0313032
63Estebaranz Sabata Jordi1718 -0 72b1 19w0 68w½ 37b½ 36b½ 46w0 60b½ 43w0312732,5
64Diaz-Heredero Nuñez Antonio1505 55w1 56b0 54b0 21w0 57b0 66w0 71b1 61w0 69b½2,5225,530,5
65Lamata Melero Daniel1585 39b0 21w0 35b0 67w1 33b0 62w0 77b1 69w½ 56w02,5225,530,5
66Codina Casals Joan1642 22w0 37b½ 28w- -0 60w0 64b1 68w0 72b1 50w02,5225,530
67Claramunt Junyent Maria1537 41w0 44b0 43w0 65b0 72b1 -0 73w1 54b½ 55w02,5225,529,5
68Membrives Cano Diego1584 56w½ 29b½ 10w0 63b½ 15w0 27b0 66b1 32w0 54w02,513440,5
69Gendre Díez Virginia1570 31b0 79w+ 40w0 -0 48b½ 49w0 -0 65b½ 64w½2,502730
70Gili Esplugas Jose Antonio1689 38w0 15b0 72w1 51b0 76w1 -0 41b0 -0 -0222932,5
71Gili Fernandez Guillermo1601 42w0 34b0 53w0 76b0 61b1 -0 64w0 77w1 -0222628,5
72Armengol Badia Joan1601 25b0 63w0 70b0 73w- 67w0 -0 -1 66w0 77b1212425,5
73Uroz Lopez Ibai1559 8w0 74b0 57w0 72b+ 53b0 -0 67b0 76w+ 58w02027,532
74Zavala Licoa Leonila Cristina1700 1b0 73w1 12b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0113333,5
75Planella Zavala Ivan1640 10b0 54w0 58b1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0113233,5
76Añor Corbera Unai1548 33b0 4w0 -0 71w1 70b0 35w- 61w0 73b- -0112730,5
77Hidalgo Muñoz Jose1541 32b0 27w+ 25w0 55b0 43w0 58b0 65w0 71b0 72w01027,531
78Planella Zavala Irene1618 12b0 52w0 48b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0003227,5
79Mateo Cambronero Antoni1700 20w0 69b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00031,526

Tie Break1: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)