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Última actualización15.08.2017 21:17:16, Propietario/Última carga: Antonia Martin Martin

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No.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1AGMGarcia Molina Francisco Migue2242GR 27b1 16w1 8b1 4w1 2b0 14w1 15b16226,52534,5
2Puertas Martin Savins2154AL 28w1 15b1 9w1 6b1 1w1 3b1 11w½6,5125,527,532
3Castellanos Bogalo Antonio2029CTM 29b1 18w1 10b1 14w1 12b1 2w0 4b05526,52532,5
4Pulido Esteban Francisco Dani2024GR 30w1 17b1 11w1 1b0 7w1 13b1 3w16326,52434
5Moreno Alberti Manuel Maria1882MA 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005217,5024
6Martinez Garret Jose Francisc1786MA 32w1 19b1 13w1 2w0 14b0 7b0 26w0330251832,5
7Clemente Chen Alfredo1765AL 33b+ 20w1 12b½ 8w1 4b0 6w1 10b04,51123,521,526,5
8AIMGarcia Castilla Manuel1744GR 34w1 21b1 1w0 7b0 30w1 25b½ 24w14,51321,51828
9Salguero Mendez Raul1659GR 35b+ 22w1 2b0 12w0 27b0 43w1 30b141722,51624,5
10Lopez Sanchez Rafael1657GR 36w1 23b1 3w0 21b1 15w0 26b1 7w15822,52029
11Llena Velarde David1608AL 37b1 24w1 4b0 20w1 16b1 17w1 2b½5,542522,531,5
12Vara Soler Luis1592AL 38w1 25b1 7w½ 9b1 3w0 15b0 28w14,5122220,528
13Serrano Almendros Alejandro1569GR 39b1 31w1 6b0 22w1 40b1 4w0 27b15921,52127,5
14Cañadas Martin Borja1560GR 40w1 54b1 26w1 3b0 6w1 1b0 22w½4,51023,521,528,5
15Lupiañez Sanchez Luis1541GR 41b1 2w0 29b1 27w1 10b1 12w1 1w056262131,5
16Abrisqueta Zudaire Leyre1533GR 42w+ 1b0 30w1 25b1 11w0 27w0 31b1418221725
17Serrano Almendros Angel1509GR 43b1 4w0 31b1 39w1 19b1 11b0 40w157232028
18Pavon Roldan Antonio1465GR 44w+ 3b0 32w½ 40b0 37w1 24w0 20b02,54019,512,522,5
19Herrera Salvador Francisco Al1402GR 45b1 6w0 34b½ 28w1 17w0 38b1 25w14,51518,516,521
20Gonzalez Rogel Juan Manuel1384GR 46w1 7b0 36w1 11b0 26w½ 28b0 18w13,52520,514,526
21Jimenez Tejada Juan Jose1351GR 47b1 8w0 37b1 10w0 29b0 34w1 39b142119,51525,5
22AFMMartin Morales Fernando1316GR 48w1 9b0 38w1 13b0 36w1 29b1 14b½4,5142017,525,5
23Gonzalez Pintor Ivan1305GR 49b1 10w0 39b0 47w1 31b1 40w0 29w½3,52818,514,523,5
24Clemente Rodriguez Nicolas1285CO 50w1 11b0 40w0 32b1 38w½ 18b1 8b03,5272014,524,5
25Gonzalez Vacas Raul1264GR 51b1 12w0 53b1 16w0 39b1 8w½ 19b03,52420,51624,5
26AFMAlonso Vargas David1263GR 53w1 28b½ 14b0 34w1 20b½ 10w0 6b14202016,525
27Gonzalez Rogel Antonio Jesus1261GR 1w0 46b1 54w1 15b0 9w1 16b1 13w0416241629
28Gonzalez Vacas Daniel1238GR 2b0 26w½ 41b1 19b0 48w1 20w1 12b03,522231328
29Alonso Cuenca Agustin (gr)1180GR 3w0 48b1 15w0 46b1 21w1 22w0 23b½3,5232213,528
31Cañadas Martin Jaime1142GR 5w+ 13b0 17w0 50b1 23w0 48b1 16w033220,51322,5
32Hidalgo Arellano Patricio1138CO 6b0 43w1 18b½ 24w0 34b0 46b1 38w13,52915,511,520
33Gonzalez Castillo Jose Javier1125GR 7w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -004918,5025,5
34Jimenez Jimenez Ignacio1108GR 8b0 45w1 19w½ 26b0 32w1 21b0 36w13,52620,512,523,5
35Puertas Sanchez Jose Manuel1094AL 9w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005018025
36Hidalgo Cambas Rafael1057CO 10b0 47w1 20b0 53w1 22b0 54w1 34b033419,51223,5
37Martin Callejon Fernando1050GR 11w0 50b1 21w0 48b0 18b0 51w1 53b133617921
38Cañadas Salguero Francisco1049GR 12b0 49w1 22b0 54w1 24b½ 19w0 32b02,53920,511,524,5
39Martinez Vargas Daniel1045GR 13w0 52b1 23w1 17b0 25w0 49b1 21w0331211324
40Rodriguez Romera Miguel Angel1038GR 14b0 51w1 24b1 18w1 13w0 23b1 17b041921,51726
41Salguero Correa Raul1019GR 15w0 30b0 28w0 45b1 49w0 50b1 48w024516,5618,5
42Gonzalez Castillo Alvaro1001GR 16b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005118025
43Hidalgo Arellano Inmaculada981CO 17w0 32b0 48w0 52b1 50w1 9b0 47w024118,5721,5
44Jimenez Jimenez Adrian932GR 18b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005317,5023,5
45Oyanedel Komarova Nikole918GR 19w0 34b0 50w0 41w0 54b0 47b0 51w005415019
46Oyanedel Komarova Jose Robert903AL 20b0 27w0 49b1 29w0 51b1 32w0 54b133716,5920,5
47Viñolo Karnaukhov Leonardo897GR 21w0 36b0 52w1 23b0 53b0 45w1 43b133814,5815,5
48Viñolo Karnaukhov Victor Luis888AL 22b0 29w0 43b1 37w1 28b0 31w0 41b133517,51021,5
49Martin Morales Adrian788GR 23w0 38b0 46w0 -1 41b1 39w0 50b024615,5719,5
50Calin David0ESP 24b0 37w0 45b1 31w0 43b0 41w0 49w124713,5615,5
51Garcia Lopez Sebastian0ESP 25w0 40b0 -1 30b0 46w0 37b0 45b124417620
52Jimenez Rojas Aitor0ESP -0 39w0 47b0 43w0 -1 -0 -014817322
53Martinez Vargas Adrian0ESP 26b0 -1 25w0 36b0 47w1 30b0 37w024317923
54Salguero Correa Lucia0ESP -1 14w0 27b0 38b0 45w1 36b0 46w0242181020,5

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)