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XI Obert d´Escacs Santa Eulalia de Roncana Grup B Code:165441

Última actualización18.11.2017 21:42:37, Propietario/Última carga: Beatriz Alfonso Nogue

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Nateras Jimenez Alfonso1730 51b1 30w½ 71w1 25b1 16w0 29b1 11b1 6w½6631,541,50
2Bosch Ricart Joan1633 52w1 31b0 -0 92b1 45w1 39b1 18w½ 96b15,5927,536,50
3Diaz Doblas Juan1627 54b½ 95w1 33b1 32w0 26b0 56w1 34b½ 61w152325330
4Montllor Aguilera Francisco1623 55w1 37b1 29w½ 60b1 23w1 28b0 35w0 31b04,52629,539,50
5Argemi Camp Jaume1620 56b1 32w0 53w1 91b+ 40b½ 19w0 54b+ 37b-4,52729,5390
6Vendrell Roncero Carlos1606 58w1 39b1 31w1 16b½ 28w0 32b1 37w1 1b½653242,50
7Barcons Rovira Jordi1595 -0 99w1 56b½ 44w½ 60b1 47b1 93w1 40b051826,5360
8Castaneda Munoz Antonio1594 59b½ 54w0 72b1 49w1 48b+ 26w0 60b0 48b½44027360
9Alcon Davalos Marc1589 60w0 69b1 58w0 62b1 47w0 64b1 59w1 39b152423,5310
10Puigdueta Xalabarder Antoni1584 61b0 74w1 59b0 67w1 44b1 53w1 81b1 19w052225340
11Barcons Gallach Alfons1583 62w1 41b1 47w1 28b½ 32w1 16b1 1w0 35b16,5131,541,51
12Lazaro Valls Xavier1579 63b1 34w½ 54b0 61w1 71b0 60w0 55b1 72w03,56025,533,50
13Punsola Mena Pol1568 -0 73b½ 79w½ 68b1 53w0 62b½ 66w1 54b+4,53520,527,50
14Negre Pipla Josep1557 64w1 45b1 60w½ 29b½ 35w½ 37b0 31w0 59b½4372836,50
15Alexandry Alexandru Stefan1556 -0 75b1 62w1 41b1 37w½ 93b½ 96w0 47b044326,534,50
16Lopez Martinez Angel1539 65b1 36w1 26b1 6w½ 1b1 11w0 71b1 28w16,5231,541,50
17Viaplana Puigdomenech Santi1530 66w1 47b0 68w1 45b1 93w½ 35b0 29w½ 94b½4,5312633,50
18Gallego Andres Carles1525 67b1 38w1 28b0 48w½ 54b½ 58w1 2b½ 60w15,5827,537,50
19Sola Montoya Josep1523 68w1 60b0 86w1 47b1 96w1 5b1 28w0 10b16727,5360
20Folch Sampera Enric1520 -0 76w1 61b½ 56w½ 52b1 54w½ 95b1 71w15,51224,5320
21Garcia Encinas Jan1520 70b½ 59w½ 63b0 74w½ 72b1 61w0 56b½ 84w037422,527,50
22Lopez Nadal Alex1516 71w0 77b1 93w0 75b1 55w½ 73b1 32w0 62b14,53421,529,50
23Arcusa Postils Eduard1512 72b½ 70w1 34b1 54w1 4b0 40w0 -0 91b+4,53226330
24Fernandez Rebollo Irene1510 73w1 71b0 94w0 79b1 57w1 81b- 58b- -036725,5330
25Ceruelo Santiveri Oscar1509 74b1 42w1 32b½ 1w0 91b1 71w0 61b½ 81w151926,535,50
26Lopez Torralba Oscar1507 75w1 98b1 16w0 71b½ 3w1 8b1 40w0 32b½51727360
27Bailles Fernandez Sergi1504 76b1 48w1 -0 93b0 64w1 96b0 47w0 57b14412735,50
28Parra Ordorica Arnau1502 77w1102b1 18w1 11w½ 6b1 4w1 19b1 16b06,5331400
29Garcia Torres Adolfo1495 78b1 61w1 4b½ 14w½ 59b½ 1w0 17b½ 42w½4,5302634,50
30Marabajan Navas Saul1484 79w1 1b½ 91w0 96b0 69w1 94b½ 57w1 58b152126,5350
31Cregut David Jean Louis1473 80b1 2w1 6b0 59w0 56b½ 74w1 14b1 4w15,51125330
32Martinez Navaro Josep M1473 81w1 5b1 25w½ 3b1 11b0 6w0 22b1 26w½51629,539,50
