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VI Obert Llampec de Torredembarra

Posledná aktualizácia 14.08.2017 21:33:40, Creator/Last Upload: Escacs Lira Vendrellenca

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Konečná tabuľka po 8 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ezquerro Luque Albert2328ESP 32w1 21b1 14w1 9b0 18w1 15b1 2b1 6w174231,531
2Valencia Jiménez José (MC)2171ESP 34w1 46b1 13w1 10b1 5w½ 7b1 1w0 9w16,542,53232
3García Jiménez Fco. Javier (MF)2410ESP 39w1 12b1 15w1 5b0 33w1 26b½ 13w1 4w16,5403029,5
4Boldú Soto Roger2232ESP 52w1 16b1 10w½ 11b1 8w1 5b½ 7w1 3b0643,53430,5
5Fernández Soriano Rúben (MC)2306ESP 42b1 53w1 19b1 3w1 2b½ 4w½ 6b0 14w164232,530,5
6Plasencia Martínez Víctor (MC)2305ESP 49w1 18b1 17w1 7b0 27w1 13b1 5w1 1b064231,530
7Esplugas Esteve Vicens (MF)2401ESP 30b1 33w1 25b1 6w1 9b1 2w0 4b0 15w1641,53131
8Ordobas Martínez Vicens2196ESP 50b0 56w1 30b1 53w1 4b0 36w1 23b1 16w16332424
9Pros Heras Jordi (MC)2252ESP 54b1 44w1 28b1 1w1 7w0 14b½ 26w1 2b05,540,530,529,5
10Moreno Robert Eduard2076ESP 59b1 43w1 4b½ 2w0 16b½ 31w1 17b½ 25w15,537,52825
11Gabarró Servitja Pau (S16)1907ESP 61b1 22w1 29b½ 4w0 25b0 62w1 27w1 26b15,53425,524
12Torralba Sanz Josep2039ESP 66b1 3w0 50b1 31w0 54b1 25w1 19b1 17w½5,53324,523,5
13Torrecillas Martínez Antonio (MI)2422ESP 38b1 40w1 2b0 29w1 17b1 6w0 3b0 31w154029,525
14Margalef Kriesten Joan2141ESP 20b1 31w1 1b0 45w1 32b½ 9w½ 38b1 5b0539,528,525,5
15Segarra Calderer Albert2157ESP 51b1 45w1 3b0 28w1 31b1 1w0 32b1 7b05392926
16Torralba Brosa Marc1953ESP 37b1 4w0 20b1 25w½ 10w½ 34b1 29w1 8b05392923,5
17Cunill Ros Sebastià2118ESP 56b1 50w1 6b0 36w1 13w0 30b1 10w½ 12b½5362724,5
18Luco Manubens Daniel1968ESP 68b1 6w0 51b1 22w1 1b0 35w1 25b0 29w1535,526,523
19Aubanell Ber Sergi2116ESP 24w1 48b1 5w0 27b0 42w1 52b1 12w0 30w1535,526,523
20Coca Maydeu Xavier1738ESP 14w0 55b1 16w0 48b1 46w1 27b½ 21w½ 33b153425,519,5
21Carbó Hors David1979ESP 41b1 1w0 62b½ 40w1 29b0 47w1 20b½ 32w153424,521
22Rodríguez Díaz Javier2147ESP 57w1 11b0 39w1 18b0 30w0 51b1 42w1 38b1532,52420
23Cruz Poncelas Jordi2022ESP 65w0 24b1 52w1 46b1 26w0 50b1 8w0 35b15312322
24Clofent Alonso Sergi1700ESP 19b0 23w0 71b1 30w0 70b1 44w1 36b1 40w152922,516
25Madria Garriga Vidal2140ESP 58w1 65b1 7w0 16b½ 11w1 12b0 18w1 10b04,537,529,523,5
26Cano Sevilla Ivan2177ESP 62b1 28w0 54b1 44w1 23b1 3w½ 9b0 11w04,536,527,524,5
27Dosaiguas Bonne Jaime1945ESP 71b1 29w0 41b1 19w1 6b0 20w½ 11b0 47w14,534,52721,5
28Gironès Batiste Jesús1953ESP 70w1 26b1 9w0 15b0 35w0 64b1 34w½ 49b14,5302320
29Galimany Rovira Xavier2179ESP 35w1 27b1 11w½ 13b0 21w1 32w½ 16b0 18b043828,523,5
30Segura Cardenete Roberto1887ESP 7w0 69b1 8w0 24b1 22b1 17w0 55w1 19b0437,529,518
31Vila López Joan1924ESP 67w1 14b0 48w1 12b1 15w0 10b0 37w1 13b0435,52821
32Alfonso Pellisa Aarón (S14)1883ESP 1b0 60w1 40b1 62w1 14w½ 29b½ 15w0 21b0435,52621,5
33Castillo Dalmau Arnau (S12)1996ESP 60b1 7b0 34w1 37w1 3b0 38w0 50b1 20w0435,52621
34Castillo Garrido Àlex1786ESP 2b0 71w1 33b0 43w1 45b1 16w0 28b½ 41w½4332517,5
35Villaden Isern Joaquim1820ESP 29b0 37w0 68b1 41w1 28b1 18b0 39w1 23w0432,525,517
36Boldú Soto Oriol1943ESP 48w0 59b1 63w1 17b0 51w1 8b0 24w0 55b1431,52318
