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XXI Open Ideal Clave

Darrera actualització27.11.2017 12:23:51, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Alexandra Muratet Carmona

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdOrdre Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4  Des5 
1FMCapellades Subirana Marc 33b1 17w1 15b1 6w½ 4b½ 21b1 12w1 61b02175218806
2MKPellus Ruiz Josep 34w1 19b0 20b0 39w1 11b1 16w1 17w1 6b½5165198605,5
3MKBusom Isach Carlos 35b1 -0 32w+ -0 30w0 44b½ 42w1 40b122133181004,5
4MKFernandez Pena Pedro Emilio 36w1 21b1 16w1 14b½ 1w½ 5b½ 13w½ -021133206105
5CMFernandez-Diaz Mascort Miguel 37b1 20w½ 18b1 61b½ 24w1 4w½ -0 -026123213904,5
6Alcala Valiente Juan Carlos 38w1 24b1 19w1 1b½ 14w1 22b1 61w0 2w½3175209906
7Rivera Padron Joaquin 39b1 22w0 33b1 16w0 36b½ 27w0 43b1 14w117134176504,5
8Gonzalez Cominelli Alejo Gabr 40w1 26b1 -0 17w0 33b1 31w1 21b½ 15w14165204605,5
9Nadal Fajardo Ricard 41b1 -0 34w1 19b- -0 47b- 49w0 55b05662157602
10Hernandez Funes Hector 42w1 28b0 36w+ -0 47w1 30b½ 22w1 24b023133176804,5
11Vargas Drechsler Carlos 43b1 27w1 -0 21b0 2w0 55b1 29w1 22b-24124186204
12Calderon Gutierrez Felipe 44w½ 50b1 61w0 30b1 28w1 26b1 1b0 20w½13144197905
13Pena Mor David 45b1 29w1 22b0 31w0 48b1 19w1 4b½ 21w015134176704,5
14Delgado Prada Yeray 46w1 32b1 28w1 4w½ 6b0 61b0 25w½ 7b028113188804
15MKSeverri Arrese Carlos 47b1 31w1 1w0 28b½ 40w0 32b1 26w1 8b014134183704,5
16Faro Larroya Jordi 48w1 64b+ 4b0 7b1 21w0 2b0 31w1 27w19154187005
17Millan Hernandez Marc 49b+ 1b0 37w1 8b1 -0 40w1 2b0 33w18154200805
18Franzoni Ladron De Guevara En 50w½ 56b1 5w0 35b1 -0 41w1 27b0 30b119134171604,5
19Sorribas Bussons Joan 51b1 2w1 6b0 9w+ 22w0 13b0 47w1 25b111154177005
20Bieg Pagel Clemens 52w1 5b½ 2w1 -0 -0 28b1 30w1 12b½12144215705
21Costa Trave Jaume 53b1 4w0 39b1 11w1 16b1 1w0 8w½ 13b16165196105,5
22Montalban Colell Bernat 54w1 7b1 13w1 -0 19b1 6w0 10b0 11w+10154183905
23Abreu Sanchez Leonel Jesus -0 25w1 -0 49b1 -0 43w1 -0 -04293250603
24Rodriguez Guillen Carlos 55b1 6w0 41b½ 43w1 5b0 36w1 40b1 10w17165188905,5
25Marques Soriano Valentin 56w½ 23b0 44w1 40b0 58w1 42b1 14b½ 19w031113174804
26Roca Llorca Josep 57b1 8w0 43b½ 41w1 27b1 12w0 15b0 32w036103169103,5
27Garcia Punzano Josep Lluis 58w1 11b0 40w½ 42b1 26w0 7b1 18w1 16b018134176104,5
28Masferrer Andreu Josep Miquel 59b1 10w1 14b0 15w½ 12b0 20w0 44b1 49w½29113180304
29Ballester Valls Juan Antonio 60w1 13b0 42w½ 48b½ 44w½ 63b1 11b0 46w04392157103,5
30Palomero Galvez Antonio 61b0 47w1 55b1 12w0 3b1 10w½ 20b0 18w033103178403,5
31Bertolin Escriche Tomas 62w1 15b0 63w1 13b1 61w0 8b0 16b0 39w½35103172703,5