33Garcia Gonzalez Ernest1471 82b½ 72w1 3w0 64b½ 81w0 75b1 94w0 -037322,5300
34Bermejo Piquer Antonio1463 85w1 12b½ 23w0 81b½ 94w½ 55b1 3w½ 93b044724,533,50
35Miro Arbelaes Aleix1453 86b0 78w1 80b1 63w1 14b½ 17w1 4b1 11w05,51323,5320
36Las Heras Maestro Lluis1446 87w1 16b0 -0 -0 79w½ 69b1 62w0 63b02,58023320
37Salvany Guiu Jorge1434 88b1 4w0 84b1 95w1 15b½ 14w1 6b0 5w+5,51025,5330
38Miralles Ferri Salvador1434 89w1 18b0 -0 76w1 58b0 63w0 -0 -029022300
39Espada Español Tura1420 90b1 6w0 95b0 80w1 63b1 2w0 86b1 9w044425,533,50
40Salinas Tomas Daniel1420 91w½ 96b½ 98w1 94b1 5w½ 23b1 26b1 7w16,5428360
41Alfonso Tenez Raul1419 92b1 11w0 97b1 15w0 95b½ 91w0 72b0 73w13,56224330
42Gomez Sanchez Javier1418 94w1 25b0 96w0 86b0 87w1 82b1 63w1 29b½4,53325330
43Carvajal Rodriguez Juan1416 95b0 80w0 76b0 83w1 82b½ 72w0 -0 -01,59718,5250
44Vallejo Pinar Enric1415 96w½ 91b0 73w1 7b½ 10w0 85b½ 79w½ 97b144525330
45Mostazo Torrubia Rafael1408 97b1 14w0100b1 17w0 2b0 67w0 92b1 74w145421,5300
46Boixader Puig Angel1405 98w0 79b½ 81w0102b1 73w0 92b0 88w1 55w02,5871823,50
47Quiros Garcia Luis1394 84b1 17w1 11b0 19w0 9b1 7w0 27b1 15w15153040,50
48Berbel Gutierrez J. Guillermo1392100w1 27b0102w1 18b½ 8w- 95w0 73b1 8w½45122300
49Del Rio Crespo Jose Antonio1391 99b½ 82w1 -0 8b0 85w½ 84w½ 74b½ 86w145521290
50Lajarin Serra Ruben1391102w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0010216,5220
51Gomez Rivera Judit1390 1w0 81b½ 82w0 73b0100b+ 76w1 84b½ 87w145619270
52Rivas Garcia Alberto1389 2b0 -0 77w1 98b1 20w0 86w0 83b1 99w145022,5310
53Moles Benali Joan1389 -0 83w1 5b0 84w1 13b1 10b0 -0 98w144824,5320
54Vacas Arno Gabriel1388 3w½ 8b1 12w1 23b0 18w½ 20b½ 5w- 13w-3,5582837,50
55Amirkhanyan Mane1386 4b0 84w0 83b1 97w1 22b½ 34w0 12w0 46b13,56321,528,50
56Chavero Falero Alfonso1380 5w0 85b1 7w½ 20b½ 31w½ 3b0 21w½ 79b036627,536,50
57Martinez Arranz Nagore1380 -0 87b1 -0100w1 24b0 97w1 30b0 27w037123,5310
58Company Fernandez David1365 6b0 88w1 9b1 -0 38w1 18b0 24w+ 30w043927,5350
59Vicente Perales Manel1354 8w½ 21b½ 10w1 31b1 29w½ -0 9b0 14w½43827,5360
60De Lomas Busquets Alba1344 9b1 19w1 14b½ 4w0 7w0 12b1 8w1 18b04,5282837,50
61Asatryan Levon1339 10w1 29b0 20w½ 12b0 92w1 21b1 25w½ 3b044226,535,50
62Alcantara Ruiz Natalia1338 11b0 90w1 15b0 9w0 80b1 13w½ 36b1 22w03,56124,5330
63Lobo Pereira Arami1335 12w0 89b1 21w1 35b0 39w0 38b1 42b0 36w145222300
64Puente Fernandez Lucas1332 14b0 92w½ 99b1 33w½ 27b0 9w0 -0 82b½2,58122300
65Perez Ronquillo Santi1316 16w0 93b0 85w½ -0 88b1 99w½ 87b0 75w137521290
66Elkhafi Ayoub1313 17b0 97w0 88b½ 90w1 74b0102w1 13b0 92w02,58618,524,50
67Navajas Alvarez Antoni1298 18w0 94b0 87w1 10b0 98w1 45b1 -0 -036825330
