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XI Obert d´Escacs Santa Eulalia de Roncana Grup A Code:165440

Última actualización18.11.2017 21:20:21, Propietario/Última carga: Beatriz Alfonso Nogue

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1MKPorras Mateo Felipe2331 38b1 30w1 17b½ 24w1 6b1 2w½ 5b1 10w1729,5400
2FMLopez Agustench Eduard2184 57b1 44w1 11b1 5w½ 4b1 1b½ 6w1 3b½6,532420
3MKOrtega Serra Marc2237 71b1 34w1 5b0 48w1 11b1 20w1 10b1 2w½6,52837,50
4FMAyats Llobera Gerard2325 60w1 16b1 27w1 6b½ 2w0 14b½ 12w1 15b163039,50
5MKHerms Agullo Jordi2065 52w1 45b1 3w1 2b½ 13w½ 12b1 1w0 14b½5,531,541,50
6MKRojano Alfonso Carlos2182 33w1 37b1 10b1 4w½ 1w0 24b1 2b0 23w15,530,541,50
7MKLopez Santana Oscar2129 55b½ 31w1 32b½ 15w1 20b0 26w1 21w½ 25b15,527,536,50
8Torralba Brosa Marc1811 19w½ 66b1 12w½ 27b½ 14w0 43b1 22w+ 20w15,52632,50
9Morais Carreras Javier1897 61b0 67w1 31b1 11w0 45b1 23w½ 42b1 21w15,52228,50
10FMValenzuela Gomez Fernando2400 26w1 20b1 6w0 42b1 16w1 13b1 3w0 1b053141,50
11Perez Rodriguez Joan Antoni2009 36w1 62b1 2w0 9b1 3w0 40b1 13w½ 16b½53038,50
12Guix Torres David2047 32b½ 55w1 8b½ 34w1 18b1 5w0 4b0 35w1528,5380
13MKCanal Oliveras Joan2205 41w1 40b½ 22b1 17w1 5b½ 10w0 11b½ 18w½528,537,50
14MKRojano Cano Francisco Jose2092 29b0 57w1 44b½ 32w1 8b1 4w½ 20b½ 5w½527360
15Centelles Vives Aleix1848 62w- 49b1 53w1 7b0 58w1 17w1 28b1 4w0527360
16Pellicer Roncero Nestor1866 56b1 4w0 61b1 22w1 10b0 28w½ 41b1 11w½527350
17Pares Peris Jordi2128 49w1 29b1 1w½ 13b0 40w½ 15b0 47w1 34b1526,5360
18Cordomi Forns Francesc1846 31b0 46w1 63b1 30w1 12w0 22b½ 24w1 13b½525,5330
19Parra Ordorica Gorka1561 8b½ 23w0 47b½ 39w1 21b0 52w1 43b1 30w152532,50
20Fernandez Felguera Agustin1923 46b1 10w0 60b1 21w1 7w1 3b0 14w½ 8b04,528,5380
21Turon Mora Joan1803 -0 68b1 58w1 20b0 19w1 30w1 7b½ 9b04,526,534,50
22Deulonder Camins Xavier1945 68w1 50b1 13w0 16b0 29b1 18w½ 8b- 44w14,52633,50
23Prats Safont Sergi1837 66w½ 19b1 42w0 37w1 41b½ 9b½ 27w1 6b04,525,532,50
24Martinez Perez Pablo1960 53w½ 59b1 40w1 1b0 42w1 6w0 18b0 32b14,524,5340
25Benito Cabezas Ana1883 -0 33b1 45w1 -0 46b1 41w½ 26b1 7w04,524,5331
26Costa Trave Jaume1771 10b0 56w½ 50w1 43b1 27w1 7b0 25w0 40b14,524,5330
27Barba Rios Enric1951 72b+ 61w1 4b0 8w½ 26b0 44w1 23b0 41w14,524,532,50
28Busom Isach Carlos2155 -0 64w1 -0 59b1 38w1 16b½ 15w0 42w14,524,532,50
29Martin Capitan Jesus1703 14w1 17w0 30b0 69b1 22w0 58b1 40w½ 47b14,52328,50
30Martinez Perez Sergio1919 70w1 1b0 29w1 18b0 32w1 21b0 38w1 19b0427,538,50
31Salvans Serra Arnau1576 18w1 7b0 9w0 33b1 48b½ 35w0 36b½ 52w142735,50
32Bernado Lopez Roger1686 12w½ 35b1 7w½ 14b0 30b0 63w1 37b1 24w0427350
33Garcia Escoda Marc1741 6b0 25w0 36b1 31w0 63b½ 56w1 48b½ 46w1423310
34Valero Soler Jaume1805 58w1 3b0 65w1 12b0 62w1 -0 45b1 17w042330,50
35Peguera Vila Josep Oriol1830 51b½ 32w0 -0 66b1 47w½ 31b1 39w1 12b042228,50
