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VI Obert Escacs del Moianes 2017 (167224) [A,B,C,D - trams d'Elo; G=Bages; O=Osona; L=local; V=veterĂ ]

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony25.11.2017 00:25:52, Creator/Last Upload: Escola d'Escacs d'Osona

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Tabela końcowa po 8 rundach

M-sceNazwiskoFed1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPkt TB 1  TB 2  TB 3  TB 4  TB 5 
1MKFabre Massana MiquelCAT 27w1 23b1 5w½ 7b½ 12w1 11b1 8w½ 4b½6211838,53504
2Urena Casacuberta LluisCAT 29w1 28b1 7w½ 5b1 11w½ 4b0 14w1 8b1620993834,505
3Junyent Llobet JoaquimCAT 19w1 17b1 25w1 11b0 4w½ 5b½ 9w1 13b162091403605
4Valldeoriola Puigdoller AgustCAT -0 26w1 16b1 17w1 3b½ 2w1 7b½ 1w½5,5215139,535,504
5Sola Lluch MiquelCAT 10b1 20w1 1b½ 2w0 13b1 3w½ 18b1 6w½5,52048423804
6Clavel Moliner FrancescCAT -0 37b1 19w½ 29b1 14w1 7b½ 12w1 5b½5,52001353204
7Simon Del Sol JaumeCAT 21b1 15w1 2b½ 1w½ 8b½ 6w½ 4w½ 12b½5203941,537,502
8Presseguer Casanovas Josep M.CAT 40w1 14b1 11w0 23b1 7w½ 25b+ 1b½ 2w051929373503
9Ambros Pladellorens JordiCAT 32w1 22b1 12w0 14b0 36b1 15w1 3b0 24w151804333005
10Ramirez Rosich PereCAT 5w0 12b0 38w1 37b1 23w1 14b0 17b1 28w151757322905
11Vila Cairo GerardCAT 16b1 13w1 8b1 3w1 2b½ 1w0 -0 -04,5217242,538,504
12Lazaro Medina JordiCAT 20b0 10w1 9b1 15w1 1b0 22w1 6b0 7w½4,518803935,504
13Clavel Oliveras GuillemCAT 24w1 11b0 40w1 25b½ 5w0 26b1 16w1 3w04,51827353304
14Perez Roses SergiCAT 38b+ 8w0 35b1 9w1 6b0 10w1 2b0 15b½4,518143734,503
15Mas Sayos LluisCAT 39w1 7b0 24w1 12b0 33w1 9b0 22b1 14w½4,517113128,504
16Basora Pascual PauCAT 11w0 33b1 4w0 24b1 17b1 18w½ 13b0 21w½41765353203
17Crusats Mir JosepCAT 33w1 3w0 21b1 4b0 16w0 30b1 10w0 27b14170935,532,504
18Vicente Soriano JosepCAT 41b1 -0 27w½ 22b1 25w½ 16b½ 5w0 23b½41682323002
19Vila Vila RicardCAT 3b0 41w1 6b½ -0 -0 38w1 32b½ 34w14167631,529,503
20Bellpuig Mencos GerardCAT 12w1 5b0 23w0 30b1 27w0 24b0 26w1 33b141618322904
21Lazaro Valls XavierCAT 7w0 38b1 17w0 35b½ 29w1 27b½ 23w½ 16b½4160229,52702
22Castano Sanchez TomasCAT 31b+ 9w0 34b1 18w0 28b1 12b0 15w0 32w141585322903
23Sole Balaguer Josep M.CAT 44b1 1w0 20b1 8w0 10b0 35w1 21b½ 18w½4158431,530,503
24Bermejo Piquer AntonioCAT 13b0 30w1 15b0 16w0 41b1 20w1 31b+ 9b04155631,529,503
25Graupera Fabregas JordiCAT 36b1 34w1 3b0 13w½ 18b½ 8w- 27w½ -03,51738353202
26Meyer KunoCAT 37w½ 4b0 39w1 32b1 -0 13w0 20b0 38w13,515703128,503
27Barcons Gallach AlfonsCAT 1b0 44w1 18b½ 36w0 20b1 21w½ 25b½ 17w03,51537323102
28Burset Camps GuillemCAT 43b1 2w0 -0 40b1 22w0 32b½ 29w1 10b03,515372927,503
29Riera Escayola JosepCAT 2b0 43w½ 31b1 6w0 21b0 40w1 28b0 39w13,5149930,52903
30Barcons Rovira JordiCAT -0 24b0 41w1 20w0 42b1 17w0 39b½ 43b13,513512523,503
31Perez Ruiz CarlosCAT 22w- 32b½ 29w0 39b1 35w½ 33b1 24w- -03145427,52502
32Martinez Sanchez FrancescCAT 9b0 31w½ 43b1 26w0 34b½ 28w½ 19w½ 22b03142630,52901
33Farell Duran JosepCAT 17b0 16w0 44b1 34w1 15b0 31w0 35b1 20w03135927,526,503
34Roca Codina JosepCAT 35w1 25b0 22w0 33b0 32w½ 39b½ 43w1 19b03135025,52402
35Rojas Gutierrez MiquelCAT 34b0 -1 14w0 21w½ 31b½ 23b0 33w0 40b13134027,525,501
36Saborit Verdaguer RogerCAT 25w0 39b½ 37w1 27b1 9w0 -0 -0 -02,5155030,52802
37Mollet Soldevila EvaCAT 26b½ 6w0 36b0 10w0 -0 41w1 38b0 42b12,51386302802
38Rius Planas JosepCAT 14w- 21w0 10b0 44w1 43b½ 19b0 37w1 26b02,51279282702
39Thos Rodriguez JordiCAT 15b0 36w½ 26b0 31w0 44b1 34w½ 30w½ 29b02,5124728,527,501
40Riera Mestres JosepCAT 8b0 42w1 13b0 28w0 -0 29b0 44w+ 35w0212732725,501
41Sanchez Millan AngelCAT 18w0 19b0 30b0 43w1 24w0 37b0 42w0 44b12111125,524,502
42Anton Valls MiquelCAT -0 40b0 -0 -1 30w0 43w- 41b1 37w021095242201
43Crosas Pujolas JordiCAT 28w0 29b½ 32w0 41b0 38w½ 42b+ 34b0 30w02106324,522,500
44Cid Moragas DavidCAT 23w0 27b0 33w0 38b0 39w0 -1 40b- 41w0156121,520,500

TB 1: Recursive Ratingperformance
TB 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB 4: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
TB 5: Greater number of victories/games variable