68Amirkhanyan Ruben1288 19b0101w1 17b0 13w0 84b0 79b0 80w1 83w02912229,50
69Fernandez Raya Santi1276 -0 9w0 90b½ 88w1 30b0 36w0102b0 89b½29420,5270
70Marti De Toro Xavi1264 21w½ 23b0 92w0 85b0 99w0 90b0101b0 78w00,510118240
71Funes Ostos Aitor1250 22b1 24w1 1b0 26w½ 12w1 25b1 16w0 20b04,52531410
72Fernandez Ferreira Alex1247 23w½ 33b0 8w0 99b1 21w0 43b1 41w1 12b14,53620270
73Salvany Alonso Artur1240 24b0 13w½ 44b0 51w1 46b1 22w0 48w0 41b02,57924,531,50
74Garcia Encinas Nil1227 25w0 10b0 89w1 21b½ 66w1 31b0 49w½ 45b036924320
75Rius Planas Josep1227 26b0 15w0101b1 22w0 89b1 33w0 97b- 65b02922228,50
76Lajarin Rallo Marc1227 27w0 20b0 43w1 38b0102w½ 51b0 90w1 -02,5842028,50
77Herrera Grande Placid1221 28b0 22w0 52b0101w1 97b0 89w+ 98w- -029520280
78Valls Matheu Albert1212 29w0 35b0 -0 87b0 90w1 98b0 89w0 70b129618,524,50
79De La Riva Reina Marti1211 30b0 46w½ 13b½ 24w0 36b½ 68w1 44b½ 56w145322290
80Cabrera Gallego Alejandro Nic1191 31w0 43b1 35w0 39b0 62w0 87b0 68b0101w129320,527,50
81Collazo Casals Marc1181 32b0 51w½ 46b1 34w½ 33b1 24w+ 10w0 25b04462532,50
82Company Fernandez Miquel1174 33w½ 49b0 51b1 -0 43w½ 42w0 99b0 64w½2,58222290
83Vila I Bague Arnau1168 -0 53b0 55w0 43b0101w1100b+ 52w0 68b13781925,50
84Asatryan Maria Cristina0 47w0 55b1 37w0 53b0 68w1 49b½ 51w½ 21b144924,531,50
85Gomez Rivera Sergio1146 34b0 56w0 65b½ 70w1 49b½ 44w½ -0 -02,58322270
86Villa Tornero Alex1129 35w1 -0 19b0 42w1 -0 52b1 39w0 49b036528,538,50
87Molina Barbancho Serafin1122 36b0 57w0 67b0 78w1 42b0 80w1 65w1 51b03762127,50
88Izquierdo Fuster Joan1113 37w0 58b0 66w½ 69b0 65w0101b1 46b0 90w01,59817,5240
89Oviedo Jara Merce Montserrat1025 38b0 63w0 74b0 -1 75w0 77b- 78b1 69w½2,58817230
90Español Bada Nuria1001 39w0 62b0 69w½ 66b0 78b0 70w1 76b0 88b12,58915,5200
91Auferil Barnils Antoni0 40b½ 44w1 30b1 5w- 25w0 41b1 -0 23w-3,55729390
92Asensio Diaz Miguel0 41w0 64b½ 70b1 2w0 61b0 46w1 45w0 66b13,56419,5260
93Casanovas Barniol Gerard0 -0 65w1 22b1 27w1 17b½ 15w½ 7b0 34w152026,535,50
94Marugan Sanchez-Gallegos Daniel0 42b0 67w1 24b1 40w0 34b½ 30w½ 33b1 17w½4,52926,536,50
95Parera Fiestas Oriol0 43w1 3b0 39w1 37b0 41w½ 48b1 20w0 -03,55926,5350
96Crosas Pujolas Jordi0 44b½ 40w½ 42b1 30w1 19b0 27w1 15b1 2w051430,5410
97Katz Javier0 45w0 66b1 41w0 55b0 77w1 57b0 75w+ 44w03772026,50
98Fernandez Marin Daniel0 46b1 26w0 40b0 52w0 67b0 78w1 77b+ 53b037023,532,50
99Municio Soto Aaron0 49w½ 7b0 64w0 72w0 70b1 65b½ 82w1 52b037223290
100Barres Roca Francesc0 48b0 -1 45w0 57b0 51w- 83w- -0 -01992026,50
101Richard Tomas Julien0 -0 68b0 75w0 77b0 83b0 88w0 70w1 80b0110013,518,50
102Lajarin Rallo Oscar0 50b+ 28w0 48b0 46w0 76b½ 66b0 69w1 -02,58519,528,50

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)