36Aleksanyan Radmila1661 11b0 -0 33w0 49b1 50w½ 59b1 31w½ 48w1421,5290
37Fradera Manils Josep1781 65b1 6w0 43w½ 23b0 54w½ 62b1 32w0 53b142127,50
38Ramon Herraez Alex1767 1w0 58b0 67b1 61w1 28b0 51w1 30b0 45w1420,5290
39Cornejo Vera Danilo1730 -0 43b0 68w1 19b0 69w1 61w1 35b0 51w142025,50
40Ruiz Planas Adelito1808 69b1 13w½ 24b0 55w1 17b½ 11w0 29b½ 26w03,52732,50
41Romero Torrents Josep1758 13b0 54w½ 56b1 44w1 23w½ 25b½ 16w0 27b03,52634,50
42Nicolas Vallellano Emiliano1800 64b½ 51w1 23b1 10w0 24b0 48w1 9w0 28b03,525,5340
43Massana Blanch Jordi2005 45b0 39w1 37b½ 26w0 55b1 8w0 19w0 59b13,524,5320
44Ventos Alfonso Alba1792 63w1 2b0 14w½ 41b0 53w1 27b0 50w1 22b03,523,532,50
45Cervello Navarro Hector1659 43w1 5w0 25b0 65b1 9w0 54b1 34w0 38b032733,50
46Torras Coloma Pau1634 20w0 18b0 49w1 50b1 25w0 47b0 54w1 33b0324320
47Martin Ares Miguel Angel1779 50w0 70b0 19w½ 64b+ 35b½ 46w1 17b0 29w032431,50
48Niubo Casellas Jordi1873 59w½ 53b½ 62w1 3b0 31w½ 42b0 33w½ 36b0321,5300
49Pueyo Amoros Pau1711 17b0 15w0 46b0 36w0 64b1 66w1 61b1 -0321,528,50
50Rubio Notario David0 47b1 22w0 26b0 46w0 36b½ 67w1 44b0 55w½321,5280
51Saborit Verdaguer Roger1567 35w½ 42b0 59w½ 54b0 67w1 38b0 57w1 39b0321,527,50
52Arias Prieto Diana1688 5b0 -0 57w1 58b0 65w1 19b0 62w1 31b032127,50
53Roquet Estrada Albert1656 24b½ 48w½ 15b0 63w½ 44b0 60w½ 65b1 37w0320,5270
54Sarrate Presas Jordi1896 -0 41b½ -0 51w1 37b½ 45w0 46b0 61w1320,5270
55Gayoso Rodriguez Jaume Eduard1720 7w½ 12b0 66w1 40b0 43w0 -0 69b1 50b½320260
56Lorenzo Martinez Ruben1581 16w0 26b½ 41w0 57b0 66w1 33b0 64w½ 67b1319,5260
57Prats Fumado Gerard1745 2w0 14b0 52b0 56w1 61b0 69w1 51b0 65w1317,524,50
58Olive Torras Ricard1484 34b0 38w1 21b0 52w1 15b0 29w0 60b½ -02,52533,50
59Garcia Encinas Pau1583 48b½ 24w0 51b½ 28w0 60b½ 36w0 66b1 43w02,521,528,50
60Muhammad Shiekh Ali1766 4b0 69w1 20w0 62b0 59w½ 53b½ 58w½ -02,518,5250
61Gonzalez Cobos Arnau1614 9w1 27b0 16w0 38b0 57w1 39b0 49w0 54b022533,50
62Garcia Gil Oriol1578 15b+ 11w0 48b0 60w1 34b0 37w0 52b0 -0221,529,50
63Navajas Alvarez Josep1462 44b0 71w+ 18w0 53b½ 33w½ 32b0 -0 -0221290
64Sentis Baena Samuel1477 42w½ 28b0 -0 47w- 49w0 -1 56b½ -0220,527,50
65Casares Bonals Asier1379 37w0 -1 34b0 45w0 52b0 68b+ 53w0 57b0219,5260
66Batalle Mompart Carles1568 23b½ 8w0 55b0 35w0 56b0 49b0 59w0 69w11,521,5270
67Flores Munoz Daniel1698 -0 9b0 38w0 68b+ 51b0 50b0 -0 56w012027,50
68Casas Nin Jordi1634 22b0 21w0 39b0 67w- -1 65w- -0 -012026,50
69Garcia Cachinero Jesus1543 40w0 60b0 -1 29w0 39b0 57b0 55w0 66b0120260
70Ridao Gimeno Oscar1629 30b0 47w1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0119,5260
71Fernandez Felguera Alvaro1766 3w0 63b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,5240
72Vegara Gallego Pere1640 27w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,5220

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)