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Riga 2017th chess championship

Last update 27.09.2017 13:59:28, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMKretainis Kristaps2268LAT 23b1 8w1 11b1 3w½ 5b½ 4w1 22b1 2w½6,53841,52304
2MKRasa Gints2131LAT 43b1 9w1 4b0 23w1 8b1 11w1 3b1 1b½6,53739,52252
3IMSveshnikov Vladimir2373LAT 15w1 17b1 10w1 1b½ 4b1 5w½ 2w0 8b163943,52239
4MKUngurs Edgars2203LAT 30w1 24b1 2w1 22b1 3w0 1b0 5b1 13w1637,5412216
5MKGolubovskis Maksims1896LAT 27w1 7b1 6w½ 16b1 1w½ 3b½ 4w0 17b15,538,542,52203
6NMBatakovs Olegs2078LAT 32b1 18w½ 5b½ 9w0 31b1 22w½ 29b1 20w15,530,5341847
7NMKarklins Imants2190LAT 35b1 5w0 23b0 40w1 29w½ 30b1 14b1 9w15,52931,51870
8MKSinauridze Simons1967LAT 33w1 1b0 31w1 24b1 2w0 19b1 12w1 3w0536392006
9IZarovs Aleksandrs1809LAT 41w1 2b0 47w1 6b1 16w½ 12b½ 10w1 7b0534,5351961
10MKBolsakovs Vadims2137LAT 42w1 44b1 3b0 12w1 11b½ 14w½ 9b0 24w1533361999
11MKPavlovs Sergejs2037LAT 45w1 47b1 1w0 25b1 10w½ 2b0 15w½ 26b1532,5331885
12WFMUngure Liga1918LAT 34b½ 38w1 14b1 10b0 15w1 9w½ 8b0 22w1531,534,51915
13MKGavrilovs Dmitrijs1931LAT 31w0 45b1 39w1 15b½ 19w½ 36b1 16w1 4b0528,530,51793
14MKNemkovs Vjaceslavs1801LAT 21b½ 26w1 12w0 30b1 17w1 10b½ 7w0 16b½4,53336,51964
15IJakobsons Andris1798LAT 3b0 21w1 36b1 13w½ 12b0 37w1 11b½ 25w½4,532,535,51924
16MKBoreisis Vitauts2004LAT 38b½ 40w1 18b1 5w0 9b½ 23w1 13b0 14w½4,53133,51801
17MKGudovskis Konstantins1965LAT 36b1 3w0 29b1 37w½ 14b0 24b1 25w1 5w04,530,533,51827
18IRoze Janis1804LAT 46w1 6b½ 16w0 21b1 22w0 26b½ 19w½ 30b14,530,5321819
19MKKronlaks Olafs1851LAT 37w0 33b½ 20b1 43w1 13b½ 8w0 18b½ 29w14,528,5311679
20IRupais Emils1280LAT 24w0 28b1 19w0 45b1 44w1 25b½ 36w1 6b04,528301804
21MKZemba Viktors2162LAT 14w½ 15b0 38b1 18w0 40b1 29w0 41b1 34w14,52628,51658
22MKKolasa Pjotrs2079LAT 28w1 31b1 4w0 18b1 6b½ 1w0 12b043639,51904
23IMikelsons Mikelis-Emils1737LAT 1w0 27b1 7w1 2b0 39w1 16b0 26w0 36b+43436,51746
24IRizihs Valerijs1846LAT 20b1 4w0 35b1 8w0 37b1 17w0 32b1 10b0432351765
25IBlinovs Artjoms1863LAT 26b½ 34w1 37b½ 11w0 32b1 20w½ 17b0 15b½429,532,51595
26IBirmans Daniels1331LAT 25w½ 14b0 40b0 38w1 43b1 18w½ 23b1 11w042729,51743
27IStrods Kristaps Reinis1411LAT 5b0 23w0 42w1 29b0 38b½ 33w1 35b1 32w½425,528,51656
28IOmuls Peteris1609LAT 22b0 20w0 41b0 -1 47w1 35w½ 37b½ 38w1422,5231426
29MKPetersons Ojars1729LAT 37b½ 17w0 27w1 7b½ 21b1 6w0 19b03,532,535,51803
30IAlekseev Ilia1663LAT 4b0 32w½ 34b1 14w0 33b1 7w0 31b1 18w03,531341698
31IPiksis Davids1448LAT 13b1 22w0 8b0 41w1 6w0 42b½ 30w0 40b13,528,5311729
32IPakalns Raivis Kristians1603LAT 6w0 30b½ 33w1 44b½ 25w0 39b1 24w0 27b½3,527,5301626
33IAizstrauts Arturs1449LAT 8b0 19w½ 32b0 34w1 30w0 27b0 43w1 42b+3,526,5291547
34IMjatezs Ivans1431LAT 12w½ 25b0 30w0 33b0 46w1 40b1 42w1 21b03,525,5271618
35IFridensteins-Bridins Atis1649LAT 7w0 41b1 24w0 39b0 45w1 28b½ 27w0 37w13,525271516
36IFreibergs Andrejs1448LAT 17w0 42b1 15w0 47b1 -1 13w0 20b0 23w-32929,51512
37ISokolovskis Pavels1317LAT 19b1 29w½ 25w½ 17b½ 24w0 15b0 28w½ 35b0328,5321702
38IPcolkins Nikolajs1539LAT 16w½ 12b0 21w0 26b0 27w½ 47b1 39w1 28b032828,51522
39IRupais Gustavs1239LAT 44w0 -1 13b0 35w1 23b0 32w0 38b0 46w132526,51457
40MKZalcmane Vija1547LAT 16b0 26w1 7b0 21w0 34w0 45b1 31w02,529,531,51579
41INapins Vadims1268LAT 9b0 35w0 28w1 31b0 42w0 45b1 21w0 43b½2,525,527,51550
42IBautris Aivars1646LAT 10b0 36w0 27b0 46w1 41b1 31w½ 34b0 33w-2,52526,51353
43IIvanovs Viktors1614LAT 2w0 46b1 44w½ 19b0 26w0 -0 33b0 41w½227,5291395
44MKRibkinskis Tomass1805LAT 39b1 10w0 43b½ 32w½ 20b0 -0 -0 -022628,51503
45IPomahs Ziedonis1590LAT 11b0 13w0 46b1 20w0 35b0 41w0 40w0 47b1224,5251301
46IIMieze Natalja1039LAT 18b0 43w0 45w0 42b0 34b0 -1 47w1 39b021919,51194
47IIAleidzans Vadims0LAT -1 11w0 9b0 36w0 28b0 38w0 46b0 45w012526,5782

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)