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104th British Championships Under 16

Last update 05.08.2017 14:03:56, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk. NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.
Kalavannan Koby2175 11w1 3b1 2w½ 4b1 6w1 13b1 9w16,5
Miller Dominic2103 19b1 23w1 1b½ 8w1 12b½ 16w1 3b05
Pollack Oscar1871 24b1 1w0 13b0 21w1 22b1 12w1 2w15
Anilkumar Anantha P (jnr)1932 20w1 10b½ 9w1 1w0 8b½ 5b½ 13w14,5
Smith Callum1837 14b0 26w1 22b0 25w1 10b1 4w½ 16b14,5
Haridas Girinath1977 13b½ 14w1 16b½ 22w1 1b0 8w½ 12b½4
Boswell Jacob Connor1914 21b1 16w½ 12b0 10w½ 19b1 9w0 15b14
Ifalore Michael1911 17w1 12b½ 10w1 2b0 4w½ 6b½ 11w½4
Ramaiya Anshu1807 26b½ 15w1 4b0 18w½ 14w1 7b1 1b04
WCMSivarajasingam Shayanna1774 27b1 4w½ 8b0 7b½ 5w0 24w1 22b14
Chauhan Pranay1769 1b0 24w1 14b0 15w½ 17b1 19w1 8b½4
Nayak Raghav1737 18b1 8w½ 7w1 16b½ 2w½ 3b0 6w½4
Modi Kishan J1725 6w½ 25b½ 3w1 14b1 20w1 1w0 4b04
Samworth-Calvier Juju1594 5w1 6b0 11w1 13w0 9b0 23w1 20b14
Jain Gautam R1812 25w½ 9b0 17w½ 11b½ 23b1 20w1 7w03,5
WCMCamp Imogen Al1802 28w1 7b½ 6w½ 12w½ 18b1 2b0 5w03,5
Sanitt Ethan1673 8b0 18w½ 15b½ 23w½ 11w0 27b1 21w13,5
Jayawarna Nugith2054 12w0 17b½ 26w1 9b½ 16w0 21b0 27w13
Rajesh Gorak1763 2w0 28b1 25w1 20b0 7w0 11b0 26w13
Ashworth Robert M1718 4b0 27w1 23b1 19w1 13b0 15b0 14w03
Balouka-Myers Gabriel1686 7w0 22b0 27w1 3b0 25b1 18w1 17b03
Kirupakaran Vishnu1612 23b0 21w1 5w1 6b0 3w0 26b1 10w03
Remus Elliot Luke1863 22w1 2b0 20w0 17b½ 15w0 14b0 28b12,5
Jina Asha1632 3w0 11b0 28w½ 26b½ 27w1 10b0 25w½2,5
Petkov Petko1569 15b½ 13w½ 19b0 5b0 21w0 28w1 24b½2,5
Smith Rachel L1529 9w½ 5b0 18b0 24w½ 28b1 22w0 19b02
Ercsei Estera-Alexandra1281 10w0 20b0 21b0 28w1 24b0 17w0 18b01
Balouka-Myers Reuben1520 16b0 19w0 24b½ 27b0 26w0 25b0 23w00,5