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Campeonato Uruguayo Sub 20 Absoluto y Femenino 2017

Última actualización19.06.2017 17:59:41, Propietario/Última carga: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 6 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3  Des 4 
1CMKimelman Gabriel2266URU 18b1 7w1 6b1 3w1 5b½ 2w½50,52225128
2Laenen Matias1931URU 15b1 19w1 3b½ 6w1 8b1 1b½50,52022,5130
3Vazquez Facundo1791URU 23w1 16b1 2w½ 1b0 19w1 10b14,501921,5122
4Canabal Ignacio1724URU 26b1 13w½ 7b½ 20w1 9b½ 8w14,501719,5113,5
5Dominguez Facundo2036URU 17w1 9b1 10w1 8b½ 1w½ -04020,523,5103
6WFMQuevedo Andreina1880URU 12w1 11b1 1w0 2b0 17w1 15b1402023121
7WCMMalan Lucia1688URU 28w1 1b0 4w½ 12b1 11w½ 9w1402021,5118,5
8Dotta Gian Franco1825URU 29b1 20w1 13b1 5w½ 2w0 4b03,502021,5111,5
9Miraballes Lopez Ricardo Andr1665URU 31b1 5w0 15b1 16w1 4w½ 7b03,501920,5114
10WCMPerez Cecilia Manuela1558URU 30b1 18w1 5b0 11b½ 20w1 3w03,501819113,5
11Appoloni Facundo1632URU 22b1 6w0 25b1 10w½ 7b½ 13w½3,5017,520114,5
12Correa Lucio1220URU 6b0 22w1 19b½ 7w0 23b1 18w13,501618,5114,5
13Oviedo Mathias1572URU 27w1 4b½ 8w0 24b½ 25w1 11b½3,501617,5109,5
14Aprahamian Tomas1255URU -0 -0 24w½ 21w1 22b1 19b13,50141673
15Roselli Federico1255URU 2w0 28b1 9w0 30b1 16b1 6w0301718115
16Mordetzki Ariel1602URU 21b1 3w0 26b1 9b0 15w0 25w1301618,5109
17Rodriguez Delfino Tiago1452URU 5b0 31w1 21b1 19w0 6b0 24w13015,517115,5
18Cardozo Camila1554URU 1w0 10b0 33w1 27b1 24w1 12b03015,516106,5
19Amaral Francisco1645URU 33w1 2b0 12w½ 17b1 3b0 14w02,5020,521107,5
20Lima Abadal Nicolas1626URU 24w1 8b0 30w1 4b0 10b0 21w½2,501617110,5
21Sosa Ines0URU 16w0 23b1 17w0 14b0 27w1 20b½2,5015,51798,5
22Scayola Gianfranco0URU 11w0 12b0 28w1 23b½ 14w0 29w12,5015,51797
23Callero Juan0URU 3b0 21w0 31b1 22w½ 12w0 28b12,5014,516102
24Sosa Bruno0URU 20b0 29w1 14b½ 13w½ 18b0 17b02016,51895
25Raviola Luca1214URU -0 33b1 11w0 26w1 13b0 16b0201616,583,5
26Marziotte Andres0URU 4w0 27b1 16w0 25b0 30w1 -02014,515,584
27Suarez Paula0URU 13b0 26w0 29b1 18w0 21b0 30w+20131493
28Mendez Leo0URU 7b0 15w0 22b0 31w1 29b½ 23w01,50,513,51597
29Alles Juan0URU 8w0 24b0 27w0 33b1 28w½ 22b01,50,51111,597,5
30Vespa Tiziano0URU 10w0 -1 20b0 15w0 26b0 27b-1013,515,586,5
31Perroni Gonzalo0URU 9w0 17b0 23w0 28b0 33w1 -01012,51380,5
32Suarez Pedro1684URU -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00012,513,50
33Rodriguez Faggiani Federico0URU 19b0 25w0 18b0 29w0 31b0 -000111278

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 4: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable