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2ο Ανοικτό Τουρνουά Σκάκι Γ.Σ. Φαρσάλων & ΟΠΑΚΠΑ Δήμου Φαρσάλων

Τελευταία ενημέρωση17.09.2017 17:14:03, Δημιουργός/Τελευταία ενημέρωση: Greek Chess Federation

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Πίνακας Τελικής Κατάταξης μετά από 7 Γύρους

Κατ.ΌνομαΈλοΧΩΡ1.Γύ2.Γύ3.Γύ4.Γύ5.Γύ6.Γύ7.Γύ ΚΙ1  ΚΙ2  ΚΙ3 
1Romanos Theodoros2128GRE 31w1 13b1 2w1 10b1 7w1 5b½ 6w½6130
2Georgiadis Nikolaos Xant1779GRE 72b1 11w1 1b0 30w1 42b1 8w1 5b16027,5
3Lagaras Stylianos1803GRE 47w1 18b1 24w½ 14b1 5w0 13b1 11w15,5027
4Giannakoulopoulos Spyridon1929GRE 27w1 24b0 58w1 21b1 13w½ 34b1 12w15,5025
5Tsarsitalidis Konstantinos1778GRE 38w1 43b1 19w1 6b½ 3b1 1w½ 2w05030,5
6Angelis Mihail2181GRE 26b1 16w½ 23b1 5w½ 15b½ 17w1 1b½5028,5
7Konstantelias Konstantinos1979GRE 35b½ 30w1 16b1 12w1 1b0 15w1 8b½5028
8Hasiotis Polichronis1799GRE 49b1 23w½ 57w1 24b1 10w1 2b0 7w½5026,5
9Tzamtzis Konstantinos1837GRE 37b1 33w1 17b½ 11w½ 23b15023,5
10Tsoumas Ilias1895GRE 42w1 17b1 15w1 1w0 8b0 43b1 21w½4,5028
11Kallias Spyridon1489GRE 56w1 2b0 48w1 28b1 19w1 9b½ 3b04,5027,5
12Krommidas Vasilios1781GRE 50w1 21b1 14w½ 7b0 57w1 20b1 4b04,5027
13Mpompotis Michail1730GRE 76b1 1w0 46b1 39w1 4b½ 3w0 35b14,5027
14Sarikas Sotirious1901GRE 29b1 44w1 12b½ 3w0 23b½ 32w1 18b½4,5026
15Chatzipolitis Georgios1763GRE 41b1 33w1 10b0 26w1 6w½ 7b0 30b14,5025,5
16Tsintsar Zoran1763GER 64w1 6b½ 7w0 42b0 40w1 36b1 31w14,5024,5
17Tsiaras Fotios1532GRE 54b1 10w0 36b1 61w1 9w½ 6b0 34w14,5024,5
18Zgouletas Ioannis1496GRE 51b1 3w0 49b1 26w1 14w½4,5024
19Giannopoulos Ioannis1804GRE 37b1 25w1 5b0 43w1 11b0 30w½ 32b14,5024
20Efstathiou Athanasios0GRE 22w1 25b1 12w0 33b14,5023,5
21Symeonidis Theofilos1472GRE 69b1 12w0 66b1 4w0 46b1 42w1 10b½4,5023
22Mitsiou Georgios1350GRE 56w½ 20b0 59w1 45b1 43w14,5019,5
23Mantzanas Konstantinos1506GRE 55w1 8b½ 6w0 56b1 14w½ 27b1 9w04026,5
24Demiris Georgios1627GRE 68b1 4w1 3b½ 8w0 32b0 35w½ 47b14026
25Tegos Vasilios1610GRE 45w1 19b0 38w1 27b½ 20w0 56b1 28w½4023,5
26Loukas Dimitrios G1409GRE 6w0 64b1 52w1 15b0 48w1 18b0 50w14023
27Raftopoulos Emmanouil1363GRE 4b0 78w1 53b1 25w½ 44b½ 23w0 49b14023
28Mitsiou Konstantinos1272GRE 77b1 11w0 61b1 33w½ 25b½4021
29Athanasopoulos Georgios 285351351GRE 14w0 45b0 67w1 62b+ 48b14017,5
30Koukouvinos Viktor1422GRE 71w1 7b0 45w1 2b0 38w1 19b½ 15w03,5026,5
31Papapostolou Konstantinos1378GRE 1b0 76w1 67b1 -0 39w1 16b03,5025
32Fotiadis Lazaros1364GRE 51b1 44w½ 24w1 14b0 19w03,5024
33Valogiannis Athanasios1469GRE 40w1 15b0 63w1 9b0 58w1 28b½ 20w03,5024
34Koukoumpi Athanasia1257GRE 71b½ 41w1 65b1 4w0 17b03,5023,5
35Kourdouklas Apostolos1364GRE 7w½ 57b0 40w½ 63b1 64w1 24b½ 13w03,5023
36Banaka Konstantina1076GRE 17w0 40b½ 71b1 16w0 57b13,5022,5
37Kostis Apostolos1238GRE 19w0 55b1 9w0 45b0 54w1 52b1 38w½3,5022