32Martinez Torras Pol 63b1 14w0 3b- 58b½ 46w1 15w0 52b1 26b116134176704,5
33Fernandez Garcia Jesus 1w0 46b1 7w0 63b1 8w0 59b1 37w1 17b025124174704
34Jimenez Molina Victor 2b0 51w1 9b0 47w- -0 -0 -0 -06031146801
35Ezquerra De La Fuente Carles 3w0 48b½ 56w1 18w0 43b0 58b0 51w1 37b½4882143603
36Prats Mir Sergi 4b0 53w1 10b- 64b1 7w½ 24b0 46w0 45w140103151903,5
37Gias Ramon Jose Luis 5w0 52b+ 17b0 52w½ 45b½ 48w1 33b0 35w½4691158703,5
38Ylla Soro Rafael 6b0 55w0 53b½ 57w½ 50b½ 60w1 63w0 59b14592142503,5
39Sanchez Coves Juan Josep 7w0 54b1 21w0 2b0 59w0 57b1 55w1 31b½39103154303,5
40Lema Navalon Eric 8b0 57w1 27b½ 25w1 15b1 17b0 24w0 3w034103175603,5
41Rodriguez Batuecas Jordi 9w0 58b1 24w½ 26b0 62w1 18b0 -0 48w-5172156002,5
42Romero Gamez Francisco Javier 10b0 59w1 29b½ 27w0 52b1 25w0 3b0 60w138103157203,5
43Lopez Gomez Nicolas 11w0 60b1 26w½ 24b0 35w1 23b0 7w0 52b05072162402,5
44Torres Janer Marc 12b½ 61w½ 25b0 55w1 29b½ 3w½ 28w0 58b-5471176603
45March Mari Josep 13w0 62b½ 48w0 56b1 37w½ 46b0 59w1 36b04982138503
46Gonzalez Trigo Jose Luis 14b0 33w0 57b½ 53w1 32b0 45w1 36b1 29b120134159404,5
47Gomez De Argila Lluis 15w0 30b0 62w1 34b+ 10b0 9w+ 19b0 63w04791139003
48Fontela Hidalgo Victor 16b0 35w½ 45b1 29w½ 13w0 37b0 56w1 41b+32112149604
49Febrero Perez Lluis 17w- -0 59b1 23w0 60b½ 53w1 9b1 28b½30113175204
50Garcia Vidal Emili 18b½ 12w0 -0 62b0 38w½ -0 -0 54w+5850141502
51Astor Martinez Juan Fernando 19w0 34b0 58w0 -0 54b1 -0 35b0 56w-6131122301
52Exposito Perez Juan Miguel 20b0 37w- 60w1 37b½ 42w0 62b1 32w0 43w137103162503,5
53Fernandez Macarron Mariano 21w0 36b0 38w½ 46b0 56w1 49b0 54b0 62w05941123701,5
54Rodriguez Gonzalez Feliciano 22b0 39w0 -0 60b0 51w0 56b0 53w1 50b-6231112801
55Arias Aranda Guillem 24w0 38b1 30w0 44b0 64w+ 11w0 39b0 9w14492153203
56Acriz Ibanez Salvador 25b½ 18w0 35b0 45w0 53b0 54w1 48b0 51b+5571121802,5
57Lopez Abaurrea Eduardo 26w0 40b0 46w½ 38b½ 63w0 39w0 -0 -06420131201
58Camacho Alvarez Pablo 27b0 41w0 51b1 32w½ 25b0 35w1 -0 44w+41102152403,5
59Bermejo Cuadra Roberto 28w0 42b0 49w0 -1 39b1 33w0 45b0 38w05761129302
60Rojas Nunez Alberto 29b0 43w0 52b0 54w1 49w½ 38b0 62w1 42b05272135902,5
61Sanchez Marin Joan 30w1 44b½ 12b1 5w½ 31b1 14w1 6b1 1w11206228007
62Garcia Miralles Eduard 31b0 45w½ 47b0 50w1 41b0 52w0 60b0 53b15372131902,5
63Sanchez Valencia Alberto 32w0 -1 31b0 33w0 57b1 29w0 38b1 47b127123151104
64Grino Fernandez Adrian -1 16w- -0 36w0 55b- -0 -0 -0633071701

Desempat1: Matchpoints (variabel)
Desempat2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Desempat3: Recursive Ratingperformance
Desempat4: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempat5: points (game-points)