37Oliván Blasco Leonardo1419ESP 16w0 35b1 57w1 33b0 38b0 45w1 31b0 54w14312317
38Pino Muñoz Francisca (60)1895ESP 13w0 64b0 69w1 58b1 37w1 33b1 14w0 22w04302318
39Bechini Bossons Ferran (65)1894ESP 3b0 66w1 22b0 56w½ 47b1 53w½ 35b0 50w143021,516
40Rodríguez Martínez Juan Pedro2044ESP 64w1 13b0 32w0 21b0 63w1 58b1 52w1 24b0429,522,517
41Beltran de Guevara Carmelo1652ESP 21w0 49b1 27w0 35b0 67w1 46b½ 57w1 34b½429,522,515
42Alasà Maduell Josep Mª (65)1873ESP 5w0 63b0 70w1 64b1 19b0 43w1 22b0 61w1428,52115
43Sánchez Vilches Andrés1000ESP -1 10b0 46w0 34b0 65w1 42b0 58w1 52b1428,52115
44Romeu De La Cruz Josep1972ESP 63w1 9b0 64w1 26b0 50w0 24b0 65w1 46b142820,517
45Comes Nolla Grabiel (60)1945ESP 74w1 15b0 65w1 14b0 34w0 37b0 56w1 51b14262117
46Roca Llorca Josep1935ESP 47b1 2w0 43b1 23w0 20b0 41w½ 62b1 44w03,5342517,5
47Casabo Llurba Miquel1000ESP 46w0 57b½ 49w1 69b1 39w0 21b0 48w1 27b03,5292216,5
48Oliván López Darío (S14)1172ESP 36b1 19w0 31b0 20w0 66b1 56w½ 47b0 62w13,5292214,5
49Gràcia Train Carles1860ESP 6b0 41w0 47b0 59w½ 56b1 66w1 53b1 28w03,5292111,5
50Madria Joseph John (S16)1823ESP 8w1 17b0 12w0 63b1 44b1 23w0 33w0 39b033627,517
51Cruz Medina Júlia (S14)1773ESP 15w0 67b1 18w0 55b1 36b0 22w0 60b1 45w0331,524,514
52Caixal Pique Jordi1838ESP 4b0 68w1 23b0 66w1 53b1 19w0 40b0 43w0330,522,516
53Nieves Alarcón Josep Mª1990ESP 69w1 5b0 58w1 8b0 52w0 39b½ 49w0 57b½330,522,516
54López Montoya Joaquin1847ESP 9w0 70b1 26w0 65b1 12w0 55b0 64w1 37b0328,521,514
55Pérez Vera Jordi1902ESP -0 20w0 60b1 51w0 68b1 54w1 30b0 36w0328,521,513
56De La Torre Regadera Pol (S10)1703ESP 17w0 8b0 74w1 39b½ 49w0 48b½ 45b0 65w13282211
57Valios Blanco Xavier1760ESP 22b0 47w½ 37b0 60w1 62b0 59w1 41b0 53w½32820,512
58Gabarró Servitja Adria (S12)1730ESP 25b0 61w1 53b0 38w0 59b1 40w0 43b0 66w132720,512
59De La Torre Gallart Jordi1700ESP 10w0 36w0 61b1 49b½ 58w0 57b0 63w½ 67b1326,51910,5
60Romeu Miracle Joel (S14)1661ESP 33w0 32b0 55w0 57b0 74w1 67b1 51w0 64b1321,517,58
61Sánchez Enrique Joel1000ESP 11w0 58b0 59w0 74b1 64w0 63b1 71w1 42b0321,51610
62Luco Pérez Bernat (S16)1788ESP 26w0 74b1 21w½ 32b0 57w1 11b0 46w0 48b02,52923,514
63Montserrat Pérez Pau (S14)1550ESP 44b0 42w1 36b0 50w0 40b0 61w0 59b½ 71b12,526,5219
64Marcas Vila Luis1700ESP 40b0 38w1 44b0 42w0 61b1 28w0 54b0 60w0229,52211
65Alfonso Hidalgo Andrés1695ESP 23b1 25w0 45b0 54w0 43b0 70w1 44b0 56b0228,52211
66Moreno Torres Quim (S16)1700ESP 12w0 39b0 67w1 52b0 48w0 49b0 68w1 58b0226,5198
67Cristobal Artigues Alex1000ESP 31b0 51w0 66b0 68w1 41b0 60w0 70b1 59w0222,5177
68Berna Fernández-Miranda Arturo (S8)1500ESP 18w0 52b0 35w0 67b0 55w0 69b1 66b0 74w1221,516,54
69Llorach Gràcia Tomás (65)1660ESP 53b0 30w0 38b0 47w0 71b½ 68w0 74b1 70w½219,515,54,5
70Romeu Miracle Jana (S10)1454ESP 28b0 54w0 42b0 71w1 24w0 65b0 67w0 69b½1,52417,55,5
71Luco Pérez Guillem (S8)1263ESP 27w0 34b0 24w0 70b0 69w½ 74b1 61b0 63w01,522,517,55
72Ramos Rodríguez Luis Miguel1893ESP -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002216,50
Fernández Panzano José Juan1819ESP -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002216,50
74Valios Visa Biel (S12)1387ESP 45b0 62w0 56b0 61w0 60b0 71w0 69w0 68b002115,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break