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Krajský přebor školní mládeže kategorie 1. - 3. třída ZŠ

Last update 19.06.2017 12:35:42, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 117

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Zrůbek Adam1000 36b1 12w1 11b1 18w1 2b1 8w1 3b1721028
2Langr Filip1000 28b1 9w1 4b1 3b1 1w0 6w1 8b1624025
3Navrátil Jakub1100 34b1 6w1 10b1 2w0 9b1 4w1 1w0524,5023
4Reichel Ondřej1000 19w1 5b1 2w0 23b1 14w1 3b0 15w1521,5121
5Zatloukal Waldemar0 7b1 4w0 6b0 27w1 20b1 10w1 17b1521,5017
6Till David1000 25w1 3b0 5w1 13b1 22w1 2b0 21w1520,5020
7Vodáková Anežka1000 5w0 19b0 38b1 29w1 24b1 18w1 11b1516,5015
8Stodola Lukáš1000 30b1 24w1 18b½ 11w1 10b1 1b0 2w04,520,5022,5
9Zrůbek Dan1000 32w1 2b0 25w1 16b1 3w0 21b½ 19w14,519018
10Raška Lukáš1000 27b1 20w1 3w0 15b1 8w0 5b0 25w1420018
11Mlčoch Marek1000 37w1 33b1 1w0 8b0 32w1 14b1 7w0417,5018
12Kostka Jiří1000 26w1 1b0 23w1 14b0 25w1 15b0 18b1417,5016
13Bouchalová Květa1000 20b0 22w1 26b1 6w0 17b½ 16w½ 24b1417,5014,5
14Šulc Max1000 22b0 30w1 24b1 12w1 4b0 11w0 23b1417016
Hrabal Nikola0 18b0 31w1 29b1 10w0 23b1 12w1 4b0417016
16Richter Ondřej1000 24b0 27w1 20b½ 9w0 34b1 13b½ 22w1416,5013,5
17Růžička Oto1000 35w1 23b0 19w½ 33b1 13w½ 22b1 5w0415,5017
18Kopecký Filip1027 15w1 21b1 8w½ 1b0 19w1 7b0 12w03,521018,5
19Novák Martin0 4b0 7w1 17b½ 20w1 18b0 26w1 9b03,520,5014,5
20Kazík Martin0 13w1 10b0 16w½ 19b0 5w0 36b1 29w13,518012,5
21Vilhelm Jan1000 31b1 18w0 28b1 22w0 26b1 9w½ 6b03,517016
22Škoda Dominik0 14w1 13b0 33w1 21b1 6b0 17w0 16b0319,5016
23Škoda Jakub0 38b1 17w1 12b0 4w0 15w0 28b1 14w0319015
24Patočka Vojtěch0 16w1 8b0 14w0 37b1 7w0 32b1 13w0318,5013
25Stoklasa Kryštof0 6b0 34w1 9b0 28w1 12b0 27w1 10b0318,5012
26Knápek Jan0 12b0 36w1 13w0 35b1 21w0 19b0 32w1315011
27Linek Ondřej0 10w0 16b0 36w1 5b0 33w1 25b0 34w131509
28Kroupa Martin0 2w0 32b1 21w0 25b0 37w1 23w0 33b1313,5010
29Šulc Kryštof0 33w0 37b1 15w0 7b0 35w1 34b½ 20b02,513,5010
30Prázdný Lukáš0 8w0 14b0 32w0 34w0 31b½ 37b1 36w12,51204,5
31Vrzal Tadeáš0 21w0 15b0 37w0 36b0 30w½ 35b1 38w12,510,504,5
32Šaradin Matěj0 9b0 28w0 30b1 38w1 11b0 24w0 26b0215,509
33Faith Hugo0 29b1 11w0 22b0 17w0 27b0 38w1 28w0215,509
34Holubík Lukáš0 3w0 25b0 35w½ 30b1 16w0 29w½ 27b021507,5
35Pernecká Anna0 17b0 38w½ 34b½ 26w0 29b0 31w0 37w121106,5
36Čihalík Kamil0 1w0 26b0 27b0 31w1 38b½ 20w0 30b01,514,505,5
37Král Adam0 11b0 29w0 31b1 24w0 28b0 30w0 35b0113,505
38Bodová Vendula0 23w0 35b½ 7w0 32b0 36w½ 33b0 31b0111,504,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break