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Всероссийское соревнование "Высшая лига" среди мужчин

Last update 11.07.2017 19:34:36, Creator/Last Upload: Vladimir Fedorov, IA, RUS

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1GMDubov Daniil 40w½ 31b1 14w1 27b½ 28w½ 7b½ 9w1 3b½ 13w16,545,54240
2GMSjugirov Sanan 18b0 51w1 34b½ 35w1 27w1 28b1 3w½ 4b½ 17w16,541,53950
3GMVolkov Sergey 32b1 44w½ 11b½ 22w1 21b1 4w½ 2b½ 1w½ 5b½648,54530
4GMRomanov Evgeny 34b1 18w1 27b½ 10w1 5b½ 3b½ 15w½ 2w½ 6b½648,544,530
5GMMatlakov Maxim 22b½ 36w1 9b½ 11w1 4w½ 17b½ 7w½ 20b1 3w½6484430
6GMNajer Evgeniy 13w1 20b1 21w½ 7b½ 17w½ 9b½ 16w½ 27b1 4w½647,54330,5
GMShimanov Aleksandr 31w½ 29b1 24w1 6w½ 19b½ 1w½ 5b½ 15b½ 16w1647,54330,5
8GMArtemiev Vladislav 12b1 27w0 28w0 41b1 40w1 23w½ 11b1 16b½ 15w164238,550
9GMAlekseev Evgeny 41w1 28b½ 5w½ 16b½ 25w1 6w½ 1b0 12w½ 23b15,54743,530
10GMMotylev Alexander 29w½ 40b1 16w1 4b0 20w½ 13b½ 34w1 17b½ 14w½5,54440,530
11GMBocharov Dmitry 46w1 17b½ 3w½ 5b0 42w½ 37b1 8w0 33b1 28w15,54339,540
12IMSarana Alexey 8w0 47b1 38w1 15b0 14w½ 42b1 25w½ 9b½ 27w15,542,53940
13GMBelozerov Andrei 6b0 45w1 52b½ 34w½ 36b1 10w½ 30b1 19w1 1b05,5413940
14GMKokarev Dmitry 43b½ 35w1 1b0 52w½ 12b½ 18w½ 36b1 22w1 10b½5,5413930
15GMRakhmanov Aleksandr 35b½ 22w½ 18b½ 12w1 23b½ 21w1 4b½ 7w½ 8b0547,543,520
16IMMoiseenko Vadim 49b1 30w1 10b0 9w½ 26b1 19w½ 6b½ 8w½ 7b054743,530
17GMDreev Aleksey 39b1 11w½ 44b1 21w½ 6b½ 5w½ 27b½ 10w½ 2b0546,54320
18FMSorokin Aleksey 2w1 4b0 15w½ 23b0 46w1 14b½ 29w1 25b½ 24w½54642,530
19GMZvjaginsev Vadim 37w1 24b½ 23w1 28b½ 7w½ 16b½ 20w½ 13b0 25w½5454120
20GMOparin Grigoriy 45b1 6w0 41b1 26w½ 10b½ 22w1 19b½ 5w0 21b½544,54130
21GMRozum Ivan 38w1 26w1 6b½ 17b½ 3w0 15b0 40w1 28b½ 20w½54440,530
22FMEsipenko Andrey 5w½ 15b½ 50w1 3b0 52w1 20b0 31w1 14b0 35w15413940
23GMAntipov Mikhail Al. 52b½ 43w1 19b0 18w1 15w½ 8b½ 28w½ 34b1 9w0540,538,530
24GMGoganov Aleksey 48w1 19w½ 7b0 29b0 32w½ 41b1 35w½ 44w1 18b½539,53630
25GMPotkin Vladimir 51b½ 52w½ 36b1 30w½ 9b0 26w1 12b½ 18w½ 19b½5393720
26GMKhismatullin Denis 42w1 21b0 37w1 20b½ 16w0 25b0 50w1 35b½ 34w1538,535,540
27GMPonkratov Pavel 47w1 8b1 4w½ 1w½ 2b0 29b1 17w½ 6w0 12b04,549,54630
