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Last update 20.08.2017 22:02:58, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Lopez Moises Antonio1767GUA 21b1 19w0 22b0 32w0 34b0 40w-137011
2Pelaez M. Salvador E.1763GUA 22w1 18b0 26w0 30b1 28w1 21b149042
3Garcia Eddy1737GUA 23b0 24w1 21b0 29w+ 26w0 25w0232020
4Cobar Oxom Angel1628GUA 24w1 20b0 30w1 13w½ 32b½ 22b0325020
5Cruz Lima Kimberly Esmeralda1620GUA 25b0 29w1 27b0 31w1 9b1 19w0319031
6Natareno Elvia1591GUA 26w1 30b1 18w1 14b0 20w0 23b+411041
7Batres Lopez Armando1561GUA 27b0 31w1 25b0 40w1 21b0 34w0231020
8Rodriguez Castillo Roberto1485GUA 28w½ 32b0 11w1 10b½ 36w1 26b1413031
9Rodriguez G. Adriana M.1460GUA 29b1 23w0 37b0 41w+ 5w0 30b-230021
10Corado Adrian Mauricio1419GUA 37w1 28b0 8w½ -0 36b+326020
11Lopez Hidalgo Leonardo Daniel1107GUA 30w0 26b0 8b0 24w0 40b1 -1233011
12Sosa Martinez Jorge Luis1947GUA 31b1 25w1 17b1 23w1 14w0 16b152053
13Cruz Vargas Francisco J.1924GUA 33w1 36b1 20w½ 4b½ 22w1 27b155042
14Pirir Daniel1853GUA 35b+ 27w1 19b1 6w1 12b1 20b½5,51052
15Rodriguez M Luis Roberto1849GUA 36w0 33b1 42w1 22w- -0 31b0229021
16Lajuj Camargo Bryan1793GUA 37b0 39w1 40b1 25w1 23b1 12w0410042
17Morales M. Milton Ronaldo1763GUA 38w1 42b1 12w0 26b1 27w0 32b146043
18Morales Q. Miguel Angel1754GUA 39b1 2w1 6b0 27w0 25b1 37w148042
19Argueta Erick1739GUA 40w1 1b1 14w0 36b1 37w1 5b153053
20Urrutia Gabriel1668GUA 41b1 4w1 13b½ 28w1 6b1 14w½54042
21Echeverria Franklin1630GUA 1w0 38b1 3w1 37b0 7w1 2w0320031
22Gonzalez S. Mauricio Antonio1625GUA 2b0 41w1 1w1 15b+ 13b0 4w1412040
23Mendez Jose Pedro1591GUA 3w1 9b1 32w1 12b0 16w0 6w-317031
24Cruz Tolico Eddy1586GUA 4b0 3b0 33w½ 11b1 42w1 28b13,514032
25Vela Alonzo Luis A.1580GUA 5w1 12b0 7w1 16b0 18w0 3b1318031
26Batres Gomez Gilder E.1557GUA 6b0 11w1 2b1 17w0 3b1 8w0315032
27Chocooj Reyes Kevin1550GUA 7w1 14b0 5w1 18b1 17b1 13w047042
28Gomez S. Jose Armando1541GUA 8b½ 34w1 10w1 20b0 2b0 24w02,527020
29Gomez Erick Fernando1540GUA 9w0 5b0 38w1 3b- -0 -0138010
30Ibanez Morales Victor M.1531GUA 11b1 6w0 4b0 2w0 39b1 9w+316032
31Arevalo Chea Daniel Ignacio1528GUA 12w0 7b0 39w1 5b0 41w+ 15w1322030
32Rodas Jefferson Odair1503GUA 8w1 23b0 1b1 4w½ 17w0323021
33Aceituno Ramirez Stebe Josue1446GUA 13b0 15w0 24b½ 39b- -0 -00,540000
34Linares Hector Adolfo1444GUA 28b0 36w0 42b½ 1w1 7b1324021
35Gonzalez Milker1433GUA 14w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0041000
36Aguirre B. Justo Enrique1400GUA 15b1 13w0 34b1 19w0 8b0 10w-228022
37Arevalo Rolando1400GUA 16w1 10b0 9w1 21w1 19b0 18b0321030
38Batres Jose Arnaldo1400GUA 17b0 21w0 29b0 -0 -0 -0042000
39Izaguirre Rey Ayme1480GUA 18w0 16b0 31b0 33w+ 30w0 42b½1,536010
40Lopez Ramos Leonardo1400GUA 19b0 -1 16w0 7b0 11w0 1b+234010
41Rodriguez Pedro Ignacio1400GUA 20w0 22b0 -1 9b- 31b- -0139000
42Samayoa Gomez Melanie L.1475GUA -1 17w0 15b0 34w½ 24b0 39w½235000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)