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2017 UK Chess Challenge: Northern Gigafinal Under 17-18

Last update 16.07.2017 20:08:44, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

11Ashworth Michael JU18179Gloucestershire6
25Bott SimeonU17129West Anglia5
33Willow Hambel MU18w135Nottinghamshire4
17Westwood CameronU170Worcestershire4
18Jaddu KotiU170Surrey4
62Hapeshi EleanorU17w136Gloucestershire3
74Zaman HanifU18133Northumberland3
8Windsor AmyU17w65West Anglia3
9Gill HollyU17w61Cumberland3
13Mcintosh GregorU180Scotland West3
14Skillen FergusU180Scotland East3
1210Hernaman AidanU170Gloucestershire2
12Johnson ThomasU170Northamptonshire2
15Stewart EthanU170Scotland East2
16Taurins KristenU170Warwickshire2
166Reid CaitlinU18w122Scotland West0
7Tomkins BrionyU18w69Northamptonshire0
11Irwin CameronU180Warwickshire0