28GMLevin Evgeny A. 53b1 9w½ 8b1 19w½ 1b½ 2w0 23b½ 21w½ 11b04,5474520
29IMTriapishko Alexandr 10b½ 7w0 43b1 24w1 30b½ 27w0 18b0 39w1 31b½4,542,53930
30GMKobalia Mikhail 50w1 16b0 46w1 25b½ 29w½ 34b0 13w0 32b½ 42w14,538,535,530
31Utnasunov Alexander 7b½ 1w0 35b0 49w½ 54b1 38w1 22b0 40b1 29w½4,5383730
32GMLugovskoy Maxim 3w0 38b0 54w1 46b½ 24b½ 36w0 48b1 30w½ 44b14,5353430
33IMVavulin Maksim 36b0 41w0 48b½ 51w1 39b0 49w1 45b1 11w0 37w14,53431,540
34FMDuzhakov Ilya 4w0 54b1 2w½ 13b½ 44b1 30w1 10b0 23w0 26b0442,541,530
35FMKhegay Dmitriy 15w½ 14b0 31w1 2b0 45w½ 52b1 24b½ 26w½ 22b04424020
36FMGaifullin Artur 33w1 5b0 25w0 50b1 13w0 32b1 14w0 37b0 53w14403840
37IMZabotin Alexander 19b0 48w1 26b0 45w½ 43b1 11w0 39b½ 36w1 33b0438,53530
38FMBykov Egor 21b0 32w1 12b0 43w0 48b1 31b0 47w1 42b0 50w1436,533,540
39Sek Konstantin 17w0 46b0 47w1 42b½ 33w1 40b0 37w½ 29b0 41w1435,53230
40WGMPogonina Natalija 1b½ 10w0 49b1 44w½ 8b0 39w1 21b0 31w0 47b½3,54238,520
41FMYeletsky Ivan 9b0 33b1 20w0 8w0 51b1 24w0 43b½ 49w1 39b03,539,53730
42IMOganian Miran 26b0 49w½ 51b1 39w½ 11b½ 12w0 44b0 38w1 30b03,53835,520
43FMSavenkov Konstantin 14w½ 23b0 29w0 38b1 37w0 47b½ 41w½ 46b½ 48w½3,53733,510
44IMTsydypov Zhamsaran 54w1 3b½ 17w0 40b½ 34w0 45b½ 42w1 24b0 32w03,5363520
45Drygalov Andrey 20w0 13b0 53w1 37b½ 35b½ 44w½ 33w0 50b½ 46w½3,5353310
46FMSamojlov Anton 11b0 39w1 30b0 32w½ 18b0 50b0 54w1 43w½ 45b½3,534,533,520
47FMFaizrakhmanov Ramil 27b0 12w0 39b0 48w½ 53b1 43w½ 38b0 52b1 40w½3,532,530,520
48Saveliev Alexei 24b0 37b0 33w½ 47b½ 38w0 54b1 32w0 53w1 43b½3,5323120
49FMKozak Alexander 16w0 42b½ 40w0 31b½ 50w½ 33b0 51w1 41b0 54w13,5313020
50FMSavitskiy Sergey 30b0 53w1 22b0 36w0 49b½ 46w1 26b0 45w½ 38b03353320
51FMUlyanin Sergei 25w½ 2b0 42w0 33b0 41w0 53w0 49b0 54b1 52w12,531,530,520
52GMYandemirov Valeri 23w½ 25b½ 13w½ 14b½ 22b0 35w0 53b0 47w0 51b02383600
53FMSin Denis 28w0 50b0 45b0 54w0 47w0 51b1 52w1 48b0 36b0227,526,520
54FMMusaev Rasul 44b0 34w0 32b0 53b1 31w0 48w0 46b0 51w0 49b0131,529,510

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break4: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)