38Raftopoulos Stefanos1151GRE 5b0 69w1 25b0 54w1 30b0 51w1 37b½3,5022
39Agrafiotis Marios Efraim1348GRE 59w1 13b0 45w½ 31b0 56w13,5021
40Raftopoulou Konstantina0GRE 33b0 41w½ 35b½ 36w½ 16b0 71w1 61b13,5020,5
41Tzikas Athanasios G1096GRE 15w0 40b½ 72w1 34b0 56w0 55b1 58w13,5019,5
42Nathanail Spyridon1351GRE 10b0 68w1 75b1 16w1 2w0 21b0 -03026,5
43Koukouvinos Vasilis1454GRE 80b+ 5w0 60b1 19b0 47w1 10w0 22b03024,5
44Nikopoulos Ioannis1630GRE 78w1 14b0 47w1 32b½ 27w½ -0 -03023,5
45Kalatzantonakis Alexandros0GRE 25b0 29w1 30b0 37w1 39b½ 22w0 46b½3022,5
46Katsigris Antonios1102GRE 13w0 55b1 21w0 58b½ 45w½3022
47Dereka Konstantina1200GRE 3b0 54w1 44b0 51w1 43b0 61w1 24w03022
48Banaka Vasiliki1021GRE 11b0 53w1 26b0 65w+ 29w03021,5
49Anagnostopoulos Thomas1175GRE 8w0 56b0 68w1 52b1 18w0 59b1 27w03021,5
50Tsarsitalidis Christos1175GRE 12b0 51w0 54b0 72w1 53b1 60w1 26b03019,5
Michalis Nikolaos0GRE 18w0 50b1 32w0 47b0 63w1 38b0 68w13019,5
52Koukoubis Konstantinos0GRE 26b0 49w0 77b1 37w0 69b13019
53Mitsiou Anna Maria0GRE 27w0 48b0 50w0 76b+ 66b13018,5
54Maritsis Zisis0GRE 17w0 47b0 50w1 38b0 37b0 78w1 71b13018,5
55Michalis Christos0GRE 23b0 37w0 78b1 46w0 66b1 41w0 63b13018
56Paparizou Eleni0GRE 11b0 49w1 22b½ 23w0 41b1 25w0 39b02,5024
57Dristellas Nikolaos1375GRE 35w1 8b0 71w1 12b0 -0 36w02,5024
58Dristellas Neoklis1216GRE 4b0 67w1 33b0 46w½ 41b02,5022,5
59Tzamtzis Savvas0GRE 39b0 66w1 22b0 49w0 60b½2,5020,5
60Kotsis Aristoltelis0GRE 43w0 65b0 69w1 50b0 59w½2,5018
61Agrafiotis Ioannis Stylianos1082GRE 65w1 17b0 28w0 47b0 40w02022
62Karapataki Taxiarxia0GRE -0 29w- -02021,5
63Bizoula Nefeli Georgia0GRE 33b0 35w0 51b0 72b1 55w02020
64Koukouliatas Sotirios Georgio1007GRE 16b0 26w0 69b1 77w1 35b0 -0 -02020
65Soulikias Antonios1588GRE 61b0 60w1 34w0 48b- -02019,5
66Banaka Panagiota0GRE 21w0 59b0 55w0 67b1 53w02019,5
67Koukoumpi Christina0GRE 31w0 58b0 29b0 66w0 78b12019
68Kalaitzidis Konstadinos0GRE 24w0 42b0 49b0 -1 -0 77w1 51b02018
69Plakia Natalia0GRE 21w0 38b0 64w0 78b1 60b0 -1 52w02018
70Statiris Georgios0GRE -0 -0 -0 -01,5021
71Tzikas Georgios0GRE 30b0 -1 34w½ 57b0 36w0 40b0 54w01,5020
72Pafyllas Vasileios1166GRE 2w0 41b0 50b0 -0 63w0 77b11,5020
73Zgouletas Panagiotis1498GRE -0 -0 -0 -0 -01020
Fotiadis Nikolaos1109GRE -0 -0 -0 -0 -01020
75Siouris Michail0GRE 42w0 -0 -0 -0 -01019,5
76Angelousopoulos Vaios0GRE 13w0 31b0 -0 53w- -01019
77Tzamtzis Viktor0GRE 28w0 64b0 52w0 68b0 72w01019
78Gkavardinas Antonios0GRE 44b0 27b0 55w0 69w0 -1 54b0 67w01017,5
79Banakas Konstantinos1187GRE -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5018,5
80Sourlas Sokratis0GRE 43w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,5

Κριτήριο1: points (game-points)
Κριτήριο2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Κριτήριο3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)